The room seemed normal at first glance but there was one glaring issue. There were no doors or other such exits other than the one we came in from. "I can feel that there is more to this somewhere…" Winter said, trailing off towards the end. With some confusion I replied "Before it disappeared, the map also had quite a lot on it." And after thinking for a second I realized "We definitely have to open the coffins, and there will definitely be zombies or something in them." "Sounds good."
As it turned out we didn't even have to open them for some undead to appear. Not entirely comfortable with opening a coffin, I was just going to look around first and see if there was anything that we couldn't see behind all the clutter in the room. Not even halfway to the other side of the room and I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye. Said movement was of course an undead that was standing up slowly. Luckily I was expecting this so I didn't scream or anything, and I was decently equipped for a situation like this. By decently equipped I meant I had a sword so I wasn't too worried. This undead had a tail and some horns so it must have been an undead demon. Or was it death demon? Whatever, now isn't the time. Raising my blade I slashed at its neck and cut its head off, which didn't halt its advance. "Aim for any part that seems like it's glowing, that is it's weak point." Winter said conversationally from across the room. Luckily for me it's chest was glowing dimly so I stabbed through it and it stopped moving, dispersing into experience and whatnot. "That point is what you can think of as an undead's brain," Winter said from behind me.
After getting rid of the other 4 undead that we found in the room we found nothing else, so we started to open some of the coffins. Even though the coffins were made of wood, the lids were oddly weighted. They were so heavy that even with Winter and I working in tandem we could barely push them off. Most of the coffins just had dust in them, but there were three that didn't. One housed another undead that was very fast in standing up. It must have been bored or something. Andother held a rusting iron ring that looked about to fall apart any second, and the last thing that we found, which was in the last coffin we opened by the way, was a lever that caused part of the far wall to fall away. "What do you think the ring does?" Winter aked. "Is it not just a ring?" "Here," Winter said as he passed it to me. During my shapeshifting 'training' the only really useful thing that I learned was how to sense mana. Lately, I have had to stop coping and realize that so far 'shapeshifting' has been legitimately useless so far. I was finding myself envying Winter's skill with magic a little, but I still had hope for the prospect of shapeshifting. Anyway, that was a little bit of a tangent but I was able to feel that the ring had some magical properties. "I don't know what it does," I said after a bit.
Now that we had desecrated all of the tombs we set off into the hallway. Just like the room, it was made up of gray bricks with weak torches and a couple of undead lining the walls. A similar room to the one we just left was waiting for us at the end of the hallway. The only differences were that it was a couple of times larger than the last one, had no coffins, and had a large ramp leading to a locked door coming from the left side. Well, the only similarities were the material composition of the room and the numerous undead that seemed to be the theme in this dungeon. It was a tomb afterall.
The undead fell without issue, being exceptionally slow. Walking up the ramp to the door, it was obvious that there was some sort of key that was needed to open it. With the comically large keyhole where a handle normally was and all. At first glance it seemed that there was not anything else to do, but I did happen to notice that there was a brick that was protruding further than all the others in the right corner around 25 feet off the ground. It was a pretty tall room. "Hey, there's a strange brick up there," I said to Winter. After looking at it Winter agreed "It is strange that all the other bricks are uniform and there is just one sticking out." he said. "Can you hit it with a spell or something?" I asked. "Why don't you give it a shot" he responded."Because… I don't know any magic" "No fun." And with that he grabbed his brush and sent a quick blast of ink at the brick. That was all it took, as I heard the light tinkling of something small and metallic landing behind me somewhere. Looking back, a small metal key that looked much too small had fallen. But it hadn't fallen to the ground. There was a small platform (that I wasn't sure was there before) that it fell on. The platform was on the same level as where we were standing, but it was on the other side of the room where there was no ramp, around 20 feet in the air.
"That should be easy to get down," Winter said as he readied his ink and brush. He briefly swirled the brush in the bottle before launching a thick glob of ink at the platform to hopefully knock the key off. It arced nicely through the air, changing trajectory when Winter noticed it was not flying true. Just before the ink neared the platform, it glowed blue and disappeared. "In my haste I failed to notice, but there is a barrier surrounding that platform. I do not think anything we have will be able to get through it" Winter said. "I don't see anything" "Really? It is pretty obvious" "oh yeah," I still don't see anything I thought. "Do you think we can knock it down with a rock?" I asked "probably not, you could try if you wanted though." Winter said. "It's fine, we can come try that if we can't figure anything else out." I said.
We came to the agreement that we should look around for something that would lead us to either getting the key or getting to another room. Winter decided to stay and see if there was anything we missed that could help get the key down. And I went back through the hallway. Very quickly I was left only with the sounds of my shoes clicking softly against the stone floor and the quiet crackling of the torches. It was kind of strange to not have Winter with me, but I didn't dwell on it too much and was instead looking around for any oddities. It wasn't too long before I found something. Now that I was looking for irregularities it was obvious, but I guess we had just walked past it before. One of the torches was not lit. It could be nothing, but given the uniformity of everything else I could not ignore it. The torches also seem to be kind of magical so it's weird that one of them is out, I thought. Lets try lighting it with one of the other ones. I was barely able to reach the bottoms of the torches but after poking one of them to make sure that they were loose, I jumped and pushed it out of its socket and dodged the now falling bundle of flames. Luckily the torch wasn't burning something that would spill everywhere so it stayed lit even after the impact. After picking up the torch I noticed that the thing burning was a rock, a transparent blue rock. That's weird… Or is it a mana rock or whatever that Winter mentioned a while ago? I thought. But that was not important right now. Holding as close to the bottom of the torch as I could, I jumped up and lit the unlit torch. After a second, the wall below the torch shook and fell away, revealing a hole that led to what was seemingly the void. I wasn't sure if it would reach him but I decided to yell down the hallway to hopefully get Winters attention "HEY WINTER I FOUND SOMETHIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa-" I yelled. I shouted at the end for good reason, the floor had grabbed my leg and thrown me into the hole.
Name: Kevin
Age: 17
Level : 15
EXP: 800/2500
Nadir Shapeshifter
Stat Points: 19
Vitality : 10
Mind : 5
Endurance : 5
Strength : 16
Intelligence : 5
Soul : 5
Instinct : 25
Tinkering : 5
Luck : 0
Skill Points: 11
Nadir Shapeshifting(level 5)