They sat at the finest table there, where Damian ordered the finest red wine for her. Isabelle was charmed. They drank and told their life stories. Tudor England was a farming society, so like everybody else they grew up in a farm.

Damian told her stories of his adventures, his travels, one when he was a lad he learned to hunt the fiercest beasts in the forest, and when he wanted to see more of the world he joined the voyaging crew to sail the wide ocean, tame the wildest strongest seas, fighting off storms to see the beauty of the world that has to offer. To have adventure!

Isabelle was fascinated by his life. His life is full of adventure and excitement, danger, taking risks, living his best life. She was impressed by his achievements. Isabelle told him her life growing up in a farm, like all others, when she was a girl she helped around the house, doing the chores, of course she wasn't allowed to go to school so her father, who was a teacher, taught her how to read and write, she even learned different languages like Latin, Spanish, Italian, Greek, and French was her best language. She read all kinds of books, but her most favorite was ancient Greece, stories of gods, heroes, monsters, all kinds of fascinating myths, Isabelle read them with her childhood best friend, or late friend, she was killed by a wolf a long time ago.

Damian was sorry to hear what happened to her friend. "That must've been tragic."

"It was" Isabelle said, staring into space.

Damian held her hand to comfort her and Isabelle accepted it with a smile, it was a nice warm feeling.

"Growing up" she continued. "I had big dreams, big plans. I always wanted to see the world too, to perform in the best theaters in the world, I've danced the best ballet plays here in England."

"Yes, you were wonderful, the way you danced was marvelous" Damian complimented her. "Some might say it was..."

"Magical?" Isabelle added, smiling.


Soon afterwards the minstrels began to play music, everyone stood up and danced the waltz, especially Damian and Isabelle. Once they've embraced each other gently they never wanna let go, as they gazed at each others eyes they couldn't look away, they felt a warm feeling in their hearts, a strong feeling of happiness. Then they began to sing together, a song called "Magical Love"


They say love is for the desperate fools 

That it doesn't exist

It's just use as a tool

For the weakest

True love is told in those silly childish fables

When in reality it just leads to betrayal, and it can be fatal

But I don't believe it, because I see it

With you and I know it's true 

Love is real and it's beautiful

Yes it can hurt, but it's worth

All the happiness it brings

And when I sing

It feels so magical


All my life I craved for adventure

I've seen so many places 

From land to sea

And now I see

Your bright face

And it brings me such immense pleasure 

I would travel for miles

Just to see your lovely smile 

I've been a free spirited rebel 

Escaping dull life for some action

As a hunter I learned animal trapping

Now as a voyager I sail the ocean to go on missions 

To recover treasures 

Now all I want is some relaxing 

To settle with my equal so we can live peaceful 

And make my life magical

After the dance in the tavern they went out to the Essex forest for some nightly fresh air together, to gaze at the stars and the lovely full moon. They wandered hand in hand in the safest, peaceful parts of the woods Damian knew, he showed her the lake where the black and white swans go to swim.

Isabelle looked at them with awe, oh how she loved them, they were her favorite birds, so beautiful and elegant that swims and soars with such grace, including the black ones that represents mysteriousness, impossibility and misfortune, she feels sorry for them but she thinks they're beautiful in a dark mysterious way. Now what she really loves about them is their wisdom, their loyalty for their love for one another.

"Did you know that swans mate for life" she explained. "They represent loyalty for each other, their love is pure and true. If one spouse dies the other swan will remain a widow for life until she dies and joins her spouse in heaven."

Damian listened to her with fascination, he was inspired by her wise words, and beauty. "Amazing, I did not know that? Where did you learn this poetic wisdom?"

"From the bible of course" answered Isabelle. "Don't you read the bible, or any kind of book?"

Damian stuttered a bit. "Well... when you work as hunter, hunting for food in the woods, and now you're a voyager, sailing all over the world... you don't have... the time to read."

"I see" Isabelle understood, seems like Isabelle is going to have to straighten him out. "You know at home I had a religious education since Henry VIII closed the religious houses. My mother was a nun, she taught me everything in the bible, all the stories they are so inspiring, educational, and motivating. Like the birth of the baby Jesus is why we celebrate Christmas, Easter time is when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Noah's ark teaches us about the Lord's justice, power, patience, kindness, and faithfulness, and the Ark God offers us, and Elijah's story taught us to overcome our depression, when our hope is lost we still searched God out, to have faith in the lord."

Damian held her hand tight and looked at her in the eyes with strong feelings for her. "Isabelle as long as I'm with you I will never lose hope" he said gently.

Isabelle was overjoyed in her heart. As the two clasped their hands tight, they gazed at each others eyes, feeling the deep love inside of them, but what one way to express their love is to seal it with a kiss. 

They leaned closer, closed their eyes and kissed. Their kiss felt deep and warm, it was like a spark of magic, they never want this feeling to end. Then their hearts began to sing once again.

We'll start a new chapter in our lives

We'll live happily ever after, as our child thrives 

I will always be loyal to you, and bring food on the table for you

And I will always be grateful to you 

For I will be your humble wife for the rest of my life 

Our lives will be wonderful together forever 

Love really is magical!

And soon afterwards they got married at Saint Paul's Cathedral Church. It was a wonderful wedding where they invite their friends, Damian's voyaging crew and Isabelle's fellow dance partners. Everyone applauded for the happy couple. How Isabelle wished her best friend were here to see her. 

They settled in a lovely house, big enough for the perfect couple and more room for their child to explore and run around. Damian resigned as a voyager to go back to his former job as a hunter. Yes, Damian is a hunter again, so he can stay with his wife, who is now pregnant with their baby. He will provide a living for his wife and new born child, and spend more time with his family.