Chapter 146: Cleaning Up the Aftermath_1

When Jiang Yu and Logic saw Tyler again, he had already been captured by an armed policeman. Tyler's clothes were somewhat disheveled, indicating that he had resisted.

On the ground by his feet, a handgun lay quietly there.

Logic first breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Jiang Yu with some disbelief.

He was here to prevent Tyler from committing suicide!

He had already anticipated that Tyler had truly been "wallbroken"!

He had long guessed the method by which Tyler would break out of the "Wallfacer loop"!

In Logic's eyes, Jiang Yu suddenly became unfathomable!

Tyler said angrily, "This is the greatest humiliation to me!"

This was somewhat hard for Tyler to accept, and he even briefly forgot about his suicidal thoughts.

Jiang Yu seemed to not hear Tyler's rage and first asked the armed policeman, "He doesn't have any other weapons on him, right?"

An armed policeman replied, "Report, we've already searched him, there's nothing else!"

Jiang Yu picked up the gun from the ground, "Let Mr. Tyler go!"

Once freed, Tyler glared at the policeman who had captured him and then said to Jiang Yu, "Mr. Jiang, don't you think you owe me an explanation?"

Jiang Yu smiled, "I just saved Mr. Tyler's life, that's the explanation."

The anger on Tyler's face gradually disappeared, "I really failed, why doesn't anyone believe me?"

He sighed deeply, "Sorry, I failed to protect my own thoughts, allowing ETO to breach humanity's last line of defense."

Jiang Yu took a step forward, "Have you ever thought of this? Your suicide would shatter that line of defense!

"What you need to do now is neither deny nor admit! Minimize our losses!"

Tyler shook his head, "You don't understand, although I'm facing a Wallbreaker, I can feel the Trisolarans' disdain for my plan!

"Such disdain is their confidence! It's also a display of humanity's weakness!"

Jiang Yu retorted sharply, "Mr. Tyler, I think you've been sitting in the world's dominant position for too long, and you can't withstand even a bit of setback?

"Think back to the countries that have been oppressed by your power, learn from their silent endurance or their resolve to 'endure the utmost hardships!'"

Tyler gave a wry smile and sat down on a rock, "I saw a phrase in Japan: 'Mom, I will become a firefly!'

"Why? Why did humanity have the courage to face mutual destruction back then, but not now?"

Suddenly, Tyler stared at Jiang Yu, "I know now that you truly haven't been wallbroken because you completely fail to comprehend what it feels like to be wallbroken."

His face turned ashen, "Humanity has lost its courage, it's hopeless!

"And my crime is enough for ten life sentences, enough to send me to hell!

"I wish for a trial, at least that way I might feel a little better."

Jiang Yu grabbed Tyler by the collar, "Wallfacer Tyler! Summon your courage! We are humanity's last hope."

Tyler, somewhat numb, pushed Jiang Yu's hand away, "My courage is gone as well..."

He covered his face, "It's like a huge defeat in battle!

"More than once in my dreams, I've dreamed of the Space Army being killed by sophons in the future."

Tyler looked at the ground as if it were covered with dry bones, "I'm defeated, so many soldiers have died at my hands.

"Some of them were young, in the prime of their lives.

"Some were fathers, about to enjoy the joy of family.

"They are not fireflies; what right do I have to turn them into fireflies?"

Tyler's expression became fierce, "Even if they turned into fireflies, the quantized Space Army is still no match for the Trisolarans!

"Humanity has no hope, we have no chance of victory!"

Tyler uttered these words through gritted teeth, making Logic feel a chill.

Jiang Yu approached Tyler, patted his shoulder, and said, "I know, I know you did your best!

"Go into hibernation! To the future, to the battle of the apocalypse! See the wars of that time!"

Tyler shook his head, "I want everyone to know that I've been wallbroken!"

"I need to accept the scorn of everyone; that's the punishment a failure must bear! It's also the punishment for those who fancifully attack their own kind!"

Jiang Yu silently lit a cigarette and took a deep drag, "Wallfacer Tyler, you're shirking your responsibilities!

"What will happen to the Wallfacer Project after you die?"

Tyler laughed, "You don't understand, indeed, you don't!

"Stop being naive, the Wallfacer Project is a joke!"

Jiang Yu quietly finished smoking his cigarette, then took out a vial of poison from his pocket, "This is a rare poison that will make it look like you died of a sudden heart attack!"

Tyler was startled and instinctively shook his head, "I can't escape the 'Wallfacer's curse' with this kind of death."

Jiang Yu took a deep breath, "The Wallfacer Project hasn't yet unleashed its true power! Are you truly unwilling to leave behind hope for humanity?"

With some embarrassment, Tyler accepted the vial, "I'm sorry, thank you."

I'm sorry I became a deserter!

Thank you for giving me one last chance to do something for humanity.

Jiang Yu's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly, "Wallfacer Tyler, have a safe journey."

Tyler slowly stood up, as if he had aged a decade in just a short time.

He took a few steps, then suddenly stopped and turned his back to Jiang Yu, "If possible! Give humanity hope! Give humanity courage!

"We are really too weak, too helpless!

"But life and civilization should not be trampled on so casually!"

Jiang Yu earnestly replied, "I will, I will keep fighting!

"Until I'm completely drained, until humanity stands atop the Dark Forest!"

Tyler nodded and walked away step by step, as if hindered by his legs.

Logic suddenly felt that Tyler seemed already dead, his soul as if it had left his body long ago.

Jiang Yu sat down on the same rock Tyler had occupied, and quietly lit another cigarette.

Only after putting out the cigarette butt did Jiang Yu speak to himself, and perhaps to Logic as well, "Although he became a deserter, at least he fought bravely!"

Then Jiang Yu took a deep breath and said to Logic, "I'm sorry, Teacher Luo Ji, for disturbing your life in seclusion."

He stood up and said, "The next time we meet, it may be at the battle of doomsday, take care of yourself."

By the time Logic recovered from his deep thought, Jiang Yu was already far away.

Jiang Yu walked with quick, large strides, looking powerful and unstoppable.

Logic did not return home until late at night, the child was already asleep, and Zhuang Yan whispered, "Did Mr. Tyler leave?"

"Yes, he left," Logic said tiredly.

"It seems he had a harder time than you."

"Yes, that's because he wouldn't take the easy path..." for some reason, as Logic spoke, he seemed to see Jiang Yu's resolute steps once again.

It appeared that no matter how hard the journey, it could not stop him!

Zhuang Yan looked at Logic and asked, "Is our life really a part of the Wallfacer Project?"

"Of course, is there any doubt?"

"Can we be happy if all of humanity is not?"

"My dear, every extra bit of happiness you have increases the hope of the Wallfacer Project's success..." Logic suddenly found himself unable to continue.

Why did Tyler seek only death?

And what is Jiang Yu fighting for?

Logic's lips trembled suddenly; the lie he had told countless times seemed to be stuck in his throat.


The day after Jiang Yu returned to his country, he received news that Wallfacer Tyler had died of a sudden heart attack the previous night.

Jiang Yu looked at his phone screen and was silent for a long time.