Chapter 44 :Hecate!

Percy blinked, "huh, sounds cool. Which year are they?"

"Well...I think they are going to be in their sixth year," Harry scratched his chin, "so they should be a year younger than you."

"What are you talking about? If they are in their sixth year then they are my year mates."

"What? But you're a seventh year aren't you?"

"No...I'm a, or I'm going to be, a sixth year."

"Sixth year?! How old are you?!"

"Sixteen, why?"

"S-sixteen?! But you're using magic!"

Percy blinked, "oh...right."

"That's it?! You use magic and all you have to say is all right?! How are you using magic anyway?! How haven't you gotten expelled yet?!"

"Expelled from what? I haven't officially joined Hogwarts yet have I?"

Harry blinked, stumped at what he had heard, "what?"

"Technically speaking I haven't joined Hogwarts yet, I'm waiting to receive my OWLs and then I'm going to join."

"But-but won't the ministry at least know that you are performing magic openly?!"

Percy shrugged, "I'm American, diffrent system," Percy didn't know if that was true, but he really really hoped it was.

Harry was speechless for the longest time. He then slowly blinked, broke of a pieces of bread and threw it into the pond, "that's so not fair."

Percy chuckled, "life isn't always fair."

Harry nodded, "yeah...anyway I should probably leave. Ever since Dudley's little incident Petunia has put us all on a diet and things have become hell."

"You need me to sneak you some food?"

"Yes please," Harry sighed, "hopefully I can last until my birthday, usually by the time Hagrid of Mrs. Weasley would have given me tons of food."

"Your birthday? Is that soon?"

Harry nodded, "yes, it's on the 31st."

"That's in three days! Why is this the first time I hearing off this Potter?"

Harry winced, "sorry."

Percy grumbled, "great, how am I supposed to get you a present in three days time?"

"You don't have to get me anything, I mean it's not like-"

"Oh shut up Harry, I get my friends presents, and that's the end of that. We are friends yes?" Percy glared.

"Yes Percy, we're friends."

"Then I won't hear you arguing, got it?!"

"Yes sir!"

Percy chuckled, "cheeky bugger."

"Hey look at that! You're using british slag! How does it feel to be finally using proper english?"

"How does it feel to live in a country whose wether ether looks like the top of a chimney or the bottom of one?"

"...okay...that was a good one."

Percy grinned, "thanks. Now get outta here, don't' want Petunia pissed at you more than she is." Harry nodded and with a quick goodbye left Percy alone by the pond.

The demigod had spent the month of June mostly ether with Harry or with Hecate learning new spells. Obviously Percy didn't like studying too much, so these breaks he took with Harry were very much welcome.

The younger boy was nice to talk too and often gave Percy company whenever the demigod felt bored. He also joined in whatever crazy idea the demigod had thought off and for that Percy was grateful.

Percy decided he should probably get Harry something good for his birthday, maybe Hecate would help him?

Percy sighed, the sky was going dark, he got up from his bench and threw the rest of the bread into the lake. He started to walk away when he heard a call, "Peter!"

The demigod turned around to see Cassy run up to him. She wore a pair of shorts that ended a few inches above her knees and a grey hoodie with the words 'Girl Power!' written across in bright neon pink.

"Cassy," Percy nodded, "what's up?"

"Oh, I, ah...well I just wanted to say hello," Cassie blushed, Percy tried his best to not chuckle, but he couldn't help the smile coming on his face.

"I see….hello then."

"Right, hello," Cassy's blush grew redder she looked around nervously while Percy waited for her to say something.

Finally Percy got bored, "well this has been fun. I'll see you around."

"Wait!" Cassy called out, "do, do you..." she mumbled something in the end that Percy couldn't hear.

"I'm sorry Cassie, but I didn't hear that."

Cassy turned red, "and-nothing. Sorry for bothering you."

Percy smiled sadly, he nodded and walked away leaving the girl blushing red. He felt bad for her, he did, and he would have even asked her out first if...well there were just so many things wrong for that to happen.

"I'm home," Percy called out as he walked into number 7. The house had changed two weeks ago. Hecate had finally taken Percy shopping and they had furnished the entire place.

Nothing too fancy, just the basics. Tables, chairs, couches, beds. Percy even finally got around to furnishing his bedroom.

"In here," Hecate called out. Percy went to the kitchen which now had a fridge microwave and other necessary items. Hecate herself sat at the dining table sipping tea from her favorite cup.

"Hello Percy, how was your day?" Hecate asked looking up from the Atlantean spell book she had gotten him.

"Not bad. Just spent it with Harry," Percy shrugged.

"I when's the wedding?"

Percy's eyes went wide, "what?! No! We aren't gay Hecate!"

"Well I know he isn't, but I'm not too sure about you..."

"I'm not gay Hecate, just because I don't want to sleep with you doesn't mean I'm gay."

"Actually it does," Hecate pointed at the simple black dress she wore, "which self respecting hot blooded young man wouldn't want a piece of this?"

"The kind that knows not to stick his dick in crazy."

"Are you calling me crazy?"

"Yes. Are you saying you're not crazy?"

"...I still think you're gay."

"And I still think you are crazy."

Hecate grumbled, "you know you can't just put your life on hold expecting things to go bad right?"

"What do you mean?"


Percy rolled his eyes, "spying on me have you?"

"No….Harry told me."

"When did he do that?"

"A few days ago, when you were out pranking Petunia in church."

"Huh. Well what does Cassy have to do with anything?"