Chapter 42 : Blinked!

Harry blinked feeling the sudden rush of magic, "w-what was that?"

"A notice me not charm," Percy explained, "it's OWL level, and one of the few charms I can actually perform. While under it we will be ignored by everyone else. But be careful, it's not that good though, so it might break if you do something stupid."

Harry nodded, "got it." Dudley then started looking around and Harry saw his eyes pass over his form without any sign of recognition. Harry couldn't help a grin forming on his face, "God I love magic."

Percy chuckled and agreed. They went inside the theater the moment the doors opened and sat down near the back. Dudley and his gang sat a few rows down and none of them seemed to notice Harry and Percy.

The movie was alright, Percy didn't mind it too much as this was probably the 20th time he saw this movie. When he was growing up his mom had watched it with him again and again. Harry on the other hand loved it.

"You are such a big baby," Percy laughed as they walked out of the theater.

"I am not!"

"Yeah you are! Don't think I didn't see you cry when Mufasa died!"

"Of course I did! Who wouldn't have cried?! Only a heartless monster that's who!"

"Are you calling me a heartless monster?"

"Did you cry?"

Percy chuckled, "I did."

"I didn't see tears."

Percy gave a lopsided grin, "drying spells are amazing Harry, you should really learn them."

Harry gaped, "not fair," he grumbled as Percy laughed. They stepped out and stretched, the day was still young, it was barely passed 4 in the afternoon. Harry turned to Percy, "so what now Jacky?"

"Now? Well I don't' know really. I just come here, watch a movie and then maybe spend some time in the park relaxing. And then go home when it becomes dark. What do you usually do?"

"Be stuck at the Dursley's doing chores," Harry grumbled.

"Well then maybe we can go back to my place and I can help you get back at them?"

"You want to help me prank them again?"

Percy grinned, "yup! This time I was thinking we could stick too mortal means and just mess with your uncle's car. Maybe we can lossed his lug nuts so when he takes the car out the wheels will automatically break apart!"

"I don't know, how are we going to do that and not get caught?"

"Hm, maybe in the middle of the night when everyone's asleep? We could make it fun too, you can help me get the tools needed, or maybe I can just transfigure what we need and then-"

Percy felt someone bump into him and suddenly the charm he placed over himself and Harry fell apart. Percy turned and saw Cassy looking up at him with wide eyes.

"I-I'm sorry," Cassy stammered and soon everyone else in Dudley's little group noticed Percy and Harry.

"Freak!" Dudley cried out as he spotted Harry, "what are you doing here?!"

Harry hit himself up the head, "somebody help me."

Percy rolled his eyes, "come on Harry, let's go. I'm hungry for some pizza, you're buying."

"Sure," Harry nodded as they two quickly did their best to walk away from what would surely become a scene. But alas Fate as always was a bitch.

"Hey wait!" Cassy called out as she tried to catch up to Percy and Harry.

Percy groaned, he looked at Harry who shrugged. Percy turned around, "yeah? What do you want?"

"I..." Cassy stopped as she looked embarrassed, "I wanted to thank you, know. Saving our lives."

"Don't mention it," Percy waved it off.

"So...what are you doing today?" Cassy asked shly.

"Nothing, me and Harry here are going to get a late lunch."

Cassy looked at Harry and looked surprised, she didn't seem to notice him before. "I-I see. Hello Harry."

"Hello Cassandra," Harry greeted her looking a little confused, "long time."

"Yeah," the girl nodded before turning to Percy, "well me and my friends are going to Habit's to get a slice, you can with if you want. I'll pay, consider it my treat for saving me."

"No, it's fine," Percy waved her offer away with a smile, "I wouldn't want to intrude, plus you know having the two freaks of Pivert drive around might not be the best thing to enjoy a party."

Cassy flinched, "I'm sorry Dudley called you that, I don't' know what came over him. He's usually such a nice boy. I'll talk you him, I promise."

"Don't bother, whatever he says isn't worth the breath he wastes saying it," Percy shot a glare at Dudley who flinched in fear. The demigod then turned to Cassie and smiled, "enjoy your pizza. Come on Harry."

Percy and Harry walked away as fast as they could. Cassy growled, "at least tell me your name!"

"Call me Peter!" Percy called back as they quickly left the town walking back to Privet drive.

"That was rude," Harry said after they were out of Cassy's ear range.

"Which part? Rejecting her offer for lunch or giving the fake name?"


"Well in my defense I don't like her one bit," Percy grumbled.

"What did she mean to save her life?" Harry eventually asked.

Percy sighed, "well a few days after I came here I ran into your cousin bullying a kid. I told him to step off and he tried to punch me in the face, but he got his wrist snapped instead."

"You broke his wrist?"

"Not really," Percy grumbled, "it's complicated. I kind of have very thick skin, can't really be broken you know? And Dudley learnt that the hard way."

"Wait, you're the one Petunia has been whining about?!" Harry exclaimed.

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since I came back this summer my aunt has been yelling at anyone who listened to how some ruffian had broken her little Dudley King's hand. She said she tried to confront his parents but they were equally rude, I think she might have tried to start a riot at one point."

Percy sighed, "man don't take this the wrong way, but your family if fucked up."