The taxi jolted to a stop in front of the secluded villa, its tires crunching on the gravel driveway. Sophie took a deep breath, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. She had been looking forward to this vacation for months, but now that she was here, she felt a bit confident.

As she stepped out of the taxi with her suit case, the warm breeze carried the scent of lavender and pine, mingling with the distant sound of cicadas. The villa stood before her, a grand stone mansion with ivy-covered walls and a tiled roof that glinted in the afternoon sun. She paused to take in the scent of flowers and herbs. Just then, the front door swung open, and a tall, dark-haired man emerged, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. 

"Welcome, mademoiselle," he said, his voice smooth and inviting. "I'm Luc, a friend of the villa's owner. Please, come in", and then helped her with her suitcase.

Sophie followed him into the villa, their footsteps echoing on the marble floor. The interior was just as impressive as the exterior, with high ceilings, elegant furnishings, and paintings that seemed to gaze down at her with a watchful eye.

"I hope you'll find the villa to your liking," Luc said, as they climbed up the stairs leading her to her room. "If there's anything you need, anything at all, don't hesitate to ask", he said again, when they arrived at her door. He handed her the keys and a card which had his name and number only, turned and departed without a word.

Finally!... Sophie breathed in sweet relief as she got into the room. This vacation was much needed in her life. She had been working hectic for the past year on a case she had lost hopes on winning. But then a miracle appeared and she got the much needed evidence to prove her point. This was enough reward for a job well done. 


Inside her room was simple yet elegant. She wondered how something could even be so. She pounced on the bed, enjoying the bouncy feeling it gave off. With a smile on her face she laid down on the bed spreading her arms and legs . like a butterfly in motion, she fluttered into a dream of exquisite beauty.

Before Luc arrived at his friends' villa in Provence, his life had been a tumultuous journey of love and loss, success and failure. He was born into a wealthy family, with a prestigious lineage that traced back centuries. But despite the privilege and opulence that surrounded him, Luc's life was far from perfect.

From a young age, Luc showed promise and talent in medicine. He was a brilliant student, excelling in his studies and earning accolades for his skill and dedication. But beneath his outward success, Luc harbored a deep sense of loneliness and longing. His parents were distant and preoccupied with their own affairs, leaving him to navigate the complexities of life on his own.

As he grew older, Luc's longing for love and connection only grew stronger. He had several relationships, but none of them fulfilled him. He yearned for a love that was pure and true, a love that would stand the test of time.

It was during this time of searching that Luc met Stephanie. She was unlike anyone he had ever met—beautiful, charming, and full of life. They fell in love quickly, their passion consuming them both. For a time, it seemed like they were destined to be together forever.

But as with all things too good to be true, their love affair came crashing down. Luc discovered that Stephanie had been unfaithful, betraying him in the most painful way possible. Heartbroken and disillusioned, Luc ended the relationship, vowing never to trust so blindly again.

It was this heartbreak that led Luc to his friends' villa in Provence. He needed a change of scenery, a chance to heal and find himself again. Little did he know that his life was about to take a new turn, one that would lead him to the love of his life and a future filled with hope and happiness.

Over the next few days, Sophie settled into life at the villa, exploring the sprawling gardens and getting to know the other guests. They discussed their lives and their aspirations for this vacation. But they shared a bit more. One evening while sitting in the garden having tea, some older guests who had been here long talked about stories of scary ghosts, ghosts with their haunting presence, wandering the corridors in the dead of night. She sat in her chair listening, but feigning disinterest. The story appeared to unsettle some of the other guests, but she sought to reassure them, lending her voice and insisting that ghosts were merely figments of imagination, nothing more than tales spun out of thin air. However, they were determined not to heed her words. 

Just then she remembered that the 'villa's keeper' had given her his number. To further prove her point to the people, she got out the little black card the man who introduced himself as luc had handed her some days ago from her little purse. She dialed the number. Again and again it rang but there was no response. Disappointed, she tucked the card back into her purse. She hurriedly finished her tea, got up and left heading to a more secluded area of the garden, leaving the guests in their delusions. 

Luc was rudely awakened by the annoying, incessant ringing of his phone. He hadn't had a decent rest in a while and it angered him that it was interrupted. He switched off his phone immediately, in the hopes of going back to sleep. He laid on the bed trying to fall right back into sleep, but he only ended up tossing and turning. He cursed out loudly on whoever called to disturb his much needed sleep. He decided to go for a walk.

He decided to take a stroll around the villa, hoping the fresh air would clear his mind. As he walked, he thought about his life before coming to the villa, reflecting on the choices he had made and the path that had led him here. He remembered the struggles he had faced, the heartaches he had endured, and the moments of joy that had kept him going. He thought about his family, his friends, and the love he had lost along the way.

As he walked, he found himself drawn to the garden, where he often came to seek solace. The garden was beautiful, filled with flowers and trees that whispered secrets of love and loss. He walked among the flowers, their sweet fragrance filling his senses, and he felt a sense of peace wash over him. He sat on a bench, lost in thought, when he heard a soft voice behind him.

"Excuse me, are you Luc?" Sophie stood there, holding a small purse in her hand. She looked at him with curiosity, her eyes bright with interest.

Luc was taken aback by her sudden appearance. He nodded slowly, unsure of what to say. Sophie smiled, a warm, inviting smile that made his heart skip a beat.

"I'm Sophie. I'm staying at the villa. I wanted to ask you about something." She held out the black card he had given her days ago.

Luc looked at the card, then at her. He remembered her from when he had first met her, her beauty and grace leaving a lasting impression on him. He smiled, a genuine smile that reached his eyes.

"What can I help you with, Sophie?"

Sophie sat down beside him on the bench, her eyes filled with curiosity. "I heard some of the other guests talking about ghosts in the villa," she began, "and I remembered you mentioning something about it when we first met. Do you believe in ghosts?"

"There's something I need to tell you, Sophie," he said, his voice low and intense. "About the villa, about me."

Sophie looked up at his face. It looked so serious and full of thoughts. Her heart skipped a beat. She could sense that whatever he was about to say would change everything.

Luc whispered gently "the villa has a dark history, with rumors of secret passages and hidden treasures". He continued, speaking of a curse that was said to haunt the villa, a curse that had claimed the lives of its previous owners in tragic circumstances. 

Sophie looked quite shakened. She stared at him, the disbelief and fear evident in her face. Luc lifted a hand in a bid to suppress the laughter trying to escape from his mouth. "Don't tell me you believed that?", She heard him ask. Slowly she let out a sigh of relief. Surely she wouldn't have to spend her much anticipated vacation on haunted grounds.

Luc chuckled softly. "The stories about ghosts in the villa are just that—stories. There's no truth to them. The villa has been here for centuries, and like any old place, it has its share of legends and myths. But in my experience, ghosts are just figments of imagination, nothing more."

Sophie nodded, relieved. "That's what I thought too. I tried calling you to prove a point to the other guests, but you didn't answer."

Luc's expression turned apologetic. "I'm sorry about that. I must have been asleep. I haven't been getting much rest lately."

Sophie looked at him with concern. "Is everything alright? You seem troubled."

Luc hesitated, unsure if he should confide in her. But there was something about Sophie that made him want to open up. "I have a lot on my mind," he admitted. "Life hasn't been easy for me lately. But being here, in this place, it helps me find some peace."

Sophie placed a hand on his arm, a gesture of comfort. "I understand. Sometimes, all we need is a change of scenery to find clarity. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here."

Luc smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Sophie. That means a lot to me."

As they sat in the garden, talking and sharing stories, Luc felt a sense of warmth and connection he hadn't felt in a long time. He realized that maybe, just maybe, his life was about to take a new turn—one that would lead him to the love of his life and a future filled with hope and happiness.

As the evening wore on, Sophie and Luc talked late into the night, their conversation ranging from the mundane to the profound. They laughed, they argued, they shared secrets they had never told anyone else. By the time they finally retired to bed, it was almost midnight.

Sophie lay awake in her bed, the events of the day swirling through her mind. She had a feeling that this summer in Provence would be unlike anything she had ever experienced. And as she drifted off to sleep, she felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.