Chapter 64 : Oh please!

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"Hecate," the goddess smiled back, "thanks for having me."

"Oh please, it is our pleasure. After the way you cheered for us it is the least we can do," Amanda smiled before she looked at Percy and nodded to him as well. She was about to leave when she noticed the little veela on Percy's shoulder as she gasped in awe, "oh my god look at this! She's so cute!"

Amanda quickly walked up to Percy as she waved at the little veela who waved back. "And so adorable!" Amanda met Percy's eyes and smiled, "did you charm her yourself?"

"Ah no, I didn't," Percy chuckled, "I'm horrible at charms."

"May I have to hold her?" Amanda asked as she reached forward not waiting for Percy's permission. The mini veela however glared and crossed her hands and glared looking away in anger. Amanda blinked, "my she has a feisty personality."

"Yeah, blame Hecate, it's all her fault," Percy looked over Amanda's shoulder and found Hecate already sitting with the bulgarian team with a bottle of fire whiskey in hand.

"Oh shit!" Percy cried out as he quickly walked away from Amanda while she was making funny faces at the mini veela. Amanda looked stunned as Percy simply walked away from her. That had never happened to her, never.

The veela could do nothing except watch Percy leave, she needed to understand what just happened. Maybe Chanel could help her?

"And you know what?! If you three don't pull your heads outta your asses you won't even make it to the finals next time!" Hecate yelled at the three Bulgarian chasers who looked down in shame, "and another thing! You three-"

"-And that's enough of the fire whiskey," Percy said as he grabbed the bottle out of Hectares hands.

"Hey! I need that!"

"No, I think you had more than enough already!" Percy turned to the chasers and smiled, "I'm sorry about my aunt, she's very...passionate about your team."

One of the chasers nodded sadly, "no, she is right. Ve did not work together, that is vhy ve failed today."

"Yes, we deserve her shouting," said another one with a less thick accent, "it's alright young man, we can handle it."

"She's a breath of fresh air, please let her speak, ve need to hear this," a smaller man spoke. He had a small beard trim short and a buzzed hair cut. His nose was broken, but Percy knew who he was.

"Krum," Percy nodded, "right, well fine, but I'm warning you right now she is mean and nasty when she wasn't to be."

Krum and the others chuckled. "And I'm sure we deserve it," Krum nodded, "are you her son?"

"No, I'm her nephew," Percy smiled, "named Percy, Percy Jackson, pleasure to meet you."

"Right, now enough yapping! They said they can handle it, so they will handle it! Now shut up and give me my fire whiskey!"

Hecate tried to grab it but Percy pulled the bottle back, "there is no way you are ever going to drink this," Percy turned to Krum, "do not get her drunk, do you understand me?"

Krum chuckled, "we are Bulgarians, drinking is what we do. Especially after a game as bad as this."

"Krum I'm serious," Percy glared, "if you value your life, you will not give this woman any form of Alcohol. Do you understand?"

Krum looked surprised at the way Percy glared at him, and slowly nodded. Hecate huffed in frustration, "gr….fine. Be that way asshole! Go away, go find some veela to flirt with or something! You are a hyper sensitive fool!"

Percy rolled his eyes but left, he knew Hecate didn't mean it. Plus him getting scolded was much better than her drunk, the world would thank him if it knew what he did.

Percy walked to the bar and placed the bottle of fire whiskey on the counter. He ordered a cola from the bartender who gave him a strange look but went around back to get his drink. While he waited for Chanel to come up to him again, "not having fun?"

Percy smiled, "no it's not that. I'm not really person. The last one I attended didn't really have booze and hot cheerleaders."

"Ah, I see," Percy's drink came causing the Channel to raise an eyebrow, "I thought you were over 17, yes?"

"Oh I am, it's just I don't like getting drunk," Percy chuckled, "after all someone has to make sure my aunt doesn't do something crazy."

Chanel looked back and saw Hecate continue to scold the chasers who were at this point looking more amused than angry. The veela laughed, "yes I suppose you are right." She then saw Amanda waving her over and Chanel nodded. She turned to Percy, "come on then, let's see if we can't get you too have some fun today."

Percy blinked but shrugged as the veela led him to a table near the back that had four veela cheerleaders, including Amanda. Percy couldn't help blushing at the sight of them, all of them blond with cobalt blue eyes and figures that put most demigoddess to shame.

They were also wearing skimpy clothes to boot. But Percy remembered what they turned into and lust instantly turned into cautious fear.

"Hello everyone! This is ah..." Chanel looked at Percy with an uncaring look, "what's your name again?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Percy, Percy Jackson."

Two of the villas in the back snorted. They had dark olive skin and had a bigger bust than the other veela there. One of them turned to the other and spoke in greek, [another idiot named after one of our heroes.]

The other dark skinned veela nodded, [yes, and this one is an American.]

They probably thought no one understood them, but they were wrong. Fun fact about greek demigods, they knew the language better than their own mother tongue, meaning Percy could understand every single world they were saying. Percy felt a little pissed off but said nothing.

"Right, Percy, please sit down," Channel pulled Percy down making him sit next to her at the edge of the table.

"So Percy, tell us a little bit about yourself," Amanda said leaning over the table giving Percy a clear look at her cleavage.


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