Chapter 53 : Regretted!

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Percy's eyes were filled with tears as they rolled down freely. 'I was such an asshole as a kid….probably still am. Gods, she was perfect, the perfect mom. And I made her life so much harder.'

He regretted not being able to help her, make her life just a little bit better. Being the mother of a demigod was hard enough you had to let your child go by the age of 12 or get eaten by a monster.

But Percy wasn't even an ordinary demigod, and Sally wasn't an ordinary mom.

"She's beautiful," Hecate walked up behind him.

"She is," Percy nodded as he wiped away the tears, "I think I remember this day, I know it sounds silly, but I think I do. She took me out today for the first time since I was born. I think this is the first place I came too after I was born.

Mom was always afraid some monster would pop out and take me away, it took her a long time to even think off taking me outside. And….and I think this was when I realised that she was my mom, and that she loved me with all her heart."

Hecate nodded, "she did a fine job raising you."

"Yeah...thank you Hecate," Percy turned and grabbed the goddess in another hug, "thank you so much."

The goddess said nothing, she hugged him back.

They came back to Britain around 6 in the evening. Percy crashed into his couch while Hecate went to the kitchen to make some tea. Just then someone knocked on the door. Percy looked surprised but quickly went up to answer it finding Harry standing on his front porch.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" Percy asked.

Harry grinned, "you really didn't think I wouldn't find out did you?" Harry pointed at a book sized gift covered up in red wrapper.

Percy blinked, "how did you know? I didn't know myself?!"

"How did you not know your own birthday?"

"He forgot!" Hecate called out from inside, "come in Harry!"

Percy closed the door behind him as Harry presented his gift, "happy birthday Percy."

"Oh Harry you shouldn't have man," Percy smiled taking the gift, "I'm guessing it's a book?"

Harry nodded, "yup!"

Percy chuckled as he unwrapped his present carefully, he liked to play with the wrapping paper later. He then held a brown book with a picture of disco dancing tree on the cover, 'Charms and what they can do for you!'

"Figured you could use all the help you can get," Harry shrugged, "I asked Hermione and she mentioned that this was great in helping out with charms."

Percy grinned, "cheeky little bugger," Percy put the book aside and locked Harry's head under his arm, "you think just because I suck at one subject your better than me?"

"Well yes!" Harry chuckled as they play fought for a bit.

Percy finally let Harry go and gave the boy a hug, "thank man, this means a lot to me."

Harry still wasn't comfortable with the hug but he nodded, "no problem Percy."

"If you two are done playing around I suggest you get your collective buts in here now! Especially you Harry!"

"Yes Hecate," Harry smiled as they walked into the dining room. Percy then gasped as Hecate brought forth a small chocolate truffle cake with a single candle on it. She smiled as he placed the cake on the table stepping away.

"Go ahead Percy, make your wish," the Goddess smiled.

"What are the chances of it coming true?" Percy joked.

"Around 50/50," Hecate replied in a straight face.

Percy blinked, "you're serious."


Percy nodded, "better make it count then," he closed his eyes and thought hard. He couldn't wish for what he really wanted, to be sent forwards in time, that was impossible. He also couldn't wish for something crazy like wanting to save the people who were already dead, that was not going to happen as well.

But Percy knew what he wanted, to have a family again, to have lots of friends again. For his next birthday he wanted more people to be with him when he blew out the candle.

He realised what happened happened, seeing his mother there just proved to him that he needed to move on with his life. And he can't do that alone.

'I wish I can make lots of friends this year,' Percy thought as he blew out his candle.

Hecate smiled, "now that's a good wish."

Percy nodded, "right. Now before we begin, one final thing," he took out his wand and cast a colour switching spell on the brown cake turning it bright blue. Percy grinned, "perfect."

Harry looked curious, "why blue?"

"Well you see my mom and step dad once had a huge fight about the stuff. I love the colour blue, so I wanted a blue cake for my 9th birthday. Gabe said blue food didn't exist and my mom got pissed.

So she went out of her way to prove him wrong by adding blue dye to every piece of food she made. And soon it just kind of became a family tradition."

Percy and Harry spent the evening talking about their lives and other random items. Percy asked Harry about how to get into the Hogwarts express and the boy was more than happy to explain.

Percy also found out that Harry's friend Ron had scored tickets to the Quidditch world cup finals one week from now. Harry apologized but he couldn't get tickets for Percy too.

Percy shrugged, "it's not a big deal, I don't even like quidditch anyway. Too many brooms."

"Really? That's too bad, what am I going to do with these tickets then?" Hecate said as she waved around two golden tickets causing Harry's eyes to go wide.

"You got tickets?! How?! They are supposed to be all gone!"

"I'm the goddess of magic Harry, I can do anything," Hecate said in a prideful tone that left Harry chucking. The poor boy still thought she was joking when she said that.

Percy smiled, "you didn't have to do that Hecate, today's trip alone was the best gift ever."


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