Luc turned his head towards the nightstand where he kept his phone the previous night, stretching one hand to pick it up. "Hello," he said, his voice a tired roar. He hadn't bothered to check the caller ID, and now he regretted that. "Hi Luc," Stephanie's familiar, mischievous voice whispered from the other end. "I've got something important to say to you. It's really, really important." 

Luc's mind raced. He didn't know what mischief Stephanie was cooking up, but he knew he didn't want to be a part of it.

"I'm not interested in whatever you've got to say, not now, not in the future," Luc said, trying to disrupt any ideas Stephanie might have. He knew how manipulative she could be, and he didn't want to have anything to do with her in the future. His response was followed by total silence. After a moment, she whispered, but this time with a somewhat shaky voice, "I'm confused, I... I don't know what to do. I really have to tell you this, and in person."

He sat up in bed, running his fingers through his tousled hair. Despite his reluctance, he felt a pang of curiosity at Stephanie's cryptic message. Her voice had sounded genuinely distressed, and as a doctor, he couldn't ignore someone in need. "Let's meet at the pasta place behind the villa," he found himself saying. He hoped she would reveal the purpose of their meeting before they met in person, dreading the encounter. A frown creased his forehead as he contemplated what might await him.

He quickly freshened up, opting for casual attire before leaving his room for the restaurant. As he navigated the streets of Provence, every brick seemed to whisper Sophie's name, each one a painful reminder of what he had lost. He could almost see her in every corner, her laughter echoing in his ears. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he focused on the path ahead, finally spotting the restaurant in the distance. Despite his animosity towards Stephanie, he couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for her well-being.

As Luc arrived at the pasta place, he saw Stephanie sitting at a table, looking nervous. She stood up as he approached, her eyes pleading for understanding.

"Luc, thank you for meeting me," Stephanie began, her voice trembling as she sat. "I... I don't know how to say this, but... I'm pregnant." Luc's heart skipped a beat. He was stunned, unsure of how to react. "Pregnant?" he repeated, trying to process the information. "Congratulations....whose is it?". His mind confused of what to make of the information.

Stephanie nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "And to you too. It's yours."

Luc sank into a chair, his mind racing. He couldn't believe this was happening. He and Stephanie couldn't be having a baby now. " Is this a joke?" He further enquired. Letting out a slow laugh. His gaze sweeping around the room in a state of confusion. He thought maybe there were hidden camera and any moment Stephanie would announce that it was a prank. His gaze fell back to her confused face, and the reality hit him. Ok she was pregnant. But how was it his?.

Stephanie reached out and took his hand, her eyes pleading for understanding. "I know this is a lot to take in, Luc. But I need you to know that I didn't plan this. I didn't want to trap you or force you into anything. I just... I needed to tell you the truth."

Luc looked into her eyes, fearing the mischief and uncertainty that reflected in them. He knew she was upto something since her arrival at provence, but he didn't expect this. He stood up to leave when he heard Stephanie's voice.

Stephanie stood up, her eyes pleading with him to stay. "Luc, please, hear me out," she begged, her voice shaking. "I know this is hard to believe, but it's true. You and I... we were together that night. You were so lost in your pain, and I was there for you. I never meant for this to happen, but it did."

Luc felt a wave of disbelief wash over him. He couldn't remember anything from that night, and the thought that he could have been with Stephanie in such a vulnerable state was unsettling. "I... I don't believe you, not a word you say is ever true," he muttered, his mind reeling. "You're lying."

Stephanie shook her head denial, tears streaming down her face. "I understand, Luc. Take all the time you need. But please, know that I would never lie to you about something like this. I just want uto be honest with you."

I have something to show you. She pulled our her phone from her bag which was on the table. "When I woke up early that morning, I found us like this. I took this picture Incase you tried to feign ignorance in the future. I wanted to protect myself". He turned to look at what she held, his legs giving way, his head spinning in different directions. Oh God! He had really slept with this woman. And while they were both drunk. Little wonder she seemed sad, thinking he had taken advantage of her. He sat down slowly, taking in everything that had just been said. He looked at her and said, "I'll figure something out, we will figure something out".

With that, Luc left the restaurant, his mind in turmoil. He needed to sort out his feelings, to figure out what was real and what was a lie. But one thing was certain – his life had just taken a drastic turn, and he didn't know if he would ever be able to find his way back.