Chapter 63 : Yeah!

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"Yeah! Burn the little shits!" Hecat yelled in encouragement as the two mascots started to go into an all out brawl.

Percy gaped as he slowly turned to the little veela on his shoulder, "can you do that?" the little blonde woman on his neck shook her head sadly. Percy blinked, "thank the Gods."

"So now do you know what they remind you of a Fury" Hecate asked turning into teacher mode for a second. "When a veela is angry enough they can transform into their avian form. It isn't pretty, and most avoided them because of that."

Percy shrugged, "yeah, I figured."

Ireland was awarded another penalty shot, much to the anger of Hecate, and then game was back on. Quigley sent a Bludger towards Krum which broke his nose.

Lynch then spotted the Snitch, but was beaten in the race for it by Krum. Despite this, Ireland still ran out the victors.

The final score was 170-160. The Irish team performed a lap of honour before being presented with the Quidditch World Cup in the stadium's Top Box

At the end of the game Hecate leaned against the balcony wall and sighed, "god damnit! I had a lot of money running on this!"

Percy rolled his eyes, "didn't you mention something about Goddess not needing money?"

"Don't be silly, everyone needs money. I just said I have so much off it I don't know what to do. And besides, it was the principle that matters. Stupid chasers, couldn't they try a little harder?! I have seen third years play better than that!"

Percy chuckled as the two quickly made their way outside the box. "So what now? We stay the night and leave in the morning?"

Hecate nodded, "yeah. You can do whatever you want Percy, I'm going to go and find my fellow Bulgarian fans and drink my worries away."

"Oh hell no! You think I have forgotten about the last time you drank?! You turned me into a bunny! A pink fluffy bunny!"

"Oh come on. That was one time! I swear this time I wasn't that drunk! Promise!"

"No way Hecate, I'm not letting you get drunk. The last thing we need is too see you destroy reality and try and change it so that Bulgaria won instead!"

Hecate looked away as she whistled, "I-I would never do that."

"No drinking….got that?"

Hecate grumbled, "fine. Spoilsport. Turn you into an animal one time and suddenly I can't have fun." Percy rolled his eyes but said nothing.

"Ah excuse me," Hecate and Percy turned to see a beautiful blonde haired woman dressed as a cheerleader calling for them. She wore a red and brown uniform that highlighted her curves, huging her tightly. Her size C breasts were almost popping out off her top, while her short skirt put her long beautiful legs on display. She was obviously a veela from the Bulgarian team, "hello, my name is Chanel, I'm part of the cheerleading team for the Bulgarians."

"Oh I know," Hecate smiled, "shame what happened. If only those stupid chasers didn't act like a bunch of toddlers!"

Chanel laughed, "very true. Well you see my teammates and I couldn't help noticing you cheering for us so loudly, I just wanted to say thank you. It really helped seeing someone out there support us so openly."

"Oh think nothing of it dear, that was nothing," Hecate replied with a grin. Percy and his veela toy snorted and Hecate sent a deadly glare their way shutting them up.

"Well anyway we just wanted to show you our thanks. We are having a party right now in the bulgarian tent, though people don't really feel like partying. So we were thinking it would be nice if you were there with us."

"Really? Me?!" Hecate said sounding as giddy as a school girl, "of course! Let's do this!"

Percy groaned, "please remember what I told you, no drinking. Don't want you destroying half the camp by mistake or something."

Hecate glared, "hey! Have some faith in me mr.!"

"I do have faith in you. I have faith that you might blow up the camp if you get drunk enough."


Chanel chuckled, "if you want you can come too. Make sure she doesn't get too drunk and do something silly."

Percy blinked, "who? Me?"

Chanel nodded, "yes. I can see you are already a fan," she looked at the mini veela Percy had on his shoulder who gave the bigger one a grin and a thumbs up. Chanel then looked Percy over and gave a saucy looked, "plus you don't look too bad yourself."

Percy blushed, "ah thanks, but I don't really think-"

"-Oh shut up Percy!" Hecate yelled grabbing Percy by the ear and pulled him down to eye level, "are you really going to just reject partying with a tent full of veela cheerleaders?!"

"I promise to meet and Harry and the Weasleys after-"

"-Did you just say that you would rather spend time with prepubescent teenagers that aren't even old enough to drink than with a tent full of veela? You're coming and you are going to have a good time! Got that?!"

Percy groaned, "yes aunt Hecate."

The goddess grinned and let go off Percy's ear which the demigod rubbed in pain. She turned to Chanel and beamed, "lead the way!"

The veela cheerleader nodded as they walked back to the field and into a tent with the bulgarian teams logo on it.

The inside reminded Percy of a mortal dance club with a bar in the side and a small dance floor in the back. Most off the tent was filled with couches and tables with people already occupying them.

Percy spotted the entire bulgarian team here along with the cheerleaders. There were also other people who Percy didn't know, probably friends or family of the players. Or maybe even fans who were invited like Hecate.

"Chanel! You are back!" another veela called out as she ran over to her them. She had blonde curly hair and a bigger bust than Chanel. Her thighs were thick and juicy, Percy couldn't help it as he blushed while looking at her voluptuous curves. The new veela looked at Hecate and smiled, "I'm Amanda, pleasure to meet you."


If you want to read ahead by 10+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.