Ever since then, the whole kingdom fell apart. Crime during Tudor times was widespread and the punishment for committing a crime was often very cruel, especially with Henry VIII as king, his reign was mad and unreasonable. One of the most common crimes during Tudor times was theft as many poor people couldn't afford to pay for increasingly expensive food. However, punishments were harsh in the belief that they would stop others from committing the same crime. There were lot of crimes in Tudor England that could be punishable by death.

The Tudors created punishments that were even more terrifying in the hopes of lowering the number of crimes being committed. London had the most amount of crime in Tudor England and it attracted many vagrants (people without homes) as well as people moving from the countryside looking for work. 

In London, the rich and poor lived apart and a poor person found in a wealthy part of the city was often thought to be a criminal. Vagrancy was a crime punishable by whipping. In extreme cases, people could be hanged for vagrancy. Many people feared that vagrants were criminals and murderers.

Not to mention the King's paranoia of witchcraft. Ever since he accused his own wife, Anne Boleyn, of witchcraft he began believing that any woman could be a witch, thinking witches are capable of anything. Misfortune, such as a failed crop, a sick animal or the death of a child would often precede a witch trial. Henry VIII's new law was called "An Act against Conjurations, Witchcrafts, Sorcery and Enchantments".

Anyone in the affected community could be accused of witchcraft but it was often the more isolated members of society that were suspected of being witches. People during Tudor times believed that there were several ways to spot a witch:

A witch was most commonly an old woman. A witch didn't leave a shadow. A witch would talk to herself. A witch would have pets that followed them around. These were called familiars and were believed to have been sent by the devil. A black cat was a common familiar for a witch to have. A witch often held unusual ceremonies or took part in strange rituals. A witch would be deformed or disfigured in some way. A witch could have a "witch spot" on their body. Usually, a mole or wart could be blamed. This was the supposed mark left by the devil. A witch usually lived alone.

Many who were accused of witchcraft during Tudor times were old women who were poor and lived alone. They often didn't fit in with local society. If a woman like this fell out with a neighbor or shouted a curse, she could be accused of being a witch. But really they were just blaming an innocent woman who's a gypsy, fortune teller, palm reader, and would punish anyone who would help them, hid them from the King's law. 

Everyone was miserable, unhappy, work was just too hard, people frowned the whole day. But at least they still have the theater, dancers, and music. England wasn't in deep despair as long as they kept their heads down, and no ones studying the dark arts.

Henry VIII was a tyrant and a murderer, people feared him, and what's worse for his third wife, Jane Seymour, she had finally given birth to a son the King had always wanted, but alas it had cost her her life, Jane Seymour died of child birth and Henry VIII was left with out a queen again, but at least for him he had finally gotten a son, a male heir to the throne to secure the future of the Tudor Dynasty. 

But this tense kingdom didn't stop Damian, Isabelle and Robyn from being a happy family. During spring time it was Robyn's birthday, she was turning five years old, and they celebrated her birthday at their favorite meadow, surrounded by trees, rocks, flowers, fresh air, a nice sparkling brook, it was the perfect place to celebrate a little girl's birthday.

They had foods like chicken, bread, pigeons, wild boar, and sweet delicious cakes and fruits, wine and juices. They sang, danced, and played games. Isabelle sang her favorite French song called "Swans of Love", "Cygnes D'amour" in French:

Swans of Love

Oh how you dance gracefully on the lake together 

Swans of Love

You soar the wind, spreading love in the air everywhere

You make the sky cry

As you both fly together no matter the weather

Your sacred love is forever

As you will grow old together

As well as you both shall die together

Swans of Love

Your white feathers symbolize purity and equality 

As your love is the center of divinity

Swans of Love

Your love for each other is eternity

As your care for one another represents integrity

Your wisdom of clarity has shown us our morality

Our balance is our grace

In our inner beauty 

It shows us our place

Our true ability

When she finished singing, Robyn applauded. "Bravo mother, that song was poetic and beautiful do describe the swan's love, or should I say "l'amour du cygne" am I right" she said it in French, to impress her.

Isabelle just laughed in amusement of her daughter's effort. "Thank you Robyn. You know the song is more beautiful, and poetic in French."

"Then why not sing it in French?" Robyn asked eagerly.

"Because you wouldn't understand the lyrics" Isabelle explained. "French is a complicated language, and you're not ready yet." 

"But I'm getting close to learning the language" Robyn tried to assure her. "Uh... Chante-moi la chanson en francais, comme cadeau d'anniversaire." Translation (Sing me the song in French, as my birthday gift) Robyn tried to said it in French, to impress her mother. "S'il vous plait."

Isabelle just smirked at her, and responded in complicated French. "Vraiment. Pouvez - vous decrire la divinite du cygne dans la vie? Comment sa beaute et sa grace se refletent sur notre vie amouteuse? Quelle moralite la sagesse nous enseigne-t-elle? Peux-tu me le decrire en francais?" Translation (Really. Can you describe the swan's divinity in life? How it's beauty and grace reflects on our love life? What morality it's wisdom teaches us? Can you describe it to me in French?)

Robyn didn't expect that powerful French from her mother, she didn't know how to respond that in French, she just stood there looking stunned, not saying a word.

Isabelle laughed. "Tu as encore beaucoup a apprendre mon enfant" Translation (You still have much to learn my child)

Robyn doesn't understand that French, but she's guessing it means she needs to learn more.

"Besides, I have two better birthday gifts for you my dear" Isabelle continued.

"Like what?"

Isabelle gave her her first gift, it was a silver brooch swan. Robyn looked at it mesmerized, the brooch swan was beautiful. Where did mother get this lovely brooch? She thought.

"This brooch was a gift I gave to my old friend a long time ago" Isabelle said. "Her name was Elizabeth Grace."

"Who was Elizabeth Grace?" asked Robyn, curiously.

"That brings me to your second gift" Isabelle answered, emotionally. "One that you love most, a story, and this is a story of my childhood best friend, Elizabeth Grace."

Robyn listened to her mother's tale with awe.

"My old friend Elizabeth" Isabelle continued. "She was a peasant girl, a vagrant. Her clothes were old torn rags, her dark hair was messy as a bird's nest, and she was barefooted. We met in town, I was a mere farm girl at the time, buying bread in the market until I saw her, a hungry peasant girl working as a beggar, begging people for some coins just so she can buy bread. I felt pity for her so I bought two breads and I shared one with her. When I offered her the bread she smiled at me with gratitude, I smiled back and asked her friendly if she would like to come with me to the meadow to play? Of course she happily accepted and we went there together. We ran, jump, skipping, playing around in the sun, picking flowers, and we would talk about our lives. I told her all about my plan to become a ballet dancer when I grow up, and to sing all kinds of songs, but for now I was a farm girl helping my family grow some crops and doing her household duties. Elizabeth listened to me with content, she wished she had a special talent that would feed her some bread, instead she's a poor homeless orphan girl with no food and no one to take care of her, she was talentless and uneducated. But I disagreed, because I knew underneath those rags she was a hardworking pretty girl, who only needs an education and support. So whenever my family was busy with work, I would take the opportunity to go meet with Elizabeth at the meadow, and I would bring books, papers, ink, quill pen to teach her to read and write, to help her with arithmetic, and I would read to her the bibles and she would listened with content. And for fun, we would play and fool around in the woods, doing all kinds of mischief, we would dance together, sing songs together, I would even teach her to play the lute. We were inseparable, that's when I saved enough money to pay the blacksmith to make this brooch swan, it's the shape of a swan because I saw Elizabeth as an ugly duckling that will grow up to be a beautiful swan, I just know it. When I gave it to her she was overjoyed with gratitude towards me, until..." Isabelle stopped there from her story.

"Until what mother?" Robyn asked, eager to here the rest of the story. But Isabelle looked like she was about to cry.

"Sorry love, but we're going to have to put the story on hold for now" She explained. "I'll tell you more once we get home. I promise."

Robyn just nodded her head respectfully to her mother. Then Damian came meddling the moment with his surprised birthday gift for Robyn. "Robyn love" he said, smiling with excitement, because he knew Robyn would love his gift. "I have something special for you" Damian gave her her very own crossbow. "Happy Birthday my love!"

Robyn gasped with joy, she was ecstatic, of course she would loved her father's gift. "Thank you father!" She thanked him, gratefully.

Robyn practiced shooting arrows with her very own crossbow, with the guidance from her father of course. She would try to shoot at the target but missed every time, because her aim was poor and reckless, so Damian gave her shooting advice. "Now lass, you need to draw all the way back to your cheek, that's it good, keep both eyes open, and... release!"

Robyn released the arrow and it's still missed the target, it flew far into the woods. "I missed" She said disappointed. 

"Go fetch it then" replied Damian, holding her crossbow for her.

When Robyn left to retrieve the arrow, Isabelle discussed this crossbow gift with Damian. "A crossbow Damian? She's a young lady."

"Don't worry my love" Damian tried to assure her. "Lady or not learning to hunt is essential."

"To hunt?"

"Aye. I was thinking once Robyn was old enough I would take her hunting with me" Damian explained.

Isabelle didn't approve of this, in fact she is concerned of this, sure she has her adventurous spirit in her, but as a mother she cares for her daughter's safety. But Damian assured her that they are going to hunt small as a start like rabbits, hares, birds, ducks etc. 

When Robyn searched deeper into the woods she finally found the arrow. When she was about to take it and turn back she heard footsteps marching her way. It was the sheriff John Feiry with four soldiers and by his side the King's favorite, trustworthy English statesman and lawyer who served as chief minister to Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell, when they saw little Robyn the sheriff asked her in a friendly but also intimidating tone. "Hello little poppet, what are you doing here deep in the woods? You know this forest isn't for children to play in."

Robyn felt frightened by the sheriff and his soldiers, she meekly replied. "Because of the wild beasts in the woods?" She said, while clutching the arrow she was supposed to return with.

"No" The Sheriff replied. "Because of the mysterious misfortunes happening in the Kingdom, like, let's say... witches."

"Witches?" Robyn said confused.

"Yeah witches. They're very real, real as Satan himself, who they serve by the way. You haven't happen to see one now have you?" 

"No" Robyn shook her head. "I just came to retrieve my arrow then I'm returning to my mother and father, they're waiting for me."

"Then I say the responsible, sensible thing left to do is to help escort you to your family" Thomas Cromwell stepped in voluntarily. "Shall we then? Come along we have to escort this young lady back to her family now."

The sheriff didn't say anything and just agreed. They escorted Robyn back to her mother and father.

When Damian and Isabelle saw Robyn returning with the arrow, and with some strange soldiers, they were shocked to see the sheriff John Feiry and the King's chief minister Thomas Cromwell, escorting their daughter back to them.

"Sheriff John, Chief Minister Cromwell, what a splendid surprise seeing you here at our picnic area" said Isabelle, scared.

"Do what do we owe the pleasure of your presents" said Damian, feeling intimidated.

"Oh don't mind us" replied Thomas, while returning Robyn to her mother safely. "We were only scouting around the forest in sight of anything, until we found this charming little girl of yours. She shouldn't be out in the woods alone, it's dangerous you know."

"That's what I mentioned earlier" Isabelle muttered to her husband. 

Damian can see his wife's glare and quickly said. "Well thank you for finding our daughter and bringing her back to us, we are indebted to you."

"Oh it was no trouble at all" said the Sheriff. "Just next time don't let her wonder around the woods alone otherwise she might be mistaken for a-"

"That's enough now!" Thomas Cromwell interrupted him immediately. "It's time to go now! So sorry for the inconvenience, you folks have a good day now."

And so sheriff John and Thomas Cromwell, along with the soldiers, left. And as for Damian, Isabelle and Robyn they left the meadow immediately and returned home, safe and sound.

Once they're home, Isabelle and Damian had a serious talk. Of course they didn't want Robyn to listen so they calmly sent her to her room. 

"You want to take Robyn out hunting as your apprentice?" said Isabelle, disapproved of this idea. "In the dangerous wild forest? Are you out of your mind?" 

Damian tried to reason with his wife. "I know how it seems love, but it'll be a good experience for her, I will be with her all the way, teaching her the art of the hunt, like I said earlier we will start small and-"

"Damian have you already forgotten the unexpected incident our daughter had encountered with the Sheriff and the King's Chief Minister!?" Isabelle interrupted him in a fit of rage and fear. "You heard what the Sheriff was about to say. He accused our own daughter of being a witch!"

"He didn't say that."

"Well he was about to say that word until Thomas Cromwell interrupted him to stop him! Damian we need to be more careful, especially with the King's mad law of a reign with this witchcraft obsession madness! You've seen those innocent women accused, hanged, and burnt for no reason, they all died, all because of the King's paranoia and his witch fever."

"You know I don't believe in those superstitions."

"No but the King does, and not just his subjects but also his own wives, all because he wanted a son to pursue the throne. The first he divorced her just so he can marry another, the second he behead her for no reason, and the third well... let's just say his wife paid the price just so her husband can finally have the son he always wanted. I just hope he doesn't plan to marry another innocent woman."

Damian held his beloved wife's hands gently and said. "Isabelle I swear on my life I will love, raise, and protect our daughter. But we won't always be there to protect her, she has to learn to fend for herself out in the world, and hunting with me will make her an independent young lady."

"I don't know?"

"My love, there is nothing in the King's law that says a woman can't be a hunter, or a huntress in this case. You know Henry VIII second wife, Anne Boleyn, competed in the hunt. Henry and Anne hunted together and she was very skilled with the crossbow, aiming her arrow at her prey and never missed. That's also one of the reasons why the King married her. And there are all kinds of paintings, tapestries, mosaics of women hunting as huntresses, there is nothing sinful about a woman competing in the hunt.''

Isabelle thought for a moment. ''Well I did wanted our daughter to be well - rounded and adventurous. And if there's nothing in the King's law that is against it, then I will allow it. As long as you keep your word that you will protect our daughter every step of the hunt!''

Damian vowed to his beloved wife on his life he will keep their daughter safe from harm.

Isabelle and Damian went upstairs to Robyn's bedroom to tuck her in, and kiss her goodnight.

"Mother, will you now tell me the rest of the story, like you promise" Robyn reminded her of her promise.

Isabelle looked scared, she can only stammer a few words in response. "Robyn dear, I know I promised I would tell you the rest of the story because I thought you're now old enough to hear real life stories that actually happened to people. You know the tragic Greek tales I told you about are just fables."

"I know mother" Robyn responded. "The Greek myths were sad and tragic, but also exciting and beautifully inspiring. I assure you mother, I am old enough now to hear the rest of the story, you have prepared me for growing up, I am ready."

Isabelle sighed heavily, for the rest of the story will be difficult for her to tell, but she has to keep her promise to her daughter that she will finish telling the rest of the story, and it will not have a happy ending, for her best friend that is. "Everything was going great with me and Elizabeth, our friendship was strong and joyful that we gave each other nicknames. I called my friend Lizzie and and she called me Belle, we were the best of friends, Elizabeth's studies were improving and our future together was looking bright, we had our whole lives ahead of us. We were inseparable, until one day Lizzie wasn't feeling very well, she had some kind of flu, her fever was high. Of course I had to take care of her, but I had to do it in secret because I never told mother and father about my friendship with Elizabeth, I don't think they would approve of my bond with a peasant girl, so I hid her in the barn, I put her to rest on the soft hay I turned into a bed. I took good care of her, I gave her water, tea, soup, medicine I can afford to buy, everything that she needs to recover, she's been ill for two days till one night when I went to the barn to give her soup she wasn't in her hay bed. I saw her outside running into the woods at night, of course I followed her, she ran deeper and deeper so fast I tried to keep up till I lost her. I cried her name "Elizabeth!" "Lizzie!" I cried my heart out calling her name, you have no idea how worried I was for her, until I heard something around the thick tall trees, I thought it was Lizzie, I rushed around the trees to check only to learn I was wrong. It wasn't Elizabeth I saw, what I saw was a big black wolf. The wolf had Elizabeth's silver swan brooch in its teeth, from that moment I couldn't believe my own eyes, the black wolf killed Elizabeth. My heart skipped a beat, I began to cry, I turned and ran off, hoping the wolf did not saw me to run after me, when I arrived home safe and traumatized, I drop to my bed and began to cry, mourning for my best friend. I couldn't believe she was killed by wolf. The next morning I went back into the woods to see the spot the wolf was at, and fortunately to my relief I've seen that it had left behind the silver swan brooch I gave to Lizzie, I held it in my hands and my heart ,never wanting to let go, and took it home with me. It was the only special comfort of treasure I have of my best friend, I thought about her, mourned her every day. Ever since that night I wasn't myself, I just threw myself into my duties, never wanting to think about that horrible night of what happened to my friend, she had a bright future, we could've spend our best lives together, we even wrote a song together."

"A song?" Robyn interrupted, curious.

"Yes" Isabelle answered sadly. "We called it 'Magic is Freedom', we used to sing it every night whenever we feel scared or sad."

"Could you sing it to me?" Robyn begged her mother.

Isabelle looked unhappy. "I don't know, love? I haven't sang that song in a long time, I vaguely remember the words."

"Please mother, for my birthday and as a lullaby to put me to sleep. I'm sure Elizabeth would've wanted you to sing your friendship song." 

Isabelle giggled sadly. "You know what's funny? As young children we would imagine ourselves as mothers, grandmothers, and aunties, I always knew I was destined to become a beautiful mother, and Elizabeth well... let's just say she would've been happy enough to be an aunt, although she had dreamed of romance and finding that special someone to be with, that's why she loved that famous French love song." Isabelle made her decision. "You know what? I will sing you our song. But only if you promise to go to sleep now."

"I promise" Robyn promised her mother with respect and excitement. She made herself comfortable in bed and was ready to hear her mother's song.

Isabelle began to sing "Magic is Freedom" with love and passion: 

There's a whole new world meant for me

Filled with magic and mystery 

Hidden somewhere in the woods, within nature 

But it could lead to danger

Guided by a mysterious creature or stranger

And so I will be brave

To venture deeper into the unknown world

To prove I'm more than just a common girl

Across the waves awaits my fate

I hear a bird singing a powerful song 

I can't help but to sing along

It brings me immense strength

I've never felt so strong

I will go through lengths

To find a new world where I belong 

No need to fear all will be clear

I see the light and I will fight 

For my freedom to escape this cruel kingdom 

Just wait and see I'll be free

And so I will be brave 

To venture deeper into the unknown world

To prove I'm more than just a common girl

Across the waves awaits my fate

Fate in which I can create and engrave 

Isabelle's beautiful friendship song put Robyn fast asleep.