Chapter 45 : Missed!

"Well I'm still trying to learn to move on!" Percy yelled slamming his hand on the table, "do you just expect me to forget 16 years of my life?! Shit, I left friends behind Hecate, I left people I considered family! And….I left so much more. I'll move on, I promise, but I'll do it in my own time…..good night."

Percy went to his newly furnished room and stripped. Once he was down to his boxers he curled into his bed and began to remember.

He missed his old life, he tried to move on, he did, but how could he not miss them? Thalia, Grover, Tyson, Blackjack, Rachel and so many more. And more than any of them he missed Annabeth the most.

Percy sighed as suddenly he felt the weight of the world come down on him. He tried his best not to think about it, but he couldn't hold it back forever.

He had been in love with her, she was the reason he even survived taking the curse of Achilles. And in the last moment of the future she out right admitted to loving Luke.

Percy's heart had broken into pieces, and yet he never really dealt with the pain. Something always came up. First it was being sent back in time, next was studying for the OWLs, then came Harry himself who provided another distraction. Percy had been running away from his feelings, even now he was afraid of what to think.

Time was probably his best friends right now, healing the wound, numbing it. Which was ironic considering it was time that got him in this mess in the first place. Percy never let himself feel hurt by Annabeth's rejection, though he can't really blame her, she didn't know how he felt.

So Percy now had no idea where his heart lay. He didn't want to begin anything new, he didn't want to fall in love in case something stupid happened and he got sent back even further in time.

Well that was kind of farfetched, but that was the point. His life was so complicated that he doubted any woman would be sane enough to want to deal with it.

He was a demigod from the future that was now hiding inside the magical wizarding world to prevent destroying the timeline otherwise Kronos would win thereby destroying the world….think about that for a moment.

Percy didn't get much sleep that night, and what sleep he did get was infested with nightmares. The next morning he came down and made himself some toast with butter. Hecate came down later and the two sat down in silence.

"I realise I went a bit far last time," Hecate began, "I apologize for what I said."

"Forget it," Percy waved her off, "you were right. I need to move on, just….just give me time."

"Don't take too much time, or else that Cassy girl will move on before you can say accio."

Percy snorted, "yeah, that's definitely not happening."

"And why not? Is it because of Harry?"

"For the last time Hecate I'm not gay!"

The Goddess laughed and slowly Percy joined in. They talked a lot that day, not as master and student but as friends, Percy would even go as far as to say like family members.

That day Hecate took Percy to Diagon Alley to help him pick out a gift for Harry, a book about defensive magic. Harry showed an interest in the branch of magic and Hecate agreed that he had talent in the subject.

The next day was the 30th. It was an ordinary day, nothing too special. Except for one thing, it has officially been one month since Percy had stuck a mandrake leaf to the roof of his mouth. He had cast the animagus spell on himself every day at exactly 10:01 am. He didn't miss a single day, and now a month had passed.

Percy sat in the living room with Hecate by his side as they looked over the Animagus text.

"Alright, so you completed the first step?" Hecate asked.

Percy nodded, he pressed his wand up to the roof of his mouth and canceled the sticking charm he had placed. He then took out the leaf and sighed, the bitter taste it had in the beginning had vanished halfway through the fourth day. Now the leaf tasted very bland and looked like it had been soaked in water for days.

"Alright, now all we have to do is create the animagus potion shown here and you drink it." Hecate showed Percy the potion and the demigod groaned.

"Something wrong?" Hecate asked.

"Well...yeah. From what I'm seeing here the potion will have a hallucinogenic effect on the drinker. I'm just wondering if that's safe."

"Not to worry, I'm sure it will be fine. Now get to work. According to this thing it will take you a week to complete the potion, so you better start now."

Percy agreed and quickly he started working on the animagus potion. He took care with all the ingredients as they were not only rare but also dangerous if used improperly.

It took Percy the better part of the day to ready the potion, and when he was done he put the potion's burner on simmer. Now all he had to do was wait for a week.

Percy then began another pet project of his, the hoverboard! Or at least trying to make a hoverboard.

He went into town and bought a skateboard for himself, nothing too fancy, just a plain black board. Once back home he removed the boards' wheels and axle and placed it on his study bench.

Percy then began to read up on all the charms he could find involving the creation of brooms. It seemed that there were quite a number of charms applied to a broomstick.

There was first and formore a levitation charm for it to fly, then there was also charms to induce movement and forward trust, charm that would change the direction of the broom based on movement from the rider and even charms that could help keep the broom stable.