Chapter 65 : Believe me!

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Percy moved his eyes away from the ample bosom and began, "well lets see, I'm from New York and I basically lived there all my life. But then things happened and I had to move here to England with my aunt, who you can see currently tearing into the Bulgarian team," Percy pointed over his shoulder at Hecate who was now crying hysterically along with the chasers.

"She was the one who was very active in her cheering yes?" one of the veela asked. This one had short hair and a petite form. While she didn't have noticeable curves like the others she did have her own charm.

But the glared she focused at Percy made him feel unwelcome. In fact the way all of them looked at him made the demigod feel slightly cautious. And this was not including how he felt about them turning into harpies that shot out fire balls.

"Yeah, that's my aunt Hecate," Percy smiled, "she's basically helped me along with this whole moving thing. If it wasn't for her I don't really think I would be where I am now."

The two greek veela in the back snorted again, [another greek name. And this one off the goddess of magic herself! Who the hell do these people think they are?! Disrespectful egrets!]

The other greek girl sighed, [relax, it's not like you can do anything,] they looked over to Hecate and snorted, [look at that bitch, drinking herself silly. Probably trying to fuck all of them before the night is over. She doesn't deserve that name, the slut!]

Percy's eyebrow twitched again, he tried very hard to keep the smile on his face from falling. He didn't care what they said about him, but they insulted Hecate, someone who he grew to care for and love like a real aunt.

Not to mention if she ever found out she would probably blast them into oblivion. So the best thing for him and them was to not react in anyway. Though it took a lot from Percy to not simply get up and slap those two across the face.

Percy cleared his throat, "so, that's my story, what about yours?"

Amanda smiled, "well I'm Amanda, as you know. I'm from the veela colony in Italy and I'm the head cheerleader."

"Sure you are," the veela with short hair snorted, "you just love saying that don't you?"

"Yup!" Amanda said with a smile. She then turned to Percy, "and this is-"

"-I can introduce myself," the short haired girl shoot back. "My name is Catherine, I'm from France. Hello."

Percy nodded, "France. And you don't have an accent?"

"No, I've worked very hard to make sure that's the case."

"Why so?"

"A french veela? How more stereotypical can one get?" Catherine rolled her eyes.

Percy nodded, "I suppose that makes sense. I'm American and everyone calls me a Yankee. It's really quite annoying."

"Hehe, yes, British people do like their slurs," Chanel agreed, "I'm from Australia by the way, though I'm sure you noticed I don't carry an accent as well. When you work around the world like us and visit different countries you tend to loose all off that."

"Interesting," Percy nodded, he then turned to the two greek woman who insulted him and hecate. He controlled his anger and smiled, "I'm sorry, but we haven't been introduced, who are you two again?"

The two turned to Percy and sneered. The taller one spoke up practically spitting out her answer, "my name is Ula, this is Ebele."

Percy nodded, "right, the little bear and the compassionate one. Very pretty names."

Ula looked surprised while Ebele's jaw dropped, "h-how did you know that?"

Percy chuckled, "my father was greek. I learnt it from him. So I suppose you could say I am greek too."

Ebe let snorted, [you're not greek you stupid boy, you are American. Don't even try to associate yourself with our culture you fool!]

Percy raised an eyebrow, "that was greek wasn't it?"

Ula chuckled, "yes it was. You understand?"

Percy smiled back [yes, I do. Stupid veela.]

The two greek veela gasped. They said nothing as they simply gaped at Percy's perfect greek.

[Y-you can speak the language?!] Ula asked as she and Ebele started to blush red.

[Yes, I do. What? Did you think my name was just for effect?] Percy chuckled.

"Ula? Ebele? What happened? Why are you blushing?" Amanda asked curiously.

"I-It's nothing," Ula gave a nervous chuckle.

[I-I'm sorry about that,] Ebele said with a nervous smile, [I didn't mean what I said.]

[Yes you did,] Percy shot back as he sipped from his drink [don't' bother lying.] The veela flinched as Percy glared at them, [but personally I don't care. Really I don't, I heard worse things said about me than you two combined. But my aunt...well I personally would not recommend pissing her off.]

Ula blinked, [she knows Greek as well?!]

Percy nodded, [yup! And while I was born in America she was born in Greece and is probably a lot more greek than you two.]

Ebele snorted, [I can hardly believe that.]

Percy shrugged, [like I give a flying pegasus what you believe in. I'm just telling you the truth. Unless you want her to turn you into a pink bunny.]

Ula blinked, "a pink bunny?"

"I'm sorry what about a pink bunny?" Amanda asked her and the other cheerleaders looked on in confusion.

"Oh, right, sorry, I was just telling these two about the time my aunt got really drunk and started cursing or changing everything in sight. When I tried to stop her she turned me into a pink bunny and...crushed me to sleep," Percy shivered as he remembered that time so many days ago.

"Hehe," Catherine chuckled, "that's pretty funny. She really transformed you into a bunny?"

Percy grumbled, "yeah. Believe me, I never looked at carrots the same again."

"But that's crazy!" I yelled out, "she did a full body transfiguration while drunk?!"

Percy nodded, "yes."

"That's crazy!" Chanel agreed, "is she insane?! What if she botched it up!"


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