Chapter 61 : Yup!


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" shit!" Fred yelled out.

"Did you make a flying board?!" George cried out as they quickly started to examine the object.

"Yup! It took a long time and was a big pain in the ass, but I did it, I actually did it," Percy kick flipped the board into his hand and turned to Harry, "now will you admit there are better things to fly on the broom?"

Harry huffed, "I'll admit that's pretty cool, but you'll have to do a lot better than that to make me give up on broom."

Percy shrugged, "fine, if you want to keep gripping on that long hard piece wood and grind your crotch up against it who am I to stop you? You go right ahead."

Fred and George exploded into laughter while the younger kids looked confused by what Percy said.

"Hello all, why the laughter?" another red head walked to the fireplace. This guy wore a dragon skin leather jacket along with a single dragon fang earring on his left ear lobe. He ha the whole roguish look going for him, even his smile looked like it was up to no good.

"It's Percy!" Fred said laughing.

"This guy is hilarious!" George said as they continued to laugh.

"Percy being funny? I didn't think that was possible," the olderman said with a friendly smile.

"They don't mean our Percy Bill," Ron explained, "this guy's name is Percy too. He's Percy Jackson, Harry's neighbour."

Percy nodded, "hello."

Bill smiled, "hello Percy. Sorry about my little brothers, I try to keep them in line, but they just won't control themselves."

"Hey we didn't do anything!"

"Yeah promise!" the twins yelled.

Bill rolled his eyes, "and you are here cackling like hyenas because?"

The twins told Bill what Percy said and the older man laughed as well. "That's pretty good," Bill smiled before notiing Percy's board, "did you charm that to act like a broom?"

"Ah no, not really," Percy explained, "I'm horrible at charms. I used runes to substitute for the charms needed and then used potions for anything else. When couldn't avoid it I did use charms, but I locked them into runes to stop them from powering down."

"Hm...can I see that?" Bill asked. Percy handed it over to him and the man examined the board carefully. When he was done he smiled, "this is really good Percy, you should really consider a job as a curse breaker."

Percy thankned the man and quickly they started to talk once again. Soon Mr. Weasley came up and called all of them over. The finals were about to begin soon, and everyone left to go find their seats.


Percy and the Weasley's both found themselves in the Ministry's red box. It was located at the very top of the stadium and was filled with important ministry officials.

Percy recognized the minister of magic and a couple other richly dressed witches and wizard who were obviously important in some way.

Percy said goodbye to the Weasleys and Harry at this point as he and Hecate were sitting further away from them. He looked around for the goddess and found her fairly quickly standing near the edge of the box's open balcony waving her hands around like a madman.

"Let's go Bulgaria! Kick their ass!" the goddess yelled at the top of her lungs causing many people to look at her funny.

Percy looked over Hecate and chuckled. The goddess had gone on full super fan mode as she wore Victor Krum's jersey with her face painted in the bulgarian colour scheme.

She had a Bulgarian scarf around her neck and one of those veela desk toys flying around her head doing a cheer routine.

"Okay this is too much," Percy said as he approached the goddess.

"Percy! What took you so long?!" Hecate looked down and growled at Percy's Ireland scarf, "traitor!"

Percy grumbled, "hey it's not my fault! If you had told me who we were supporting beforehand I would have bought their stuff first!"

"Well it doesn't matter, here," Hecate summoned another bulgarian scarf and handed it Percy, "wear this!"

Percy rolled his eyes as he took off his Ireland scarf and wore the red and brown colours of Bulgarian. "I didn't realise you were this big a fan."

"You beat your ass I am!" Hecate grinned, "here, have my veela, I charmed her to be semi-sentient, she's are basically alive!"

The mini veela then floated over to Percy and landed on his shoulder giggling at him. Percy flinched at the sight of the veela and grumbled, "yay, thanks for this."

"You dont' sound happy," Hecate groaned, "what happened? Don't like her?" the veela on Percy's shoulder gasped in horror.

Percy rolled his eyes, "it's not that, it's just..." Percy stared at the figure and sighed, "for some reason veelas remind me of Mrs. Dodds."


"Oh, I mean Alecto," Percy supplied, "she was hiding as my math teacher before she tried to kill me. I don't know why but everytime I see one of these veela I get a flashback to my time with Mrs. Dodds."

"Ah, that's probably because they are similar beings," Hecate said with a shrug.

"What do you mean?"

Hecate grinned, "you'll see soon." Percy groaned at her, but he wasn't surprised, the goddess rarely told him what he wanted to know if she thought she could make fun of him later for it.


Percy looked around and saw a man standing outside the box on a raised platform. He was apparently the announcer for this game.

"Representing Ireland! Chasers, Mullet, Troy and Moran! Beaters, Connolly and Quigley! Keeper, Barry Ryan and the seeker, Aidan Lynch!"

Seven players flew the sky on brand new brooms wearing green robes. Then suddenly out of the rows of the stadium leprechauns jumped out and started throwing around bags of galleons.

Percy was surprised as the entire stadium started filling up with gold coins. Some people were bathing in them.

"It's not real right?" Percy asked Hecate, "leprechaun gold, it's an illusionary object right?"


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