Chapter 60 :Honest!

"Honestly, gambling is barbaric you two, you should stay out of it," Hermione huffed.

"Right you are Ms Granger-"

"-And that's why you are the lady and we are just common men who are graced with your presence."

Percy chuckled, "how do you two do that?"

"They won't say," Ron grumbled, "and no one has been able to figure it out. Mom recons they practise it when they are alone."

"I'm sorry-"

"-but we haven't been introduced! I'm Fred."

"Oye! I thought I was Fred!"

"No, you're George, remember the more handsome one is Fred."

"Right, and the better equipped one was George, got it."

Percy laughed while Harry, Hermoine and Ron looked confused. Harry asked, "what do you mean better equipped?"

Percy chuckled, "you've done it now."

"Well you see young Harry, what we mean is," Fred leaned in to whisper something and Harry turned bright red.

Percy chuckled, "enjoy Harry my boy, you are now a man!"

"Oye that's not fair! Tell us too!" Ron cried out.

George wiggled his eyebrows, "you sure Ronniekins? You can't unknow it later you know."

"Actually you can," Percy said, "obliviate charm."

The twins blinked, they looked at each other and then at Percy. "Sorry if we seem rude-"

"-but who are you?"

Percy smiled, "Percy, Percy Jackson. Pleasure to meet you."

"Ah another Percy-" George grinned evilly.

"-I didn't realise it was our birthday," Fred had a similar smile.

Percy turned to Harry, "are they planning on pranking me?"

Harry nodded, "yes."

Percy turned to the twins and grinned, "bring it bitches."

"Oh we like this Percy!"

"I agree brother of mine! He had the prankster fire in his eyes!"

"Alright then Percy number two, be warned! You have brought this on yourselves!"

Percy nodded, "good, that means I don't have to be guilty about this," Percy then looked up and George and Fred followed his eyes. They looked over their head and saw a ball of water handing over them. Percy let go and dropped in on their heads, drenching them from head to toe.

Ron laughed, "I can't believe it! He got the drop on you two!"

Harry and Percy laughed as well. "You didn't tell them about me did you Harry?"

"No!" Harry said through each laugh.

George and Fred spat out water giving Percy a look of respect. "We thought you were like the other Percy-"

"-But we were wrong-"

"-you get first blood Percy the second-"

"-But be warned, this means war!"

Percy chuckled, "bring it boys. You think you are the first set of twin pranksters I've had to deal with?"

They quickly settled down, Percy sent a drying chamber on Fred and George to make sure they were no hard feelings. Luckily it seems these two were very good sports and didn't mind getting pranks. Though the way they swore revenge did leave Percy a little nervous.

"So Percy did you finally apply for Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

"Yup, got my official invite a few days ago after you left. Hecate already helped me buy everything I would need, so come this September I'll be on the express with you!"

Harry grinned, "that's brilliant!"

"So did you transfer here from an American magical school Percy?" Ron asked.

"Ah no, I am actually home schooled. I was forced to move here though and my aunt decided it was best if I started joing to school to meet other people my age."

"Well it's too bad you can only stay for one year-" Fred began.

"-Yes, to think we have finally found a worthy opponent in pranking and we get him for only a year. So sad," George completed.

"What do you mean? I'm going for two years."

"What? But aren't you seventeen?"

"Yeah, I am. But you see I kind of took my OWLs late so I'm actually a sixth year," Percy explained.

"Wicked!" the twins yelled together.

"That means you'll be in our year!"

"We are going to have so much fun with you!" they then got up and started dancing, singing 'we are going to prank Percy! We are going to prank Percy!'

Hermione shook her head at the two and turned to Percy, "so which house do you think you will get in Percy?"

Percy hummed, "well honestly I'm kind of torn between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff myself."

"Hufflepuff? Who would ever want to be a Puff?" Ron snorted.

Percy shrugged, "I don't know, it just seems to suit my personality the most I guess. I've been told loyalty is my fatal flaw so I figured where else by the house of the loyal right?"

"How can loyalty be a flaw?" Harry asked, "that's silly."

"Well think of it like this. If I had to choose between saving the world and saving my friends I would choose my friends in a heartbeat. I would let the world burn, and as much as I care about my friends, that is too great of a sacrifice."

The kids remained silent contemplating what Percy had just said. Ron then spoke up, "so what classes are you going to take?"

Percy smiled, glad for the change in topic. The small group talked about several things, they mostly were just curious about Percy and who he was. Eventually Harry noticed the board Percy had strapped to his back and asked him about it.

"Hey Percy, what is that?" Harry pointed at the board.

Percy grinned, "I thought you would never ask." Percy took out the board and showed all the pieces of flat wood and carbon fiber, "remember that time we talked about how stupid brooms were?"

"Harry!" Ron sounded appalled.

"Hey I didn't say it, he did!"

Percy rolled his eyes, "anyway, remember I told you that the board would be a better way to fly? And then remember you daring me to prove it?"

Harry's eyes went wide, "no way..."

"What is Harry?" Hermione asked, she studied the board for a few seconds before her eyes popped out as well, "oh my god! Is this what I think it is?!"

"What? What is it?" Ron asked.

Percy grinned, he picked up the board and laid it flat on the ground. He then stepped on the board and leaned forward causing the board to rise up into the air and slowly move forward.


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