Chapter 58: Wipe out!

I think Artemis had something like this in the future," Percy said as he looked around at all the bed and cushions lying around.

"She did? Can't say I'm surprised. We Gods introduced this kind of magic first, bending space is kind of are thing. When the mortals found out...well let's just say it wasn't pretty. I had to wipe out their memory of that particular branch of magic, but I left a little bit behind, just in case anyone got suspicious. After all an entire study of magic can't just disappear overnight."

Percy nodded, "right. Well do you need my help with anything?"

"What? Oh, no, no I'm fine. I'll just stay here until the match begins," Hecate threw Percy a golden ticket, "think you can find your way into the stadium?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, shouldn't' be too difficult."

"Great. Where are you going by the way?" Hecate asked as she jumped into a mountain of pillows relaxing into its softness.

"I'm taking the board out for a spin," Percy said with a grin pointing at his completed hoverboard strapped to his back, "I figured if I can get people's attention with this they might stop obsessing over brooms so much."

"Right, well sorry to burst your bubble kid but you aren't allowed to display magic here. As far as the ministry is concerned this is a muggle area meaning no forms of magic."

Percy jaw dropped, "what? Are you serious?!"

"Yup, didn't you notice all those guys trying to look like muggles?"

Percy sighed, "trying being the key word. Shit Hecate, I was really looking forward to this! Fuck my life!"

Hecate chuckled as she summoned herself a glass of wine, "why don't you look around? There are people from all over the magical world gathered here, maybe you can find something interesting."

Percy grumbled, "I guess...maybe I can find Harry too...sigh, fine then I'm leaving!" And with that Percy stepped out of his tent and began walking around randomly.

He found people speaking different languages all around him. French, Germany, something that sounded like spanish if they mispronounced every word.

There were people dressed in all sorts of funny ways, Percy couldn't help but chuckle as he saw a man dressed like a clown, obviously he wasn't very good at acting like a muggle.

Percy noticed people gathered around talking in groups about the match to come. He even found a lot people taking bets on the match, right now the favour was leaning towards Ireland winning, but lots people believed that the skewer for Bulgaria would win it all, some guy named Krum.

Percy also found a lot of stalls around the place selling magical items that looked quite interesting. There were a pair of binoculars that could record videos, Omnioculars they were called, even a few vanity items like bobble heads a tiny action figures that were charmed to fly around.

Percy walked up to one of the stalls and looked over the merchandise. "Can I help you with something love?" an older witch at the stall asked.

"I'm just looking for a souvenir," Percy told her as he looked around spotting face paint and scarves with the final teams colour on them.

"Well which team are you supporting then?" the witch asked.

"I..I don't really know," Percy shrugged, "I just came here with my aunt who loved the sport."

"I see, America are you? Well you people are all the same, no love for the fine things in life," the witch huffed, "quiche is an art form you see, and one that deserves respect."

Percy chuckled, "you know if you want to sell something you probably shouldn't insult your customers."

The witch blinked like she had just realised that. "Right...sorry. Well if you are interested I would recommend the Irish! Green and white scarf, only a gallon!"

Percy chuckled, "yeah right, I may be American, but I'm not an idiot. I can by 10 scarves for a galleon!"

"Fine, a scarf and one dancing irish desk toy."

Percy chuckled, "you are persistent," he looked over her wares and he spotted a bulgarian mascot desk toy. It was a beautiful blond woman with piercing blue eyes. She smiled seductively at Percy and motioned him to come closer. She began to dance seductively, running her hands down her body, begging Percy to come closer and then suddenly she stopped sighing in an orgasmic tone.

Percy blinked, "did that thing just try to seduce me?"

The witch laughed, "right you are boy. That there is a veela, the mascot for the bulgarians. I expect to make a pretty penny off of them! Seductive minx sell like hot cakes around here!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "seriously? Who would want this?"

"Well lots of fine young men like yourselves of course. Many ah, let's say, find the desk toy very appealing."

Percy looked between the veela and the leprechaun, he didn't understand why but every time he saw the veela he was reminded of Mrs. Dodds, his math teacher slash Fury of the underworld.

Why a veela would remind him of a demon from the underworld Percy didn't know, but he trusted his gut and it told him to stay the fuck away.

Percy shivered, "okay, that doesn't sound creepy at all. Look I'll just take an irish scarf, and face paint and the leprechaun."

"The leprechaun, are you sure? Not the Veela?"

"No, please, that thing creeps me out, it keeps sending me bedroom eyes," Percy shivered yet again. He played the witch her galleon and walked away with his purchase. He was happy with it, but the veela desk toy glared at him flipping him off.

Percy wrapped the irish scarf around his neck and pocketed the desk toy. He decided to put on the face paint when the match begins, so for now he kept it safe in his pocket.

Percy walked around some more looking at everyone around him. He noticed that more and more people started to display their colours proudly. Many even more the team jerseys over their muggle clothes.


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