Chapter 66 : Sorry!

Percy shrugged, he pointed at the mini veela sitting on his shoulder who was huffing in anger, "do you really think she can botch it up? Take it from me, she an incredible witch. Kind off a light weight though."

"Is that why you grabbed her drink before you left?" Amanda said picking up the bottle of firewhiskey Percy brought with him. She looked at the label and looked impressed, "1907? Very good. This stuff can get someone drunk very quickly. Is this why you ran away from me before?"

Percy nodded, "yup. Sorry about that, I know it seemed rude, but I think you understand why I looked like I just saw Hades right?"

The veelas looked confused at the reference while Ula and Ebele chuckled in understanding. The others looked at them and Ebele explained, "Hades is our version of the devil. He's not a nice person. You would not want to meet him."

Percy nodded, "yeah. He once kidnapped a woman and took her to the underworld to make her his wife. And he's a total dick, always trying to cheat his way out a promise."

"You seem very knowledgeable about Greek myth Percy," Camille noted.

"Yup. My dad taught me a lot about his culture and my mom was equally fascinated by it."

"I see, and where are you parents now?" Chanel asked.

"They….they aren't really around," Percy looked away as he sipped his drink.

"Percy, I I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"-No no it's fine," Percy waved her apology away, "I just don't like talking about it." Chanel looked saddened while the others sat in silence not knowing what to say.

Amanda grumbled, "okay enough off this!" The veela tore open the seal on the firewhiskey and popped open the cap, "let's drink our worries away!"

Percy blinked, "I don't really think that's a good idea. My aunt's drinks are always very...potent." 'Especially when they come the personal cellar of the god of wine himself!'

"Nothing we can't handle," Ula waved his concern away, "we drink with the bulgarian team all the time, we developed quite an tolerance to it."

"Well you have," Ebele grinned, "Ula here can drink anyone under the table. So far only Krum has even come close to beating here, but even he lost by three shots!"

Percy blinked, "wow. That's impressive, I'm sure many people weren't happy about that."

"Stupid quidditch players," Catherin grumbled, "think just because we are cheering for them on the field we automatically have to let them do whatever they want."

"You don't like the team?" Percy asked surprised.

"No, not at first," Amanda admitted, "they were...difficult to say the least. Treated us like things" her anger was so forced she spat the word out, "but then again most men are."

Percy blinked, "I'm sorry, but I don't understand. Why do you think all men are like that? I'm most certainly not."

The veela almost at once rolled their eyes.

"Who wants to do it this time?" Ula asked as she grabbed the firewhiskey and poured herself a drink.

"I did it last time, I think I'll just sit back and watch this time," Catherine commented leaning back and grinning.

"I'll pass too," Chanel grumbled, "he's cute, I don't want to be the reason he starts drooling."

Percy blinked, " guys are kind of scaring me right now. What's going on?"

"Fine, I'll do it," Amanda sighed as she turned and looked into Percy's eyes. She smiled, "Percy, do you love me?"

Percy stared, "ah….that's kind of soon isn't it?"

Amanda blinked, she looked confused but shook it off, "Percy, do you love me? Would you do anything for me?"

"Amanda, you're great and all, and I think what you do is cool, but love is a strong word. Can't I just say we are good friends?"

Amanda gaped, "what?! How is this possible?!"

Katherine rolled her eyes, "maybe because you are holding back."

"I am not!"

"Here, let me try," Ebele called as she reached over and took Percy's free hand in hers, [Percy] she said huskily in their language, [don't you love me? Run your hands down my long locks, star of my life.]

Percy blinked, he slowly took his hand away, much to Ebele's confusion and leaned away, "okay what is going on? You are all acting very weird."

"What did you say to him?" Chanel hissed.

"I said what I always say!" Ebele hissed back, "I asked him to run his hands through my hair! I even called him the star of my life!"

"Then how is he still sitting there with his tongue not currently down your throat?" Ula asked rolling her eyes, "obviously you didn't do it right."

"I did too!"

"Let me," Catherine said sighing. She looked at Percy, again putting on a smile like the others before, "Percy, tiens-moi serré mon amour. Tiens-moi et ne lâche jamais."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "you realise I can't understand a word you're saying right?"

"Ho-how?!" Catherin jumped up, "how are you doing this!"

"See! It's not my fault!" Ebele huffed, "he's obviously gay!"

"I'm not gay!" Percy yelled out.

"Of course! That explained it!" Amanda grinned, her confidence returned, she turned to him, "why didn't you just tell us Percy?"

"Because I'm not gay!" Percy huffed and turned to the mini veela figurine on his shoulder, "you believe me right?" the little veela nodded her head and gave a small peck on Percy's check.

"There's no point denying it Percy. Relax, we won't judge you even if you were," Ula smiled.

"Yes, you see if we ever wish for male companionship we can only ever turn to gay men," Amanda explained, "so we do have a lot of them. Don't worry Percy, your secret is safe with us!"

"He's not gay," the channel finally spoke up.

Percy sighed in relief, "thank you! I swear just because I don't act like a lovesick fool doesn't mean I'm gay!"

"How is he not gay?!" Ula asked.

"Because he checked me out the moment he saw me. And he's been sneaking peeks down Amanda's shirt since he arrived."

Percy blushed as he sipped his drink, "I didn't...well I mean….I'm sorry."


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