Chapter 47 : Mentioned!

Harry gulped, "ah, well I just kind of moved around you know. Sometimes I-"

"-Harry. Where did you sleep?" Percy narrowed his eyes.

Harry sighed, "you know the closest in your house that you use to store your magical things?"

Percy's eyes went wide in horror, "you're joking."

Harry hang his head, "no...I'm not."

"Dude...I'm sorry man," Percy sat down next to Harry throwing his hand over the younger boy's shoulder, "damn...I didn't think they were that bad."

"It wasn't so horrible. I was pretty small back then, so the cupboard was actually pretty big for me."

"Yeah well if yours is anything like mine then it's filled with spiders and covered with dust. I have to clean that thing every other day to prevent a dust build up! Shit Harry! This is child abuse level crazy man! Fuck, get your coat we are going to the cops right now!"

"What? No Percy! Please, you don't understand-"

"I understand perfectly Harry! These people are monsters! Not even Gabe was this bad!"

"Gabe?" Harry asked.

Percy groaned, "abusive stepfather, tell you later. Look Harry you don't deserve to be treated this way. Pack your bags, you can stay with me and Hecate until the cops settle this."

"Percy you don't understand! I can't leave them!"

"Why not?!"

"Because Dumbledore told me!" Harry cried out. Percy looked confused so Harry continued, "the headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, you know him?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, Hecate mentioned him once or twice."

"Well he basically told me that I had no choice, I have to stay here. When Voldemort came after me and my family, my mom gave her life up for me and in doing so she….she created this protection around me.

As long as I have it he can't hurt me and in order to power them up I need to stay with my blood relatives for at least the summer."

"But...but isn't Voldemort dead? Don't you kill him all those years ago?"

Harry looked up, a cloud of anger and hate fell over his jade green eyes. "No...he isn't. He's still alive."

And Harry then told Percy about what happened. How in his first year Voldemort had possessed hissa teacher and tried to steal the philosopher's stone.

How Harry and his friends, Ron and Hermione, had stopped him. He didn't go into any details and Percy didn't ask.

Then came second year when Voldemort had possessed a student and tried to unleash some kind of monster upon the school. Harry didn't mention who the student was or what happened, but he told Percy that Voldemort had almost won.

Luckily nothing Voldemort related had happened during his third year, but the way Harry spoke told Percy something else had gone wrong.

And the end of the tale Percy sat on Harry bed looking impressed and slightly surprised. "Well I have to say, you might have just beaten my person record of getting into trouble with psychotic killers."

Harry chuckled, "yeah, I tend to beat everyone when it comes to that."

Percy grinned, "I said almost kid. Your life is pretty fucked up, but it has nothing on mine."

Harry raised an eyebrow, "oh really?"

"Yup. But that doesn't really matter, if you want I'll tell you about it later," Percy smiled before turning serious, "so Voldemort is alive huh?"

Harry smile fell away, "yes, he is. I think right now he's just a spirit floating around somewhere."

Percy sighed, "well that's better than him having a human body. I've read about the things he did, gave me a nightmare."

Harry nodded, "yeah."

"...alright, enough of this depressing shit! On with the presents!" Percy grinned as he jumped on his feet.

"Percy you didn't have to get me anything."

"Oh nonsense," Percy reached into his pocket and pulled out the defence book he had gotten harry. He enlarged it and gave it to the wizard, "happy birthday Harry. Thought you might like this."

Harry accepted the book grateful and looked it over. His eyes went wide as a sparkle returned to it, "this-this is amazing Percy! Thank you!"

"Hey no problem man," Percy smiled, "think of it as a thank you for making my summer less boring. I'm sure if you weren't there Hecate would have probably locked me up in the house and force me to learn for my NEWTs already!"

Harry smiled. He put the book aside and extended his hand, "thank you Percy, for being my friend."

Percy grinned, he stepped forward and grabbed HArry into a hug, "you are very much welcome Harry!"

"Hey! Let go of me!" Harry squirmed.

"No chance buddy boy! You'll find that I'm a hugging kind of guy!" Percy squeezed harder.

"Help! Someone help! He's trying to break my bones!"

Percy laughed before releasing Harry, "whiner."



"That's not really an insult."

"It is when I use it."

Harry chuckled. "Seriously Percy, thanks. It's nice having a friend around. Usually I'm alone when I'm with the Dursley's with you here this place is a little more manageable."

Percy nodded, "right...look I understand why you need to stay here, I get it. But they have no right to treat you like they did. To treat anyone like they did. So from now on I am going to make their lives hell. And you are going to help me."

Harry grinned, "gladly."

Percy nodded, he then noticed something in the corner of his eyes. He turned out the window and saw owls flying towards them. Percy grinned as he turned to Harry, "I'm guessing those are from your friends."

Harry grinned back as he quickly went to open the window and let the owls in. Percy sat with Harry as he read all his letter and unwrapped all his gifts.

He had gotten one from Hagrid, Hermione, Ron, Mrs. Weasley, and even Remus Lupin, the werewolf teacher that Percy found totally cool.

Percy then noticed an exotic looking bird with feather of multiple colours swoop down. He tried to look at the letter but Harry snatched it away before he had the chance.

"Who's that from?" Percy asked.

Harry blinked, "ah...a friend," Harry then pocketed the letter, "Susan, Susan Bones."

Percy grinned, "is she your girlfriend?"

"What? No!"