Demons and Infernals

The inn that we were recommended was made out of red wood instead of the usual stone, and while the exterior was run down, you could hear the talking and laughter from far away. We walked inside and managed to find a table in the corner that wasn't occupied. The Waiter that came over noticed that Kevin's leg was not in great condition. "Are you folks aware of healing potions?" he asked, "what?" "Oh, you must be newer here" He said with a forlorn look in his eyes "the change in environment can be a lot for some people, the islands were a big shock for me… anyway, just go to any shop that has a bottle that looks like this on the sign" He said pulling out a glass bottle with a spherical bottom transitioning into a narrow cylindrical top that was full of a blue liquid for a second, before putting it back. "Now then What can I get for you?"

After our meals we decided that it couldn't hurt to go find a place like the waiter mentioned. It didn't take long wandering the large cobbled streets before I noticed a place that had a similar bottle to the one the waiter had, inscribed upon their sign. As it turned out the blue liquid that was in the bottle that the waiter had was a mana potion and red ones were healing potions, there were also potions that could increase your other stats amongst other things. Those were all a bit expensive though. The Healing potions were either 100 coins or 1000 coins as the cheaper were termed lesser on their tag and the 1000 coin ones being called a minor healing potion. However I noticed that the numbers had a symbol next to them. It was an uppercase G with two lines vertically through it. I later found out that what I had been referring to as coins were actually called gold. Anyway, after asking the teller what the difference between these potions were he said that the lesser healing potion restored 50 HP(Health points) while the minor one restored 150 HP. Not that I know what HP is. However I could guess that it had something to do with the red bar in my vision that appeared when I got scrapped by something a while back, given the red color of the potion and with the weird system of this place I figured that there was a correlation betwixt the two.

After learning that to use a potion you had to drink it, we stepped outside of the shop and went over to the side of the road to try using it. Kevin popped the cork out of the top of the bottle and drank it swiftly. A golden glow enveloped his leg instantly afterwards. "Ohh, the Red health bar filled up!" Kevin said. He then took off the makeshift bandage and it was revealed that his leg was completely healed!

Amazing I thought it would have taken a powerful healer to have healed that wound instantly back in my old place. It would have been easy for me but still! "It looks like these potions are pretty powerful" I said, with Kevin agreeing with me. "We should probably take some with us when we go exploring," Kevin said. I wanted to deny this but remembering what happened last time I was uncareful, I decided to go along with it.

The next day we decided to go back over to the brotherhood building to see what the request rewards were again. "Look at the name of the rabbit," Kevin said. Upon closer inspection the names of these creatures were in fact not unihorn rabbits, but instead demon bunnies. And all the other requests also had something to do with "Demons". Like there were Demon bears and Demon wolves, Corpse Demons, which just looked undead to me, and even something that looked like a bounty that was a request for taking out the Rogue demon 'Backslasher'. "Not what I thought demons would look like," Kevin muttered. If the bounty like thing is asking for someone called a demon, then is everyone a demon? I thought. I decided that it could not hurt to ask and went over to ask someone. It turns out that it could hurt. "Hey, are all of you guys called demons?" "WHAT!" the guy yelled, "Those branded as Demons are CRIMINALS or those who hold onto the old ways, we are known as Infernals, so don't ever call me a demon AGAIN!!!" he clearly felt very strongly about this as he yelled the last word while towering over me. "But, i'll let you off this time because you seem to be new" "..." I just stared at him blankly for a second before walking back over to Kevin and shrugging. My face was a little red from embarrassment and annoyance but I had not been in tune with society enough to care too much.

After talking a little bit me and Kevin decided to go out into the forest without accepting any formal requests from the guild. While there were the requests that were just perpetually open, if you killed a Demon bear for example, and then you came back with proof of that and someone had not formally accepted the request then you could accept it and complete it right then and there, but you could also get unlucky if that request was no longer available. So basically we just decided to see what happens, and head into the forest.

As we went into the forest I felt the book shake in my pocket so I lagged behind Kevin a little bit and turning away from him I pulled it out of my pocket. It flipped itself to a page titled 'Quests' and it listed one below. "Storm the Dungeon". Below this title there were two other things. One was a map that had a dot on it. The edge of town was in the bottom of the map and near the top lay the dot. This must be where this "dungeon" is located then. And below the map was a section called 'Rewards'. There was a list of things in the rewards section as may be obvious. In the List was a 'Simple Brush', and 1000 xp. "Kevin, I just remembered overhearing some people talking about something called a dungeon that was in these woods that I think we should check out." I said. Kevin glanced at me from ahead and narrowed his eyes almost imperceptibly, but I am a perceptive guy so I noticed."Yeah? Well I also heard about this 'Dungeon', so that's where we've been heading" he said while looking ahead once more. A few minutes later an unpleasant feeling started to bubble up Almost as if someone is watching us… THAT IS IT Someone is watching it has been so long since someone has dared to look at me like this that I had almost forgotten the feeling. And it was not just that someone was looking at us, but it was the fact that they were trying to do it sneakily by following and concealing themselves that made me suspicious. "Someone is watching us" I muttered to Kevin with an unusual seriousness. "How do you know?" He muttered back. "It is a feeling" "a feeling?! How do you know someone is watching us based on a feeling!" Kevin forcefully whispered back in disbelief. "Surely you have felt like you are being watched before" I said with some incredulity. "Well yeah, but I don't actually think that it's someone watching me! I'm usually alone at home or something" "I see, In my experience it is usually an enemy that is viewing me from far away when I am alone in my tow I mean my house, So it was likely something like that." "No, I really don't think so, but I'll keep it in mind for the future?" Kevin said slowly. "I'll be off now" I whispered. Taking out my brush I started to briskly walk in the direction that I felt the gaze from. "Seriously!?!" Kevin yelled out to me after a couple of seconds.

Less than 30 seconds passed before I felt the gaze vanish. Makes sense, he must have realized that I noticed him, I thought. Luckily I was not far from Kevin so I rejoined with him swiftly. When I caught sight of him he was staring into space with his hand on his chin. I guess he gets lost in thought easily.

As we were walking we came across a couple of monsters that we swiftly dispatched. "The monsters here seem to drop quite a lot more experience then the last place don't they," Kevin said. And he was right. The average goblin dropped around 5 xp, but these monsters or Wild Demons I guess, were dropping at least 50 or more. One monster that looked like a rabid wolf even dropped a nice looking short sword that Kevin decided to use. He does not have the build of a warrior, this might even be the first time he has wielded a sword in his life I thought Hopefully he does not hurt himself with it. Kevin not being able to use a sword properly aside, we quickly came across a cave that had a small statue outside of it. The cave was not too large, but it was easily tall enough so that we would be able to stand up in it, and there was little to no vegetation near the entrance. The statue was just a small imp that was holding a gray orb close to its body, like it was its most prized possession.

While my ability to sense mana had tragically crashed into a big tree while flying at high speeds, I still retained some capability and was able to feel that the statue was not something that was going to jump at us as soon as we got near, so we started to walk into the cave.

As we crossed the threshold of the cave, while we did not see it, the orb that the imp was holding started to glow red.


Name: Winter

Age: 22

Level : 15


Beginner Artist

Stat Points: 8


Vitality : 10

Mind : 15

Endurance : 10

Strength : 10

Intelligence : 11

Soul : 26

Instinct : 5

Tinkering : 5

Luck : 0

Skill Points: 10



Mediocre Mana Control (level 4)

Elementary Mana absorption (level 9)

Elementary flame magic (level 4)

Elementary ground magic(level 4)

Elementary light magic(level 2)

Elementary water magic(level 3)