Chapter 49 : Managed!

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The pegasus snorted and slowly the world started to fade into white.

Percy opened his eyes and shot up, "holy shit!" He turned to see Hecate smiling down at him, "how long was I gone?"

"Half an hour," the goddess replied, "so? What is is?"

Percy groaned, "it's a pegasus. My Animagus form is a pegasus."

Hecate looked impressed, "a magical creature huh? Can't say I'm surprised. Though the pegasus was kind of obvious, after all you are your father's son."

Percy sighed, "I guess. But I suppose there's no point learning to transform now. What a pain."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because of Zeus, duh," Percy explained, "if he finds you I can fly in his domain he'll zap me before I have a chance to change back!"

Hecate rolled her eyes, "Percy we have been over this. Zeus's powers can't reach you here, he's confined to America, which you can't enter for at least the next 15 years. Also when you're in your animagus form Zeus won't be able to tell the difference between you and the other hundreds of pegasi in his domain! Relax kid, you'll be fine."

Percy eye's started to sparkle, "are you serious! I can fly without Zeus finding out?!"

Hecate nodded, "yup."

"Wahoo!" Percy yelled throwing his arm open, "best day ever!"

Hecate chuckled, "I thought a son of Poseidon would rather swim than fly?"

"I do, but I'm also a normal human being who dreams of flying! Swimming is great, don't get me wrong. But there's just something about the idea of flying that feels…..liberating."

Hecate nodded, "I understand what you mean Percy...alright then, let's begin your training shall we?"

Percy blinked, "what? Now?"

Hecaet grinned evilly, "Yes!" she snapped her fingers and suddenly Percy's hand turned into hooves.

"Holy shit! My hands!" Percy yelled, "why did you do that?!"

"So that you can practise," Hecate shrugged as she walked away, "transform your hand back, if you can."

"How the hell can I do that when I can't even hold a wand?!"

"An animagus doesn't need a wand to transform into his chosen animal. I didn't transfigure your hands into random horse hooves, I purposefully targeted and activated a partially transformation. So you can transform back, you just have to focus really, really hard."

"Is this the normal way of doing things?"

"Usually no, it isn't. First you would have to learn about the animals biology, find out how you are supposed to transform and what you are supposed to transform and then finally transform. I figured it would be easier for you to simply have parts of your body transformed and then you transform back into your human form which you already know pretty well. This was you get a feeling for the animagus form without actually needing to study biology off it."

Percy blinked, "...that's brilliant."

"Thank you, I try. Anyway get too it horse boy! Come down when you managed to transform back," and with that Hecate left Percy alone.

Percy turned to his hand-hooves, he had hooves now, and tried to remember what his normal hands looked liked. 'Come on, it can't be that hard, I mean shit! I look at them everyday! This should be easy!'

Percy focused first on the hooves, it felt strange having a single appendage there when before he had ten fingers. He focused on the feeling and tried to remember how having fingers felt. How they moved, how Percy used them when writing.

Slowly the very tips of his hooves started to transform as slowly it separated into five fingers on each hand. It felt like his very skin was being pulled together as more and more of his hand started to form.

Percy focused on the feeling of his skin being pulled together and pushed further. Slowly more and more of his hoof turned into his normal human hands. And then finally Percy smiled as the black fur disappeared replaced with his normal slightly tanned human skin.

"Hecate! I did it!" Percy cried out as he jumped out of bed and ran to the door.

Snap! He heard come from downstairs and when Percy went to reach for the door he found hooves instead of hands again.

"Oh come on!" Percy yelled out.

"You need to make the process instant Percy! You took one minute too much!" Hecate called from downstairs. Percy grumbled and set to work. He slowly cut down on his transformation time, but not quickly enough.

Three hours later and Percy had managed to make his transform instant. He finally opened the door to his room and walked down to see Hecate curled up on the couch reading a romance novel.

The goddess looked up and smiled, "what took you so long?"

Percy's shoulders dropped, "I hate you so much."

Hecate grinned, "no you don't." She continued to read her book, "that's enough for today. Tomorrow we can tackle transforming your legs."

Percy nodded and walked to his work table. He sat down and sighed, looking down at the work in front of him. He had made some progress with the hoverboard, he managed to substitute a few charms with rune structures and even managed to brew the potion he needed to reduce wind resistance. But he still had a long way to go.

Percy took the board he was working on and began to carve the runes he needed. First thing Percy did was carve in runes for levitation and forward thrust. This was the most difficult to maintain as they required a lot of power and needed to be separate from one another.

Next Percy had focused on making the board effective while in air. Mobility was a big issue, so Percy had to focus on making a rune chain that would handle the desired effects of the user. It would be pressure based and the rider would have to move forward to speed up and backwards to slow down.

Percy also managed to add many security features on the board. For one he made sure that the rider wouldn't just slip off the board, by making a rune that attracted the bottom of the rider's shoes Percy made the board have a sort of pulling effect on the rider's feet. This way it would be really difficult to simply pull the board out from someone's feet.


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