Chapter 41 :Shocked!

"I am, but I didn't say I would do it alone did I? I'm sure my aunt would love to help me out."

Harry's cheeks tinged red as he quickly hide his face behind his coffee cup, "your aunt, right."

Percy laughed at Harry's embarrassment, but he really couldn't blame the kid. Percy still remembered the first time Hecate and Harry meet.

Harry had just successful poured Percy's potion into Dudley's drink and had come back to tell him about how the fat bully reacted. But when had knocked on number 7's door Hecate was the one who had opened.

Harry blinked as he looked at the attractive woman, "ah, hello. Is-ah, is Percy here?"

"Yes he is Harry, please, come in," Hecate moved back allowing Harry inside. The goddess shut the door behind her and called out, "Percy! Harry's here!"

Harry looked at the woman, she was very beautiful in his eyes. She wore a form fitting red robes that hugged her chest and stomach giving a low cut at her cleavage. Her hips seemed to be hidden well, and Harry couldn't stop himself from imagining what she would look like underneath that.

"So Harry, are you done picturing me naked yet?" Hecate asked with a sweet smile.

Harry looked shocked, "I-I'm sorry!"

"Oh don't be dear, everyone does it. In fact I find that the only ones who don't are the men in my family, Percy and the rest. I think they can sense that I'm trouble in the regard, hm."

Harry blushed red, "I-I swear I didn't mean to!"

"Really? And why is that? Am I not pretty enough Harry?"

"What? No! You're very pretty!"

"Then why didn't you mean you picture me naked? Is it the dress? Sigh, I knew I should've gone with the black one, much more scandalous."

"No!" Harry shouted yet again, his blush growing bigger and bigger, "I-I think this dress is very pretty."

"Oh thank you dear," Hecate smiled as she walked closer. Harry quickly moved back until his back was pressed up to the wall. He took deep breaths as Hecate looked into his eyes, she could smell her, she smelt so good, Harry felt warm wearing these clothes.

Hecate looked him over and smiled, she traced a finger down his cheek and whispered, "you know, if you wish, I could show you a world you can never dream off Harry. I can make you a man, and leave you wanting for more. And I can make you," she leaned in and whispered, "mine."

Harry gulped. Hecate drew back and smiled as she ran her hands down Harry's shoulders to his chest and then kept going lower. Harry stammered, "I-I-"

"Hecate!" Percy cried out, "stop trying seduce undergae boys!"

The woman groaned as she stepped away. Harry couldn't help feeling saddened by the loss as he watched her turn around and face Percy.

"I wasn't going to do anything," Hecate said with a shrug.

"Care you say that again under Veritaserum?" Percy chuckled.

The goddess huffed, "spoil sport."

Percy turned to Harry, "don't' mind her. She's what I would call a cougar, tends to go after younger men a quarter her age."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Hecate smiled before turning to Harry, "the offer still stands Harry. Call on me anytime you change your mind." she waved seductively and walked away leaving Harry light headed.

"Ah hm," Percy coughed, "Harry, ah….your pants."

Harry blinked before he looked down. Apparently his lower half decided to show just how much it appreciated Hecate's offer. Immediately Harry cupped his groin blushing, "s-sorry."

"Need a minute to yourself?" Percy teased.

"I hate you so much right now," Harry grumbled. And that was Harry's first meeting with the goddess of magic.

Percy smiled recalling the memory as Harry and him walked towards the movie theater. Harry had finally managed to get a day away from the Dursley's and Percy was more than happy to take the little guy out.

"So what movie are we going to watch?" Harry asked about putting his empty cup into a trash bin.

"Well it's called The Lion King, so you know," Percy shrugged.

"Ah no, I don't. Hasn't it just been released today?"

"Oh, well yeah, what I meant was that it is made by Disney, they have a pretty good track record," Percy quickly spat out.

"Really? What other movies did Disney make?"

Percy blinked, "ah….Mickey Mouse?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, "right….you are a strange wizard Mr. Jackson."

"Oh please, compared to the average wizard I'm completely normal! I mean come on! Who wears bathrobes all the time?!"

"They aren't bath robes, they are just robes."

"Which I would wear while stepping out of the bath. Hence they are bathrobes."

Harry groaned, "I hate arguing with you."

"Because you can never win?"

"No because you make no sense," Harry groaned as they quickly bought two tickets and waited in the lobby for the theater doors to open. Percy bought them both a large popcorn and soda, and when Harry insisted that he payed, but then Percy threatened to obliviate the boy and Harry decided otherwise.

"So you are excited to join Hogwarts?" Harry asked as munched on his snacks.

"Well yes, from what you've told me it sounds like an amazing place," Percy shrugged, "the fact that you guys had a werewolf for a teacher is awesome! It's sad he got kicked out, it would be so cool! Imagine the jokes Harry! 'Kids I'm sorry, but when I turned into my wolf form ate your homework.' It would be hilarious!"

Harry laughed, he found himself becoming closer and closer to Percy. The American was easy to talk too and very relaxed, a week ago he didn't even know the guy, now he feels like a good friend.

Just then Harry spotted a large group of teenagers walk into the theater and head for the snack counter. Harry groaned when he spotted Dudley and his gang mixed in with the older teenagers. He turned to Percy and elbowed him, "fat boy 12 o'clock."

"Really? Where?" Percy looked up and saw Dudley and Piers standing at the snack counter. He also saw Casey and Jenny with them along with a few other teenagers, probably their friends.

"Great just great," Percy turned around and faced the wall. He took out his wand and discreetly put a notice-me-not charm on himself and Harry.