Chapter 59 : Brightest witch!

Just then Percy saw a head of messy hair in the distance accompanied by a tall redheaded boy. Percy smiled as he quickly ran up to them.

"Harry!" Percy cried as he caught up to Harry.

Harry turned and grinned, "hey Percy! Surprised to see you here!"

Percy nodded, "I know right!" Harry wasn't alone. Ron was on his right and a girl with brown bushy hair was on his left. Percy nodded to Ron, "and you must be Ron right?"

Ron smiled, "hello. You're Percy right? Harry told us all about you."

Percy grinned at Harry, "all of them are lies, expect the cool parts those are true."

Harry chuckled, "liar. Oh, and this is Hermione," Harry pointed at the bushy haired girl.

Percy nodded, "right, I remember you talking about her. Brightest witch of her age and all that."

Hermione blushed a little before clearing her throat, "r-right. Hello Percy, it's nice to finally meet you. Thank you for taking care of Harry over the summer."

Percy waved it off, "not a problem, it was my pleasure. Plus he also helped me staying insane. I swear if I had to read another book I would have killed someone!"

Hermione looked aghast as Ron and Harry chuckled. Percy looked confused and Harry explained, "careful what you say about books around this one Percy, she loves him. One time she said that the only thing worst than getting killed is being expelled."

Percy chuckled, "is that so?" Hermione blushed even harder as she looked away, "you know I have a friend in the states who would love you. You could even call her a child of Athena," Percy chuckled at his inside joke.

"You know I have a brother called Percy," Ron said, "he isn't like you at all."

"You mean he has red hair?"

"No, I mean he isn't as...well you see he's kind of….well-"

"-He's a stickler for rules," Harry completed, "last year he was head boy and God help you if you ask him about it. He wouldn't stop!"

Percy grumbled, "a Percy that is a rule follower? What a crime! I must speak with this fool at once!"

Ron chuckled, "don't worry, he'll be coming for the finals today, I'm sure you'll meet him then."

"Great!" Percy cheered, "so where are you three off to?"

Harry pointed at the bucket he was carrying, "Mr. Weasley asked up to fetch some water."

"Ah, let me just take care of that," Percy said as he focused on his demigod powers pulling water out of the air and poured it into the bucket.

Harry's eyes went wide as he felt the bucket grow heavier and heavier. When it was full Percy stopped and grinned, "there we go, one full bucket!"

"How did you do that?!" Hermione shrieked, "you didn't use or wand or say a spell! Is that wandless magic? I've heard of that but only the most powerful wizards can do it! How did you?!"

Harry chuckled, "Hermione Percy's a sixth year, he just completed his OWLs with what? 5 O's? He's basically a genius."

Hermione snapped to Percy and stared in awe as if he was the next Dumbledore. Percy chuckled and scratched his head, "come on Harry you're embarrassing me in front of your friends. Believe me Hermione it's not that big of a deal. Water magic just comes to me naturally, my aunt told me it's a family gift that was passed on to me by my dad. It's like how parseltongue is passed down a family line."

Harry flinched at the mention of parseltongue but Percy and the other's ignored it. "Percy, would you like to join us?" Harry asked, "I'm sure Mr. Weasley wouldn't mind. Unless of course Hecate wants you back?"

Percy shrugged, "no not really. Hecate is doing her own thing, she promised not to burn anything to the ground until the match so I'm free until then."

"Great, then let's go," Harry said leaning the group back to the Weasley's campsite.

"So Percy what subjects did you write?" Hermione asked.

"Well let's see," Percy scratched his chin, "Potions, DADA, charms, transfiguration, care for magical creatures, runes, arithmancy, astronomy and Herbology."

"Amazing! That's exactly what I'm taking!" Hermione cheered and then began bombarding Percy with questions upon questions. Percy blinked as they just kept coming and coming not even bothering to wait for Percy's reply. When Hermione was done she looked at him with sparkling eyes expecting an swer.

Percy turned to Harry, "is she always like this?"

Harry and Ron laughed, "yup!"

The small group reached the weasley's tent, by then Percy had answered most of Hermione's questions and promised to answer the rest when they reached Hogwarts.

Mr. Weasley stood up, "ah boys you got the water! Lovely! And who's this young man?"

"This is Percy, Mr Weasley, Percy Jackson. Remember I told you about him?" Harry said.

"Ah yes, of course. Sorry about that, mind's not as sharp as it used to be," Mr Weasley shook Percy's hand.

"Sorry if I'm intruding, I just saw Harry and the others and thought to tag along," Percy smiled.

"Oh please, the more the merrier!" Arthur chuckled, "you know I have a son named Percy as well, works at the ministry."

"Oh is that right?"

"Right, now why don't you and the kids go and make yourselves busy, Ron, I'll call you all when supper's ready," Arthus said goodbye and quickly left to the kitchen.

"He seems nice," Percy noted.

"He's the best," Harry said causing Ron to grin back, "anyway I think I saw the twins outside, let's go find out what they are up to."

They walked outside and found Fred and George sitting in front of a campfire whispering to each other.

"Oye! What are you two on about?" Ron asked as they sat with the twins.

"Well you see little brother of ours-," one began.

"-we have taken up the noble and rewarding art of betting-" continued the other

"-and we have just finished placing our bets!"

"So what did you bet on?" Harry asked.

"The irish will win-"

"-But Krum will catch the snitch!"


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