Chapter 55 : Wishing!

Percy grumbled, "hate is too weak a word." Percy sighed, 'okay, okay, focus Percy. Focus. You have done all of this before, you just need to remember to do them all at once. You got this.'

Percy focused and scrunched up eyes in focus. He remembered how it felt to stand up like a man. To stand straight and tall. How he moved, how he fought, how his neck didn't feel like a bloody tree trunk.

Slowly Percy's wings started to seep into his back as he felt himself growing shorter. Percy's hooves turned into hand as digits started to sprout out. Percy's bones started to change lengths allowing Percy to slowly stand up.

The muscles around his body started to reduce as Percy felt himself shrinking and sharking until finally he felt himself reach his normal height. The last of the wings then disappeared into his shoulder blades as Percy felt a few feathers fall off.

Percy sighed, he opened his eyes and smiled, "I did it."

Hecate grinned, "you did," her eyes then trailed down and widened, "well….kind off."

Percy looked down and screamed, "where are my clothes?!" Percy covered his groin and glared at Hecate, "give me back my clothes woman!"

"Calm down," Hecate snapped her fingers causing Percy's night clothes to suddenly appear over him, "although I must say Percy it's no wonder your animagus form is a horse. You are hung like one even in human form. Hmm, must be your godly genes."

"Can we please stop talking about my dick?!" Percy yelled back as he checked himself over and found that everything was back the way they were. Percy sighed, "thank the Gods."

"Well then, I suppose the first step of the training is complete! Let's get breakfast!" Hecate grinned.

"Oh no, don't think I'm letting you off the foreign hook Hecate! You turned me into a pegasus!" Percy continued to yell as they ate breakfast. Hecate didn't seem bothered by Percy, if anything the more he yelled the more she smiled. After he was done yelling he ate his breakfast in peace.

"Now then, let's continue shall we?" Hecate asked as she brought Percy back to the living room. This time she cleared all the furniture to the sides to give him ample space to transform.

"Okay, so same as before? You keep changing me until I turn instantly?"

"Yes...and no," Hecate told him, "you see this time we are going to do things a little differently. Before I transform parts of your body and nothing else. This time however I transformed you and the clothes you are wearing as well. So this time when you transform back I want you to do it while bringing back your clothes as well."

Percy nodded, "I I'm supposed to endlessly bring back all my clothes?"

"Yes, but don't worry, it will be easy. Anything you are wearing will be directly influenced by your magic. Usually the animagus would have to learn how to vanish their clothing, that is destroy it thread by thread, and then bring it back. This is why transfiguration is so important for an animagus transformation, so that they can vanish and reproduce what they are wearing when they transform."

"I see...but what if the item they are transforming is difficult to change? Like what if I'm wearing the watch you gave me? Surely something that powerful will be impossible to vanish?"

"Not really. You see when you transform into an animagus your magic 'remembers' what your human form looks like. It is up to you to bring those clothing out. When I clothed you again after you transformed back what did you think I did?"

"Ah...didn't you just conjure up the clothes?" Percy pointed at the clothes he wore.

"No, I didn't. These clothes were saved inside of you by your magic. All I did was pull it out. The clothes you are wearing are the exact same ones you wore to sleep last night."

Percy looked down and realised she was telling the truth. He first thought Hecate had just simply known what he wore, but there were minor differences.

The small ketchup stain Percy had from spilling sauce on himself a few days ago was still there. A conjured set of clothes wouldn't have such detail.

"Okay, I think I'm getting it now," Percy nodded, "basically I should not just imagine what I felt like as a human, but what I wore when transforming, right?"

Hecate nodded, "exactly."

"Alright then, let's begin," Percy nodded gathering all the attention he could muster. Hecate snapped her fingers and suddenly Percy found himself transformed into a pegasus once more. His muscles felt bigger, his skin felt so much stronger now as his hair line stretched down his neck giving him a thick mane.

"Okay, that was cool!" Percy cried out in joy as he spread his wings cracking the notches in his bones. Having wings was an odd sensation for Percy, it was like having an tra set of wings. But the more he moved them around the more natural they felt for him.

"Alright now transform back," Hecate instructed him as she stood a good few feet behind.

Percy nodded and closed his eyes. He focused on remembering what he felt like as a human, slowly he felt himself change, but it was only half way through Percy that remembered to think of his clothes.

The result was Percy transformed back into a human, standing on two legs with nothing on but his shirt.

Hecate raised an eyebrow, "are you trying to seduce me Jackson?"

Percy blushed, "gods dammit!" Percy quickly recalled his pants and felt a tung on his magic. He pyjamas spread around his legs and Percy sighed in relief.

"Not bad," Hecate nodded, "again," she snapped her fingers.

The next time Percy transformed he had completely forgotten about his clothes. Then the next time he forgot about his shirt.

The next time was better though as he remembered to wear his shirt and pants, but he was stuck with hooves instead of legs. Hecate had to help him out of that one.

Finally an hour later Percy managed to instantly transform out of his animagus form, into his human form, with clothes and all.


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