Chapter 54 : Excuse!

"I didn't do it for you Jackson, I know you hate the sport. I did it for me! You know how long it's been since I saw a quidditch match?! I'm just using you as an excuse," Hecate grinned.

Percy sighed, "of course you were."

Harry chuckled and promised to meet Percy at the finals. The young wizard then left wishing them a good night while Percy helped clean the kitchen.

"Percy, here," Hecate then presented Percy with a small gift wrapped box.

Percy blinked, "Hecate you shouldn't have."

"I know, so shut up and open it, you know you want to."

Percy chuckled, he never could lie to her. He quickly opened the box and found a watch inside. It was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. It was metallic bronze, with a finish that shined blue.

The straps were also metal with tiny runes carved into it. Percy recognized them as protection and storage runes. The watch face was intricate with gears and wheels spinning about and two tridents served as the hour hand and the minute hand.

"It's beautiful," Percy gasped as he ran his hand over it. He turned it around and found his name inscribed on the bottom in ancient greek.

"It's wizarding tradition to give a 17 year old boy a watch on his birthday. I made it myself, I hope you like it."

"It's perfect Hecate, thank you," Percy said smiling like an idiot.

"Alright stop with the grinning, quickly put it on, I want to see how it looks!"

Percy nodded and quickly slipped the watch on. He clicked it into place and found that it was a perfect fit.

"It's charmed to be always the correct time and give the correct location of wherever you are. Just tap the glass twice and say location."

Percy did and a blue light spread over the glass with the words, 'number 7 Privet drive, Surrey, UK'. "Wicked."

"Yup. And, if you do this," Hecate reached over and grasped the dial turning it half clockwise and then fully anticlockwise.

The watch then suddenly exploded into metal and Percy found himself holding a metal greek style shield with the watch band acting as the strap. The shield was around two feet wide ,big enough to cover his torso.

"Cool!" Percy cried out as he saw the smooth bronze surface of the shield. There was a trident carved into the center and wave like patterns around etched around the rim.

"It's celestial bronze. Indestructible and very powerful. I charmed it myself so nothing short of Zeus's lightning bolts can even dent this thing."

"Okay now you are just showing off," Percy grinned waving the shield around finding it was very light and easy to carry.

"Yes, I am," Hecate grinned, "but I rarely get to show off so I don't care. And if you do this," Hecate walked behind Percy and touched the watch strap twisting it, causing the shield to grow in size until it was bigger than Percy himself.

"Holy shit! You can adjust the size?" Percy asked as he found the dial Hecate pressed shrinking the size of the shield until it was a few inches bigger than the watch dial from before.

"Yup. And if you want to change it back simply pull in the strap and think it, it's a telepathic control."

Percy did so and the shield turned back into his watch. He turned to Hecate and grabbed her into a hug once again, "thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Hecate grinded, "three hugs in one day? That must be a new record!"

Percy grinned as he broke the hug, "alright now I have to get you something good for your birthday as well. When is that by the way?"

Hecate shrugged, "don't have one. No God or goddess has a birthday."

Percy grumbled, "well that's not fair."

Hecate smiled, "I know. Well I'm off to bed. Don't stay awake too long munchkin! Oh and don't try to masterbate with your horse cock, you'll find you will need a lot of stimulation to make it work and by the time you are done it will probably be morning."

"Hecate!" Percy yelled back but the goddess had already disappeared into her room. Percy sighed but smiled, he cleaned up the rest of the kitchen and sat down in front of his work bench.

Percy began working on his pet project once again, determined to finish it before the quidditch finals. If he showed the people there how much cooler a flying skate board was then a broom he was sure people would talk about it.

Percy looked at his watch and smiled, he loved the present, it told him that though he was stuck here in the past things weren't all that bad. And something told Percy things would eventually start to look up.


Percy looked down and grumbled, "I just want to tell you how much I hate you. This is the second time you turned me into an animal Hecate!" but all that came out was a series of neighs and grunts.

Hecate grinned looking up Percy snout, "I can't understand what you are saying Percy, but I'm guessing you are currently insulting me."

Percy neighed as he nodded his long horse head, "Hades yes! I hate you so much right now! I go to sleep and the next thing I know I'm a freaking pegasus?! What the fuck Hecate, give a guy some notice before you turn him into a horse!"

Percy grunted as he pranced around the living room of number 7 in his animagus form. He woke up and suddenly found himself standing over a broken bed with hooves and wings.

He tumbled down the stairs, breaking the banister with brute force and was now currently glaring down at the goddess of magic.

"Well I'm guessing you are probably asking why I changed you fully, yes?" Hecate asked with a smirk. Percy neighed and nodded his head. "Well you see I figured it ws time you learnt how to do a full body transformation. So, presto! Horse mode activate!"


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