Stephanie sat there, wiping her tears. A lazy smile was beginning to form at one corner of her mouth. She knew those pictures could be useful. " You're a pure genius Steph", she whispered inaudibly to herself. She ordered a celebratory meal and a bottle of the best wine they had in stock. Today was her day and she was going to enjoy it. She finished at the restaurant and left for her room in the villa, staggering a little at the side of the road. Getting into her room she locked the door and pounced on the bed in exhaustion. Sleep took her places that made her have a subconscious smile on her face, as she snored loudly.

Luc stepped into his room, the weight of Stephanie's revelation heavy on his shoulders. How could someone like her be carrying his child? How could he have been with her? The questions swirled in his mind, but he knew dwelling on them wouldn't change the reality. He was going to be a father, and he wanted to give his child a better childhood than he had.

Despite his feelings towards Stephanie, he knew he had to do the right thing. He couldn't let his child suffer for his mistakes. He had to marry Stephanie, to provide a happy home for his child. It didn't matter that he didn't love her. She was going to be the mother of his child, and he would do whatever it took to ensure their well-being. 

Luc sat on the edge of his bed, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He couldn't shake off the shock of Stephanie's revelation. How had he let himself get into this situation? Despite his anger and frustration, one thing was clear: he had to take responsibility for his actions.

He picked up his phone and dialed Stephanie's number. "Stephanie, we need to talk," he said firmly. "I know this is unexpected, but we have to figure out what to do next, for the sake of the child."

Stephanie, who had just settled into bed after her celebratory meal, was surprised by Luc's call. She could hear the seriousness in his voice. "I agree, Luc," she replied, trying to sound composed. "Let's get married", Luc said a little inaudibly. 

As Luc hesitated, Stephanie misinterpreted his silence, thinking he might suggest an abortion. "We're not getting an abortion, Luc, that's out of the question," she said firmly, preempting any suggestion he might make.

Luc, however, had a different idea in mind. "We're not getting an abortion, Stephanie," he clarified. "We're getting married."

Stephanie was stunned. She had expected a difficult conversation, but not this. "Married?" she repeated, her mind racing. "But... do you really want to marry me?"

Luc sighed, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision. "I may not love you, Stephanie, but I will do everything in my power to provide a happy home for our child. Marrying you is the right thing to do."

Tears welled up in Stephanie's eyes as she realized the gravity of the situation. "I... I don't know what to say," she stammered. "I never expected this."

"I know it's a lot to take in," Luc said gently. "But I believe we can make this work. For the sake of our child."

After a moment of silence, Stephanie nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "Okay, Luc. Let's get married."

Luc felt a mix of relief and apprehension. He knew that their road ahead wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to do his best for their child. As he hung up the phone, he knew that his life had taken a new direction, one that he had never anticipated. But for the sake of his child, he was willing to take the leap into the unknown.

"How does tomorrow sound? We can have it all the little Church in town", luc continued. Stephanie was lost in her thoughts. She was already making plans of how to take his ring and flee. "Steph?...Steph are you there?", Luc called.

Stephanie snapped back to reality, realizing she hadn't been paying attention. "Yes, tomorrow sounds fine," she replied quickly, trying to mask her inner turmoil. "The little Church in town, right?"

"Yes, the little Church," Luc confirmed. "I'll see you there tomorrow then. Goodnight, Stephanie."

"Goodnight, Luc," Stephanie replied, her mind racing with the realization that her plan to deceive Luc was coming to a head. She needed to act fast if she wanted to escape with the ring and avoid a marriage she didn't want. But deep down, she knew that her actions had consequences, and she would have to face them sooner or later.

The call ended and Stephanie was left alone to her thoughts. She was going to map out a plan. The perfect plan.