
"Oww" my right side was aching as I had just been thrown onto it. It felt like I fell 10 feet maybe and went 20, so I was surprised nothing felt broken. My surroundings were pitch black but I was still holding onto the torch from earlier so I could tell that the room was around 20 feet wide, but I couldn't see the end of it. Standing up slowly I took a step. 'Fwoosh' a pair of tall braziers ignited off to the sides giving the room an eerie blue glow. Taking another careful step led to another set being lit, and it was clear that this was more of a hallway now. Looking back I saw no way to get out of here. The wall seemed to have sealed itself back up. I suppose this could be worse I thought, I had been feeling a bit useless lately. I wondered if this would be a good opportunity to 'prove myself' for lack of better words. After deciding the only thing to do was to go forward, I took some more steps. The remaining 5 braziers lit up swiftly revealing the length of this hall to be around 200 feet.

With enough light being in the room now, there were a couple of things I took note of. One was the doors, there were four of them, 2 on each side of the hall. And the other thing was the many undead demons that were in the middle of the room. I'll try to sneak past them, I thought. Each step seemed painfully loud now that I was aware of the threat that loomed in the center of the room. Just as I was reaching for the door, I realized that there was no handle. The other thing I realized was that all the undead were gazing right at me. I took a small step towards them, and then a lot of big ones in the other direction. I didn't exactly have anywhere to run so I was just trying to get some distance. But for some reason, a lot of the zombies were really fast, and they were close behind me.

Drawing my blade, I figured that it would be best to go after one of them while they were kind of far apart from each other, and not all on top of me so I ran towards the one farthest right. I spotted the glowing spot quickly and made a lunge for it. But I missed, It dodged? I was taken aback but I quickly braced myself and made a slashing attack that dispatched it before it could damage me.

The undead dodging my first strike bought a second or two for the other undead to reach me. I fought through them while moving backwards so the slow ones hopefully wouldn't reach me. My mind was moving so much faster than normal that time seemed to slow a little. Maybe, this is because of stats? I could absolutely not move like this before. I thought. It was not long before I defeated them. That should be the hard part I thought.

Even though I took them down, It was not unscathed. At the last second, one of the undead got their claws into my back. The pain suddenly hit, Like a hot coal being smeared across my upper back. Tears filled my vision and so did what I assumed to be my health bar. A quarter of it had been taken away and it was decreasing slowly still. The other undead were almost upon me so I took one of the 3 health potions that I had and drank it. It felt like a nice cool blanket was wrapped around my whole body, all my pain disappearing instantly and my health bar filled back up.

I needed a little time so I ran to the back of the room where I pulled up my stats. 19 unallocated stat points?! I thought in horror. No wonder I got injured. I quickly threw them into stats that seemed like they would be immediately useful. 5 points were put into vitality(vit), endurance(end), and instinct(ins) while 4 were put into strength(str) to round it off. I had no more time to think as I ran towards the undead and started to take them out one by one. These undead demons were no challenge as they moved slowly. Since entering this hallway I had killed around 30 undead? And my exp reflected that. Level : 16

EXP: 1500/4000, I had leveled up for one and now had 1500 additional exp. Each undead seemed to give 100.

I walked back to the door that I was trying to open and… It still had no handle. Great what now? I thought. I'll tell you what, When I looked back I realized that there was something really wrong. For some reason none of the bodies had vanished. And they were all starting to move again. Do I really have to fight them again? I thought, but unluckily for me I did not. The cracks in the bricks on the floor started to emanate a horrible feeling purple-blue color from the center of the room. In said center, energy was flowing out from the ground and formed a dense ball of energy. I didn't know if it was my instinct stat, but it reeked of death. The fallen undead started to fly around the ball, in a horrible hurricane of bones, blood and flesh. I think I'm going to be sick, I thought, gagging a little. I wish Winter was here, he could probably blast that thing away in an instant. Shaking my head, I looked around for any exits, and upon finding none once again I steeled myself for whatever was to come. The undead all flew towards the center and started to meld into one being. I looked away for a second, and when I looked back I was horrified once more. A large abomination of the undead lay before me, crawling up to its many feet. It could have been worse though. It was half bones, which made it easier to look at.

Name: Kevin

Age: 17

Level : 16

EXP: 1500/4000

Nadir Shapeshifter

Stat Points: 3


Vitality : 15

Mind : 5

Endurance : 10

Strength : 20

Intelligence : 5

Soul : 5

Instinct : 30

Tinkering : 5

Luck : 0

Skill Points: 11



Nadir Shapeshifting(level 5)