As the sun rose over the villa, painting the sky in shades of pink and gold, Sophie woke to the sound of birds chirping outside her window. She stretched and yawned, feeling refreshed and excited for the day ahead. 

After breakfast, Sophie decided to explore the town near the villa. She wandered through the narrow streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling market. She stopped at a small cafe and ordered a coffee, savoring the rich aroma and the warmth of the sun on her skin. 

Luc woke up. The sun was high up in the sky, it was blinding, as it pierced through his windows, giving him a headache. He searched for his phone to see what time it was. "Shit!", He exclaimed as he jumped out of bed. It was 11a.m. He was grateful to Andrew his friend for allowing him run his villa this summer. He needed to find himself, and most of all, he needed peace. And he was mostly grateful because last night he made a new friend. "Friend?" He thought to himself. Sophie was pretty hot, and the last thing he needed was another hot friend. Stephanie was enough hotness. The villa was pretty big which meant a lot of work. He had an appointment by noon with a vineyard not quite far from the villa. He had missed breakfast but he knew he couldn't wiggle his way out of this one. He showered and hurried put up whatever trouser and t-shirt his hands came across.

Luc walked down the tiny streets interwoven to form provence. He regretted not bringing his car down here. He strolled past beautiful flower shops, book stores, bakeries that made up the little county side town, taking in it's magnificent beauty. He breathed the air full of a mixture of flowers and coffee coming from the coffee shop just ahead. His tummy grumbled, a reminder that he'd missed breakfast. He lifted his left arm in an attempt to check the time, but he realized he had left his watch and phone in his room. He was in a rush and had quickly left the room as soon as he put on clothes, damn!. He decided to wing it. Been a little late to a meeting didn't kill any one he muttered, making his way to the other side of the street where the coffee shop stood.

He entered the coffee shop to find a familiar face. It was his somewhat hot friend from last night. He made his order at the counter, then made his way towards her table. She looked quite distant.

Sophie sat at a table, lost in thought, she heard a familiar voice behind her. "Mind if I join you?"

She looked up to see Luc standing there, a smile on his face. She nodded, and he sat down across from her. They talked about their plans for the day. Sophie said she had nothing left planned out for the rest of the day and so he suggested she accompanies him to visit a nearby vineyard for a wine tasting.

They walked the streets of provence, chatting about their favorite music, till they arrived at the vineyard. The vineyard was beautiful, with rows of grapevines stretching out as far as the eye could see. He met the manager, and he escorted them to the sample room. They sampled different wines, laughing and joking as they tried to guess the flavors. Finally, he made his pick and ordered that they be delivered as soon as possible, and then they departed.

As they walked back to the villa, the sun setting behind them, Sophie felt a warmth in her heart. She had never felt so comfortable and happy with someone before. She knew that this summer in Provence would be one she would never forget.

As they walked back to the villa, the sun setting behind them, Sophie felt a warmth in her heart. She had never felt so comfortable and happy with someone before. She knew that this summer in Provence would be one she would never forget.

Back at the villa, Sophie and Luc parted ways, each lost in their own thoughts. Sophie couldn't help but smile as she thought about the day they had spent together. She felt a connection with Luc that she had never felt with anyone else, and she was grateful for his friendship.

Meanwhile, Luc couldn't shake the feeling that Sophie was different from anyone he had ever met. There was something about her that drew him in, something that made him want to spend every moment with her. He knew that he was falling for her, but he was also afraid. Afraid of getting hurt again, afraid of opening up his heart to someone new.

The next day, Sophie and Luc met at breakfast and decided to explore the countryside together later in the day. They hiked through fields of lavender, the fragrant flowers perfuming the air around them. They talked and laughed, their conversation flowing easily as they walked.

As they reached the top of a hill, they stopped to catch their breath, the vista before them breathtaking. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the landscape. Sophie turned to Luc, her eyes shining with excitement.

"This is amazing," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "I never want to leave this place." She gazed at the sight before her, lost in thought. Just taking in it's magnificence.

Luc looked at her, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that he had to tell her how he felt, that he couldn't keep his feelings bottled up any longer.

"Sophie, there's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice serious. "I know that we've only known each other for a short time, but I feel like I've known you forever. I feel a connection with you that I've never felt with anyone else, and I don't want to hide my feelings any longer. I'm falling for you, Sophie, and I want to see where this could lead."

Sophie turned facing him. The sound of luc's voice had awakened her from her trance." Sorry , I didn't get you, I was lost admiring this beautiful scene" she said gently with an innocent look in her eyes. Luc breathed a sigh of both relief and regret. Relief that he didn't end up making a fool of himself again and regret, knowing he might never have the courage to say how he felt again. He smiled at her. " I wanted to say that we should be on our way down, it's getting pretty late".

As they made their way back down the hill, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape. Sophie and Luc walked in comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

When they reached the villa, they parted ways, each retreating to their respective rooms. Sophie lay in bed, replaying the day's events in her mind. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt for Luc, but she also knew that she needed to proceed with caution. She had been hurt before, and she didn't want to rush into anything too quickly.

Luc sat on his balcony, looking out at the star-filled sky. He couldn't shake the image of Sophie's smile from his mind. He knew that he had opened up to her, but he also knew that he needed to be patient. He had been hurt in the past, and he didn't want to make the same mistakes again.

The next day, Sophie and Luc decided to spend the day exploring the countryside. They visited quaint villages, sampled local cuisine, and enjoyed each other's company. As the day drew to a close, they found themselves back at the villa, sitting on the terrace overlooking the vineyards.

"I've had a wonderful time today," Sophie said, breaking the silence. "Thank you for showing me around."

"It was my pleasure," Luc replied, smiling. "I've enjoyed every moment we've spent together."

Sophie looked at him, her heart racing. She knew that she needed to be honest with him.

"Luc, there's something I need to tell you," she began, her voice soft. "I feel a connection with you that I've never felt with anyone else. But I also know that we need to take things slow. I've been hurt before, and I don't want to rush into anything too quickly."

Luc nodded, understanding. "I feel the same way, Sophie. I've been hurt in the past too, and I want to make sure that we're both ready for whatever comes next."

They sat in silence for a moment, taking in the beauty of the vineyards stretching out before them. The sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the landscape.

"I think we should take things one day at a time," Luc said, breaking the silence. "No rushing, no expectations. Just enjoying each other's company and seeing where this takes us."

Sophie smiled, a sense of peace washing over her. "I couldn't agree more," she said, reaching out to take his hand. "One day at a time."

As they sat there, hand in hand, watching the sun set over the vineyards, Sophie and Luc knew that their journey was just beginning. And they were both excited to see where it would lead.As the days turned into weeks, Sophie and Luc's bond grew stronger. They spent their days exploring the countryside, hiking through the hills, and picnicking by the river. They shared their hopes, dreams, and fears, opening up to each other in ways they never had before.

Despite their growing feelings for each other, they remained committed to taking things slow. They knew that they needed to build a solid foundation for their relationship, one based on trust, understanding, and patience.

One evening, as they sat on the terrace watching the sun set, Luc turned to Sophie with a serious expression.

"Sophie, there's something I need to tell you," he began, taking her hand in his. "I haven't been completely honest with you about my past."

Sophie looked at him, her heart pounding in her chest. She had sensed that there was more to Luc than met the eye, but she had never pressed him for details.

"I understand if you're not ready to talk about it," she said softly, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "But I want you to know that whatever it is, I'm here for you."

Luc took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to reveal.

"I grew up in a troubled home," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "My parents were distant and cold, more concerned with their own lives than with me. I never felt like I belonged, like I was loved."

Sophie listened intently, her heart breaking for the pain he must have endured.

"I turned to medicine as a way to escape," Luc continued. "It became my refuge, my solace. But even as I excelled in my studies and built a successful career, I felt empty inside."

Sophie reached out and cupped his cheek, her touch gentle and comforting.

"You don't have to carry that burden alone anymore," she said softly. "I'm here for you, Luc. We'll face whatever comes our way together."

Luc smiled, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over him.

"Thank you, Sophie," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "Thank you for being here for me, for understanding."

As they sat there, bathed in the soft light of the setting sun, Sophie and Luc knew that they had found something special in each other. And they were both grateful for the journey that had brought them together.