Chapter 51 : Dark Alley!

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Hecate shook her head, "no, you don't."

Percy grumbled but did what he was told. A few minutes later he and Hecate walked out of number 7 and the goddess walked with him into town.

She cut through the park and started looking around. Percy grew curious at her action but said nothing.

Once they reached the center of the park Hecate stopped, "this should be far enough. Take my hand."

Percy looked startled, "what for?"

"Oh just do it," Hecate rolled her eyes. Percy sighed, he took the goddess hand and suddenly he felt his entire body being squeezed into a tube. The world started spinning in a blue of green and blue until suddenly ti stopped and Percy on his ass.

"What the fuck?!" Percy cursed. He found himself in a dirty alley way, he went to one corner and grabbed a trash can vomiting his guts into it. He was used to short travel apparition, but this was much more powerful than he was used to, "what the fck was that Hecate?!"

"That was a long distance apparition, sorry about that. You okay?"

Percy grumbled as he drew his wand and vanished nis puke. He cleaned himself up and got to his feet, "yeah I'm fine. Where are we anyway?"

Hecate grinned, "oh come on Percy, don't tell me you of all people don't recognize this place."

PErcy blinked, he looked around but the alley didn't look familiar. Hecate then pointed outside and Percy quickly walked out and gasped. Before him stood Madison times square filled with new yorkers walking about their day.

It was different than the New York he was used too, everything seemed a lot older and a lot more messy, but it was still New York.

"I-Is this New York?!" Percy asked as he gasped at the world around him, "did you just bring me to New York?!"

Hecate nodded, "yup!" she wrapped her hands around his and pulled him close. Then walked down the street with Percy staring at everything in wonder. He nearly cried seeing the world around him, though he did his best to act normal.

"The Fates and I spoke and we decided that making you live through life without being unable to see your city was a bit cruel.

So we agreed that everyday on your birthday you can spend 4 hours in the city doing whatever you please, provided you don't interact with anyone or change anything from your past."

Percy turned to Hecate, "y-you did this for me?"

Hecate shrugged, "well I wouldn't say that. I just-" Hecate stopped as Percy grabbed her into a hug. The goddess smiled as she hugged the demigod back, "happy birthday Percy."

"Thank you….thank you so much," Percy whispered as he sniffed back tears. "I take it back, you are the best aunt ever."

Hecate grinned as she broke the hug, "and you better believe it! Now come on, enough of the emotional crap! We have work to do!"

Percy blinked back and grinned, "right!"

Hecate took him around, but it was more like Percy leading her around. The boy knew this city better than the back of his hand and he proved it every time they turned into a new street or saw something iconic.

"This place is going to be a work out gym in the future," Percy said pointing to a laundromat. He then noticed a hot dog stand and ran at it so fast he looked like he teleported himself. "Hey! I'll have two dogs with the work's please! Oh and add extra mustard."

"You got it kid," the man grumbled as he made quickly made the order.

Percy was about to pay for the dogs when Hecate stopped him, "here I'll get it."

"No please, it's fine, you already did so much for me, this is the least I can do," Percy smiled.

Hecate rolled her eyes, "Percy do you even have dollars?"

"Yeah I do, I got a few notes with me when I came back," Percy said holding out the notes.

"So they are notes from the future?" Hecate hissed softly, "you wanted to pay for hot dogs with money from the future? Do you even know what damage to the time stream such an act will cause?"

Percy blinked, "huh….I didn't realise."

"And that's why I am the teacher," Hecate grinned as she payed for the hot dogs passing Percy his.

"Ah, a new york hot dog. Stale buns, meat soaked in water that is probably 10% actually dog and mustard that looks old enough to be my mother. Sigh, perfect," Percy grinned as he gobbled up his food.

Hecate groaned looking at her dog, she bite off a pieces and chewed, "this stuff isn't that good."

"I know, it's something only a local can truly appreciate," Percy said with a shrug. The two walked around eating their hot dogs in silence. Percy spent a lot of that time looking around and realizing the impacts of time travel.

Before he had no way of knowing what changed when he came back, he had never been to modern London so he couldn't really say. But Percy did know 2009 New York, so he could tell now exactly what had changed.

The billboards were lammer for one. Not that bright colours and horrible ads as well. There were also a lot of people dressed up like idiots, punks with pink mohawks and jeans whose waist came up to their ribs. It was weird, but hey, that's New York.

The ads for companies were also older, Percy remembered the new playstation logo announced with the release of the PS3 in his time, but here they were back to the same old thing.

It was funny how Percy knew about how successful companies would in the future even before the companies did.

Percy then suddenly blinked, 'wait….stock…..I'm such an idiot!' "Hey Hecate," the goddess turned to Percy, "do you think you can help me buy some stock?"

Hecate smiled, "so you finally figured it out huh? Honestly Percy the first thing most people would do once they come back in time is become rich!"

"Yeah well you kind of distracted me with the whole magic is the real thing," Percy grumbled, "anyway, can you or can you not help me out?"


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