Chapter 50 : Morpheus!

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After spending around three hours on the board Percy went outside. It was a warm summer's afternoon, Percy walked down the road and found Harry waiting for him near the corner.

"Hey Percy," Harry waved as the two boys walked into town.

"Hey Harry, how's life?"

"Not bad," Harry shrugged, "managed to do some of my homework, so that's good. Hermoine would be so proud."

"Hermione...that's you friend that likes to read a lot yes?"

Harry nodded, "yup! She's basically the only reason why I haven't failed school yet."

"How can you possibly fail to learn about magic Harry? It's magic! Who would be bored learning that?"

"Percy you have no idea what you are talking about. The subject is pretty awesome to listen too, but when you actually sit in class," Harry shivered, "so boring!"

"Really? Huh, guess that means I just have a better teacher than you," Percy grinned.

"Oh yeah, Hecate is a much better teacher," Harry blushed.

Percy chuckled, "are you thinking about my aunt naked again Potter?"

"What?! No!"

"Really? That's too bad, she would be so disappointed."

"Argh! You two are going to be the death of me!" Harry yelled out as he pulled his hair while Percy laughed at him.

The next day Percy woke up to find his feet turned into hooves. "Hecate!"

And so the days passed by. Every morning Percy would wake up with a different part of his body turned into a pegasus. One day he had even woken up with wings popping out off the back of his shirt.

After he learnt how to transform back Percy would spend time working on his hover board, he had made tremendous progress, but he kept working on it.

Why make it good when he could make it great?! Plus with this he would finally show Harry why brooms were the stupidest choice of transportation.

Percy would then spend the rest of his day either with Harry or reading some book.

On the 18th Percy woke up expecting for something to change. But surprisingly nothing had. Arms? Check. Legs? Check. Torso? Check. Back? Check. Head? Check. Teeth? Check. Hair? Check.

Percy shock his head, 'what did she change?' Figuring it was just best to go and ask the goddess Percy moved to get off his bed when he felt something heavy on his lap.

He blinked and looked down. The right leg of his pyjama was tight very very tight, something long ran down it's length. He blinked as he pulled back the elastic waist and stared.

"AHHH!" Percy yelled.

Hecate was sitting down on the couch reading a book when Percy suddenly came charging down stairs limping as he was unable to bend his right leg. She looked up and smiled at his red face, "something wrong Percy?"

"Y-you bitch!"

"I'm sorry? I don't understand? Why are you angry?" Hecate smiled evilly.

"You know what you did!" Percy roared as he pointed to his right leg, "you changed my dick! This thing is huge! I can barely walk properly!""

Hecate grinned, "oh, you mean giving you a horse cock. Right, and?"

"And?! And?! Change it back!"

"Why would I do that? It's part of your animagus training."


"You heard me, it's part of your training. Come on, you don't mean to tell me you never knew that phrase, 'hung like a horse'? It's pretty common GK you know."

"Holy shit..." Percy pulled back his pants and started, "it's a big as my leg!"

"Yup! You'll make some women very happy someday. Now stop staring at your dick and get to work!"

Percy blushed, "r-right."

Hecate then grinned, "and don't worry. Once you learn how to transform fully I'll help you learn how to consciously do a partial transformation. You can have your cock like that forever if you wish."

"Are you crazy?! I can kill someone with this thing!" Percy yelled as he ran, or more like wobbled, up the stairs.

Hecate laughed, "happy birthday kiddo!"

Percy went into his room and realised what Hecate had said, ''s my birthday...' Percy looked at the date on the calendar, 18th August. Percy sighed, 'so am I 17 now? Or still only 16? God's time traveling is confusing!'

Percy then spends the day turning his dick back to normal only for Hecate to change it back. It took him longer than usual to change back, mostly because he took extra caution to make sure nothing went wrong.

When Percy finally finished he laid back down in bed and sighed. Today was his birthday, but he didn't feel like doing anything. He wanted to waste away, he remembered wanting to celebrate with his friends, but now….now that will probably never happen.

It was fair, by the time he meets them again they would not have changed but he would have become old. Would they even care for him?

Percy groaned as he curled up and tried to sleep again. But just as he was about to enter Morpheus' realm his door there slammed open.

Percy turned to see Hecate standing at his door grinning, "what are you doing up here sunshine?"

"I'm just trying to get some sleep," Percy sighed, "don't feel like doing anything today."

"I see….well too bad!" Hecate grabbed Percy by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out.

"Hey! Get off me!" Percy yelled out as she pulled him down the stairs and threw him into the living room couch. Percy didn't feel any of that, but growled either way, "what was that for?!"

"Well I had to do something didn't I? Otherwise you would have locked yourself up in that room all day sulking."

"No I wouldn't!"

"Care to take Veritaserum and say that again?" Percy stammered and the goddess smiled, "that's what I thought. Now, here's what we are going to do, you are going to go upstairs and change and then we are going to go on a little field trip. Understand?"

Percy sighed, "I don't really have a say in this do I?"


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