Chapter 145: Eden_1

When Di Fengyi asked him that, Jiang Yu realized he had inadvertently misspoken.

In his heart, he thought, I can't just tell him they've met "in a book," can I?

Fortunately, Jiang Yu was already accustomed to the work of a Wallfacer, and lies came to him effortlessly: "Didn't they meet during the previous appointment of Wallfacers?"

Di Fengyi gave an "oh" and felt that something was a bit off.

Jiang Yu changed the subject: "What's the general reaction to Tyler's Wallbreaking?"

"Almost everyone thinks it's a ruse Tyler used to deceive ETO!" Di Fengyi reported:

"Because you defeated your own Wallbreaker easily, everyone believes that a Wallfacer's plan must be layered with deception, since it represents the pinnacle of human intelligence.

Even when ETO published their stratagem for Wallbreaking, not many people believed it.

And it is said that Tyler keeps insisting this was his plan all along and hopes to face legal punishment, which is clearly still in line with Wallfacer work."

Jiang Yu then asked, "Do you think Tyler has truly been Wallbroken?"

Di Fengyi laughed and shook his head: "How could a Wallfacer's plan be so easily guessed? Besides, Tyler's plan is just too crazy!"

Seeing Jiang Yu's serious face, he said, "No, it can't be!"

Jiang Yu smiled: "Look how scared you got! Just as you said, a Wallfacer shouldn't be defeated so easily!"

Then he added, "I want to visit Teacher Luo Ji, please arrange it as soon as possible."

But Di Fengyi said, "There's a live broadcast already scheduled for tomorrow, and your supporters are eagerly anticipating this round of speeches."

Jiang Yu gave an "oh": "Then we'll set off the day after tomorrow."

"All right!" Di Fengyi immediately went to adjust Jiang Yu's schedule for the next few days.

Jiang Yu's live speech went on as planned: "Many people with ulterior motives say my Moon City project is an escape plan!

"I must say, these people are illiterates!

"Where could one flee to on the Moon? Flee to Mars?

"When the doomsday battle comes! Even if we are to be annihilated, we should make the invaders suffer! Show the dignity of humanity!

"If the frontline of battle is the Kuiper Belt, then we will have sufficient strategic depth, and it's still too early to tell who will win or lose!"

At this point, Jiang Yu estimated that his Deception Points would again skyrocket because even he didn't believe in this conclusion.

"The Moon is our first step in conquering space! Our future is in space! The battlefield of the future is in space!

"Take this brave step! Stop the pointless infighting on Earth!

"Go fight! Go conquer!"

After Jiang Yu finished his speech, feedback came in quickly from all sectors.

The initiators of "Anti-Escapeism" believed Jiang Yu's speech to be whispers of the devil! It signified the beginning of an escape, the prelude to the collapse of human moral principles!

Protests against Jiang Yu's speech and calls for him to stop all space programs sprung up immediately around the globe.

Meanwhile, Jiang Yu's supporters were reignited by his speech and signed up in droves for training to become Moon residents.

Bil never expected that the number of applicants from all over the world would be so overwhelming that, as Jiang Yu had said, there really would be a need for a selection!


Early the next day, Jiang Yu flew to Europe and then took a car to Luo Ji's rural retreat.

As soon as he got out of the car, Jiang Yu was immediately captivated by the tranquility and beauty of the place; it indeed was a perfect spot for seclusion.

Luo Ji was somewhat baffled, wondering why two Wallfacers were visiting him at the same time?

Just earlier, Kent reported that Tyler was also on his way here.

Jiang Yu first waved to Logic, then glanced at the angelically beautiful Zhuang Yan and the child in her arms.

Jiang Yu chuckled, "Should I call you sister-in-law or Teacher's wife?"

Zhuang Yan, a bit shyly, smiled back, while Logic said with a smile, "You haven't changed at all."

Jiang Yu shrugged and half-jokingly said, "Neither have you.

"But with my arrival, your leisurely days might be coming to an end. In the future, please don't see me as a harbinger of bad luck."

Logic furrowed his brow, not sure what Jiang Yu meant, but he instinctively had some bad premonitions.

He softly said to Zhuang Yan, "I need to have a private chat with Jiang Yu."

Zhuang Yan nodded and went into the house.

Jiang Yu and Logic sat down together on a bench by the lake, and Jiang Yu watched the shallow ripples form on the water's surface as the breeze blew by, "It's so beautiful!"

Logic didn't play along and after a few seconds said, "You must be disappointed in me, right?

"I remember on the plane you said you paid a considerable price to turn me into a Wallfacer."

He sighed deeply, "I don't owe you anything because the savior identity was forced upon me, and I'm not any savior."

Jiang Yu shook his head with a smile, "Teacher Luo Ji, as long as you can be so candid, I'm relieved!

"I really just came to have a chat with you; I don't have any other motives!

"Speaking of which, Teacher Logic, you need to watch your diet, you've got a bit of a belly there. It'd be better not to let yourself go."

Logic frowned again, still unclear about Jiang Yu's purpose in coming to see him.

Just as Jiang Yu had said, it seemed that he truly just came to have a casual chat; although one topic followed another, none seemed particularly special.

Isn't this crazy? Traveling all this way just to chat about some meaningless stuff—wouldn't a video call have sufficed?

As the sun was about to set, Tyler arrived. He was first captivated by the beauty of the twilight before he noticed Logic and Jiang Yu sitting by the lake.

Tyler first said to Logic, "Please forgive my interruption."

Then he turned to Jiang Yu, "I should have taken the information you gave me seriously."

Jiang Yu, hands in his pockets, smiled and said, "That was just a gift; don't overthink it."

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and offered one to Tyler, "Actually, it's your gentlemanly manners that were misdirected. You shouldn't have let the Wallbreaker go; those scoundrels should receive the punishment they deserve."

Tyler waved a hand, and Jiang Yu then offered the cigarette to Logic, who took out a cigar instead, indicating that he should smoke that.

"Isn't it too late for that now?" Tyler also sat down on the bench, "I've failed!"

The three men sat back down on the bench, and Tyler began to talk about his Wallbreaking process and what happened at the hearing.

As they chatted, they eventually touched upon the "Wallfacer Paradox."

In Jiang Yu's eyes, their conversation seemed as if it had been rehearsed, with Tyler and Logic uttering their lines in turn according to a "script."

Finally, Tyler said he had found a way to break this paradox and then decided to walk by the lake alone.

Jiang Yu signaled to the armed police protecting him not far away, and two immediately followed quietly after Tyler, who was walking away.

The words Tyler had just spoken plunged Logic into deep thought; for five years, he had been immersed in a sea of happiness, but now, the detestable outside world suddenly intruded into his Eden.

As he pondered, Logic suddenly jumped up, "Quick, go after him, Tyler is going to..."

But Jiang Yu laughed and said, "No rush, let's take a walk too!"

Right at that moment, a whistle sounded in the distance.

It was the signal from the armed police: they had taken Tyler under control!