Chapter 62 : Woo!

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Hecate nodded, "yup. Crafty little buggers. One time this leprechaun owed me money, I let him pay it in leprechaun gold and the next thing I know, poof! No money! I tracked that fucker down and beat him senselessly."

Percy chuckled, "is that why you don't like Ireland?"

"Yup! Now keep quiet, they are about to announce the Bulgarian team!"

"Representing Bulgaria! Chasers, Dimitrov, Ivanova and Levski! Beaters, Vulchanov and Volkov! Keeper Zograf and for seeker, Viktoooooor Kruuuuum"

The crowd went mad the mention of Krum's name. Hecate screamed so loud Percy thought he went deaf for a moment. Even the miniature veela model yelled out in a squeaky voice throwing her hand up and cheering s loud as she could.

Percy saw seven figures dressed in red and brown fly down from the sky trailing a red line of smoke behind them. The leprechaun all screamed for some reason and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Look over there! It's the Bulgarian cheerleaders!" someone from the stands below shouted causing everyone to look down on the field.

The opposite side of the stadium erupted in noise as 11 beautiful blonde haired woman walked out on the field wearing skimpy outfits with pom poms in their hand.

The smiled and waved at everyone, the mini veela on Percy's shoulder let out a squeak of encouragement as she waved at her bigger counterparts.

Suddenly all the men started getting riled up. They were on their feet proclaiming their undying love, much to the irritation of their wives.

Some tried to show off rolling up their sleeves flexing their muscles while others tried to actually jump onto the field, not realizing the many ten foot drop below.

Percy was baffled by the reaction, these men acted more desperate than Micheal Yew did when the Aphrodite cabin girls decided to wear bikinis for a day!

"What the hell is going on Hecate?" Percy asked.

"You go girls!" Hecate yelled at the veela before turning to Percy. She looked surprised, "oh, they haven't affected you yet? Go figure."

"Effected me? What do you mean?"

"Well you see veela have this magical power called an allur. It basically enhances their beauty and make all men around them go crazy with lust."

"So like a siren?"

"Hm, kind off. Except not to that level of extreme. The sirens attract to kill, the veela use their allure to find a powerful suitable mate. They are the chosen creatures of Aphrodite, she likes to parade them around Olympus from time to time, gets Ares all rolled up."

" if they tell a man to do something they do it?"

"Well yes, but it depends on the man's will power. Demigods in general are much stronger than normal wizards, so they won't be much affected. And of course you are the demigod of the second most powerful Olympian, so obviously you won't be affected as well."

Percy nodded, he watched the veela began their cheer routine that had them dance around making everyone excited, most even forgot the gold lying around at their feet.

The veela smiled seductively at everyone and soon even people supporting Ireland started cheering for them.

"You know from what you've told me this allur kind of sounds like charmspeak," Percy formed, "it's an ability some children of Aphrodite have, and it can make people do what they say."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Hecate nodded as she snapped her fingers summoning a small metal ball, "and you're right, a veela's allure and charmspeak are similar. But they aren't the same thing."

Percy eyed the metal ball Hecate had on hand, "ah Hecate, what are you planning to do?"

The goddess grinned, "watch," she snapped her fingers and the ball disappeared. Percy saw a flash of light appear in the middle of the field high above the ground as suddenly the ball exploded in a burst of red and brown sparks with the message, 'Got Bulgaria! Ireland drools! Give me my money Dorian!'.

The crowd went silent at the surprise fireworks. People started to get nervous, that was an unexpected event, even the veela looked unsure what to do next.

But then Hecate Open her mouth and yelled loud enough to put the sonorus charm to shame, "HELL YEAH! SHOW THEM WHO'S BOSS BULGARIA!"

"WOO!" the stadium joined in as everyone started to cheer yet again. The veela gained their confidence back as they quickly finished their cheer and walked away. The players then got into position as everyone prepared for the match to start.

Percy chuckled, "Gods Hecate, you are awesome!"

"You better believe it!" Hecate grinned back, "kick their ass Bulgaria!"

The match then began and Percy swore if he even lost focus for a single second he would have been unable to understand what was going on.

Irish Chaser, Troy scored the first goal of the match. After another two Irish goals, Ivanova registered Bulgaria's opening score. Percy was amazed at the way the chasers passed the quaffle to each other. It was like they all had the same brain!

Then Ireland's Seeker Aidan Lynch was fooled by Viktor Krum's Wronski Feint, but managed to continue play after the aid of some medi wizards.

Fifteen minutes later Ireland had stretched their lead to 130-10, when their Chaser Mullet was fouled by the Bulgarian Keeper, Zograf, and was awarded a penalty.

And this was when everything went to shit.

"Oh come on! That's bullshit! Zograf barely even touched the little bitch!" Hecate yelled loudly as the Ireland lined up their penalty shot.

Just then the veela cheerleaders form before started calling for the referee distracting him with their allur. The man was so stunned he didn't see the penalty shoot, sending Ireland into a rage.

The leprechauns started to yell at the veela and call them names. And that's when they changed.

Gone were the beautiful faces, replaced by a sharp hawk like a beak. Its hair turned feathery as large large feathery wings exploded out of their back. Their feet and hands turned into talons with long sharp claws. Their palms suddenly burst into flames as they sent fireballs at the leprechauns.


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