Chapter 46 : Hopeless..!

Percy spent the entire day compiling a list of charms that he would need to apply on his board to make it work and he realised he was basically screwed. Even if he was as good at Charms as he was at potions he would have a hell of a hard time reflecting the charms.

Percy groaned, 'it' hopeless. Why did it have to charms? Why couldn't it have been something simpler? Like rune? God's…..wait...runes! That's it! I have the spells on hand, I just had to find their rune equivalent and then activate them! And anything I can't apply as a charm I'll simply apply as a potion or something else! It's brilliant! Haha! Screw you charms! You can kiss my ass!'

Percy then quickly looked over the charms and did his best to find a substitute for them. When he could use a rune instead he did so. One charm he found he could replace with a potion, it was to reduce air resistance, esly done with Percy's skill.

When Percy was done he realised it was nearly midnight, meaning it was almost Harry's birthday. Percy wasn't really feeling sleepy, so he finger he might as well surprise his friend with an early birthday wish.

Percy looked inside his fridge and found frozen leftover pizza. He took it out and applied a quick heating charm to the pie before grabbing Harry's birthday present and walking out.

He snuck into number four's backyard and looked up to the windows on the first floor. Harry mentioned that his room was the smallest one and that at one point his uncle had bars on them. It didn't take long for Percy to find the window in question.

'Let's see, it's a good….maybe 15 feet up? Should be easy enough to jump,' Percy remembered times where he jumped twice that distance. The curse gave him enhanced strength and reflexes a jump of this height was nothing.

Percy placed the pizza pie on the ground and shrunk and pocketed Harry's present. He moved back a good ten steps and then ran forward leaping in the air.

'Almost got it!' Percy flew threw the air and found himself missing the window about to crash into the building's wall, "shit!"

Percy crashed into the wall, Percy thrust his fist forward punching into the concrete and finding a hold on the flat structure. The demigod dangled freely, he sighed, 'thank you curse of Achilles.'

Just then the window swung open and Harry's head popped out, he looked down and his eyes went wide, "Percy?!"

Percy grinned as he waved with his free hand, "heya Harry!"

"What are you doing here?!" Harry hissed.

"Well I came to wish you a happy birthday! Duh!" Percy grinned like an idiot and Harry palmed his face.

"For Merlin's sake man just don't dangle there! Get in!" Harry hissed.

"Right," Percy reached up and grabbed Harry's window sill. He pulled himself up and into the room and sighed in relief, "remind me never to do that again."

"You're crazy, you know that?" Harry said laughing at Percy' goofy smile.

"Yeah tell me something I don't know," Percy got up and patted himself down. He then went over the window and summoned the pizza pie he left down on the ground. Percy turned around and grinned, "one half eaten extra large meat lovers delight."

Harry smiled, "best birthday ever!"

Percy and Harry sat down on Harry's bed as they ate the pizza. Harry moaned in joy as he tasted the first slice, Percy chuckled, he couldn't really blame his friend he had heard what kind of diet his aunt force him into, Harry was already thin, that would have made him anorexic.

"So am I the first one to wish you?" Percy asked.

"You are, although I expect to receive owls from my friends soon," Harry munched on his slice, "they usually come about this time."

Percy nodded as he looked around the room. He found the room smaller than normal, but it wasn't too bad, he had personally lived in shittier places.

He did notice that a lot of the room was allocated for storing piles of broken toys. Percy saw a lot of action figures, a few broken toys and even a broken broken TV!

"No offence Harry but you really need to clean up in here," Percy grumbled.

"Your one to talk, Hecate told me you basically threw all your stuff into the living room when you first came here!"

"Well in my defense I had very little stuff. And why are you and my aunt talking?" Percy gasped, "could...could it be? Did she finally do it?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, "do what?"

" it can't be! She swore she wouldn't! How woe is you Harry, poor poor you!"

"What are you on about Jackson?!"

"My aunt," Percy sniffed hiding his face behind his hand, "she took anyway your innocence didn't she?"

Harry turned red, "shut up you asshole!"

Percy couldn't help it, he broke into laughter further angering Harry. The young wizard grabbed a pillow and hit Percy in the face. The demigod fell back and held his stomach as he laughed harder and harder. "Gods! Your face! So red!"

"Shut it Jackson!" Harry kicked Percy off the bed, "or else you'll wake up the whole house!"

Percy chuckled, "yeah, yeah," Percy took out his wand and cast a silencing spell on the door, "there, now we can be as loud as we wan't and the Dursley's can't hear shit. Happy?"

Harry smiled, "very. Now, where were we?"

"I was commenting about how you and my aunt totally had-"

"Not that!" Harry cut in, "we were talking about Dudley's toys."

Percy blinked, "wait these are Dudley's things?" Harry nodded, "why aren't they in his room then?"

"Because this used to be his room also. I moved in here after I got my Hogwarts letter. They kind of just left all of this here."

Percy blinked, "wait...that's not right. My house and yours are basically the same, and we have only three rooms. How many rooms are in this place again?"

Harry flinched, "ah...three."

"Okay….so if your aunt and uncle shared one room and Dudley used tow, where did you sleep till you were 11?"