Chapter 52 : Magic!

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Hecate smiled, "sure. I'll bring back a stock portfolio for you and help you get started. But maybe later, like next summer, for now just focus on learning magic."

"Thanks. Do you want in on this?"

Hecate shrugged, "I'm a goddess and an immortal, why would I need money?"

Percy nodded, "figured. Just thought I should offer, didn't want you to get pissed at me or something."

The walked up North a couple of blocks and reached the South gate entrance to Central Park. Percy walked in with a smile, the park was filled with people today, children running around playing, parents sitting down for a picnic while dog owners took their pets for a walk.

Percy noticed a couple of toddlers running around and he couldn't help but smile, technically speaking those kids were older than him. And that thought made Percy wonder about something else.

"Hey Hecate, what exactly does my birthday mean?" Percy asked.

"Well you see Percy once a year a very special thing happens where you age by one year. It's a very special event and people celebrate when it happens."

Percy rolled his eyes, "that's not what I mean and you know it. When I was sent back in time it was on the 18th of August 2009. I had just turned 16. I arrived here in February and it's been nearly six months and yet it's my birthday once again. So what gives? Am I 16 and six months or 17?"

"Well according to the identity I have registred you under you are 17 as off today, congratulations. And as far as magic is concerned you are 17, you're welcome for that by the way. But I suppose in your own mind you are 16 and a half."

"Wait, what do you mean magically? How does that work?"

"Well you see your body and magic are intertwined, so as your body gets older so does your magic. Usually your capacity for magic grows as you get older, and so we can loosely say that magic can also 'age', though that's not what really happens. So all I did was make you magic age a little faster, no big deal."

Percy nodded, "I see….so is that why the ministry would also register me as 17 and not 16 and six months?"

"Exactly," Hecate nodded, "again, you are welcome."

Percy chuckled, "thank you oh goddess of magic, truly this one is grateful for your actions."

Hecate chuckled, "don't get cocky brat."

Hecate lead Percy through the park as they made their way Westwards. Percy didn't know why, but he figured she had her reason. They eventually can upto Central Park zoo and Hecate practically dragged Percy inside.

Percy smiled in wonder at everything he saw, he remembered coming to the zoo before, when he was 10 with his mom, seeing it again just brought out those wonderful memories.

Hecate dragged Percy around everywhere asking the demigod to explain about all the animals, the goddess looked like she was having fun, so Percy did as he was asked.

Around the afternoon Percy and Hecate found themselves in the food court eating lunch. Percy finished his sub smiled, "thank you for today Hecate. I….I never realised how much I missed this city."

"It's okay, missing one's birth place is common," Hecate shrugged as she sipped from her soda cup.

"Do you miss Greece?" Percy asked.

"No...not really. I can visit the place any time I want, so I don't miss it. But...I suppose I miss the things I used to do there."

"Oh? And what's that?"

"Trick and torture men and women of sin while burning them alive," Hecate replied instantly without blinking.

Percy blinked, "I see….and did they deserve it?"


"Okay then," Percy nodded in acceptance. He learnt a long time ago that greek Gods and goddess were crazy. It was best not to question them or what they did.

"Here, put this in the trash," Hecate pushed her tray forward. Percy groaned but nodded. He took the try and walked across the food court to find a trash bin. When he was done he walked away, but just then a small green and blue ball rolled in front of him.

Percy blinked, 'wait...I know this thing,' Percy realised as he picked the ball up looking it over. A wave of nostalgia wash over him as he remembered owning a similar ball when he was growing up.

He never went anywhere without it, his mom even said it was his first love, apart from her that is.

"Oh you found it, thank the gods!" a familiar voice called out behind him. Percy turned slowly and found a young woman smiling at him. She had long wavy hair tied back in a ponytail and deep blue eyes. She looked younger than he remembered, so much younger. She was barely a few years older than him!

"Mom?" Percy gasped out loud.

The woman blinked giving him a nervous smile, "I-I'm sorry?"

Percy blinked, 'holy shit! Mom! I can't tell her anything! Shit shit shit! Lie Percy lie!' Percy cleared his throat and gave the woman who would be his mother a wide smile, "s-sorry, you just kind of looked like my mom there for a second."

"Oh," Sally blinked, "I see. I understand, I suppose, is she here with you?"

Percy had to stop himself from laughing like an idiot. So he settled for a smile, "yeah, in a way." He then noticed that he was holding the ball from before, "is this yours?"

Sally nodded, "yes, my son threw it away. He wanted to see the pandas again and started to cry."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, pandas are cool," Percy gave her the green and blue ball, "here, he has excellent tastes in balls."

Sally chuckled, "thank you," she took the ball back and walked away. Percy watched her as she approached a baby stroller and bent over smiling. Percy saw tiny baby hands pop out and reach for Sally's hair pulling it. But she didn't get angry, she didn't even raise her voice. She just smiled brightly and kissed the baby's forehead.


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