Chapter 57 : Midnight?!

Percy nodded and got up. He looked out the window and saw that it was dark, Percy looked at his watched and found that was near midnight, "do you think he will be awake at this time?"

"I'm sure he will, no go on, I need to call the Fates and tell them the good news," Hecate smiled practically pushing Percy out the front door.

Percy quickly ran to Harry's window and looked up to see the window closed. Percy took out his wand and unlocked the window easily.

He then jumped and caught the small dent he created into the Dursley's wall, using it as a foot hold to pull himself up.

Percy climbed into the room, "Harry? You awake?" Percy saw Harry in bed sleeping. The demigod was about to leave, not wanting to wake Harry up, when he saw the boy shake.

'What the Hades?' Percy climbed in and got closer, Harry was thrashing around in his bed, his sheets wet from his sweat. He face looked afraid as he mumbled something under his breath.

'He's having a nightmare,' Percy realised as he quickly went to his friend's side. "Harry? Harry wake up. Wake up Harry! It's only a dream!"

Harry's eyes shot open and he yelled, "ARGH!"

Percy flinched, he immediately shot a silencing spell to Harry's door, hopeful Harry hadn't woken the Dursley's up. Percy then grabbed Harry and shock him awake, "Harry! Harry it's okay! It's only a dream!"

Harry blinked blindly as he squinted, "P-Percy? Is that you?"

"Yeah," Percy grabbed Harry's glasses and put them on. Once Harry could see Percy smiled, "that's better."

"Thanks," Harry sighed as he pulled himself up on the bed holding his scar in pain.

"Nightmare?" Percy asked.

"Yeah...a bad one."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I… was….it was about him," Harry glared and Percy knew instantly who he was talking about.

"Voldemort?" Percy asked and Harry nodded. "Shit...well what did you dream about?"

"I...I was in this house, and I was walking inside. I saw Voldermort there with Peter, expect….expect he didn't look normal. He looked a baby."

"A baby? Like a small shitting in diapers baby?" Percy asked.

Harry smiled slightly, "yeah. And...and then he noticed me. He pointed his wand at me and sent out a green light. It hit me and….and i woke up."

"A green light?" Percy asked, "that sounds like the killing curse."

Harry flinched, "yes, I know."

"Right….so wait, who's Peter?" Percy asked and this time Harry stopped moving altogether.

"I...I ah," Harry stammered, but Percy knew what was going on.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything now. It's probably fresh on your mind. You can tell me when you feel up to it," Percy told Harry who sighed in relief.

"Thanks...ah Percy, not to sound rude, but what are you doing here?"

Percy blinked, "me? Oh right! I came to show you my OWLs results! They just came in!"

Harry blinked, "really? Show me!"

Percy did and the two friends stayed into the night discussing about the exam. Harry was impressed by Percy's scores, he even went so far as to ask him to tutor him for the oncoming year.

Percy didn't ask who Peter was, even though he was very curious, but he respected Harry and he knew everyone had a right to keep secrets, Percy of all people knew that.

Two days later Percy found someone knocking at his door. He opened it and found Harry there dressed up and ready to leave with his trunk by besides him.

"Hey Harry! DId the Weasley's come to reveal you?" Percy asked with a smile.

"Yeah, Mr. Weasley, Ron and the twins came," Harry pointed behind him to a family of red heads standing at Percy's porch. They waved to him and Percy waved back. The twins reminded Percy of the stoll brothers, especially the mischievous gleams in their eyes. The younger boy, Ron, was tall, almost as tall as Percy, and he was at least 3 years younger. And finally the older man had a belly and balding head, but yet the man's smile seemed to be infectious as he smiled at Percy.

"Perfect, well then I suppose after this I'm only going to see you at Hogwarts huh?" Percy asked.

"Not really, I promise to try and look for you at the match."

"Yeah good luck with that, from what I heard you'll be lucky to find your own foot," Percy and Harry chuckled.

"Well anyway I just came to say goodbye, if not at the finals then I hope we can at least meet on the Hogwarts express."

Percy nodded, "right Harry. I'll see you soon then," he then hugged Harry, and surprisingly Harry hugged him back. Percy wished him well and quickly returned to his work station. He was still working on his hover board, and by the looks of things he might just be able to read it by the time the finals roll around.

On the day of the finals Hecate woke Percy up at around 5 in the morning by throwing a bucket of water at him. But that didn't really work because of the whole son of the Poseidon thing. But eventually Hecate did manage to get Percy up and running as he quickly changed and packed for the trip.

Percy wore a button down blue shirt with a hoodie and a pair of jeans. Apparently even though it was a wizarding event people were expected to dress up like muggles.

They compared to the spot and the moment they arrived Percy was swept away by the very sight of the place.

Magical was everywhere as witches and wizards roamed the field wearing what they might have thought passed for 'muggle' clothes. But it was honestly terrible, honestly, who wore a pink tutu and expects people not to notice?!

Percy and Hecate quickly found their way through the crowd until they found their designated camp site. Hecate rolled out their tent and with a snap of her fingers set it up. They stepped in and Percy found a small apartment inside.

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