Chapter 10 Wallfacer Hearing 1_1


United Nations Planetary Defense Council's eighty-fourth Wallfacer Project hearing.

The meeting began with the rotating chairperson delivering a speech. Due to Tyler's wall-breaking and Logic's voluntary participation, this hearing drew high attention from the outside world. People were even more curious about what plans Wallfacer Logic might bring.

Hines was the first to speak, and as usual, he introduced his work. His strategic plan was based on brain science research, which was still in its initial stages. Hines described a hypothetical device regarded as the foundation for further research, which he called an analytical camera.

Using the analytical camera to scan the entire brain, a digital brain model could be synthesized in a computer, thereby allowing precise observation of brain activity. It could even replay the activity of all neurons during the thought process as a whole within the computer.

Rey Diaz also updated on his plan's progress. The stellar model mathematical model for the super-large yield nuclear bomb was nearing completion and was in the process of overall adjustment.

The scientific madman researches the brain, the war madman studies nuclear weapons, quite reasonable. Their true purposes are unknown to anyone and indeed cannot be known—that's the Wallfacers of the PDC.

Next, the PDC Science Advisory Group reported on the further feasibility study of the two Wallfacers' plans. The biggest technical hurdle for Hines's digital brain model was data processing, as the required computational power was not yet available with current computer technology.

Rey Diaz's stellar-type nuclear bomb model faced the same issue: the current computational capabilities were inadequate.

Tyler's wall-breaking occurred six months early, but the results from all parties were not much different from what they would have been after another half year. Due to the problem of computational power, both Hines and Rey Diaz proposed entering hibernation soon, to wait for the emergence of computers capable of handling the task.

Then, everyone's gaze converged on Tyler and Logic, the core of this Wallfacer hearing.

Tyler approached the podium with what seemed to be a smile on his lips but his eyes were sharp, weird yet harmonious.

Tyler, "My plan has already been partially successful! Next, the macro-atomic fusion experiment will be conducted in space. I apply to the PDC for absolute use of the latest space experimental base, PX-004.

At the same time, I will fade from the public eye for a significant period of time, without releasing any information. But I will not disappear. I will hide in a damp, dark den, watching everything like a venomous snake..."

His brief speech left people both fearful and relieved. With that strange smile, Tyler left the podium and sat near Hines and Rey Diaz.

Wallfacers usually don't interact much, and they generally don't sit together, but today it was strange to see Hines and Rey Diaz sitting very close, possibly because the recent wall-breaking made them instinctively see each other as a kind of support.

Tyler's speech also comforted those below, easing much of the tension and anxiety in their hearts.

Ever since Tyler had been wall-broken, everyone had been saying, "Look, how well he's done, how well he's played the part."

In reality, they were worried that these wall-broken plans might be real, just like "The Emperor's New Clothes," unwilling and unable to believe what was before their eyes, they had to acknowledge that it all was part of the Wallfacers' plans.

When they heard Wallfacers tell them it was false, people could then accept it with peace of mind, letting go of the worries in their hearts. People always believe the "truth" they wish to believe!

It was Logic's turn to take the stage, his demeanor exuding immense confidence. "This is my first time participating in a Wallfacer hearing. In fact, my plan began a long time ago, and now it's time to make some clarifications.

The final battle will occur 400 years from now. There's no rush in the Wallfacer Project. The Trisolarans have blocked our physics and are monitoring everything we do. Such an enemy is unprecedented, and the most thorough plans are warranted in dealing with them.

Four years ago, I temporarily withdrew from the public's attention, deciding to quietly observe everything that happened in our world and calmly think about the Trisolarans, their thought patterns, their strengths, and weaknesses. Now, I will disclose some of my findings.

If everyone was misled by me before, that's a Wallfacer's honor."

Logic's speech stirred the entire venue.

"Mr. Logic, you needn't clarify anything, nor do you need to announce your findings. Your announcement would be tantamount to informing the Trisolarans," said a member of the hearing.

"It doesn't matter, this is also part of the plan! While the other three Wallfacers are striving to advance human technology, my job is to study the Trisolarans, to scrutinize everything about them.

Every action must leave its trace; Sophons are no exception, they have shown their weak point.

Before speaking about this weakness, I have a proposal that the PDC can judge whether to implement; this is not part of the plan.

PDC Chairman: "Dr. Luo Ji, please go ahead."

"I propose the enactment of an anti-humanity law for Wallfacers!

Due to the special nature of Wallfacers, the anti-humanity law must not impose significant restrictions on them, yet there must be certain constraints!"

Murmurs suddenly arose from the audience. He was inwardly apprehensive but also somewhat anxiously hopeful; he understood that Wallfacers were beyond the law, but he also wished to bring them under legal jurisdiction. This was actually the negative impact brought about by Wallbreaker Tyler.

If Wallfacers could refuse to obey the baseline of humanity, there would be no way to limit them. Fortunately, Tyler did not choose suicide, or else the situation of Wallfacers would be even more awkward.

The purpose of Luo Ji's suggestion was still to eliminate humanity's distrust of Wallfacers. Now, we cannot allow people to develop a significant alienation from the Wallfacers. By incorporating Wallfacers into the legal domain, we can shorten the distance between humanity and Wallfacers.

PDC Chairman: "Could you explain why this is significant?"

"First, please allow me to provide an overview of the overall situation in the confrontation between human civilization and Trisolaran civilization; this will help us unite all forces against the Trisolarans.

Human civilization's technological development is accelerating, while Trisolaran civilization's technology is advancing very slowly. However, the current Trisolaran technology far surpasses that of human civilization, a fact we all understand, but we do not have a clear concept of how large the gap actually is.

From the information we have, we can infer that with normal development for 400 years, we could definitely far surpass them, and this is why the Trisolarans are using Sophons to block our science.

Knowing that Trisolarans are invading, without the science blockade, we might not even need 200 years, perhaps just over 100 years, to reach the current level of Trisolaran civilization.

Although our micro-level theoretical technology has been blocked, according to the estimates of the Science Advisory Group, our current theoretical accumulation is enough to support another 100 years of our applied technology.

We cannot imagine the world in 100 years, but we can change our perspective and look at the world 100 years ago. The technological gap of 100 years is like the difference between weapons of World War I and the modern integrated system of warfare on land, sea, air, and space.

By analogy, we are akin to a World War I combatant, while Trisolarans possess the modern warfare capabilities. They not only can use satellite nuclear weapons but also have their full map cheats activated. How should such a war be fought?

Trisolarans are extremely proficient at computation and analysis; they can even rapidly calculate all war situations, a field in which we can't possibly surpass them.

But war has never been about listing data or having a computer's speed, even if it's ten thousand times faster than ours. We can still beat it, just not by conventional methods.

The war against Trisolarans is destined to be unconventional, the bloodiest, and most unprincipled war.

After the war, there will only be victors, no losers, because... there are no losers!

This theater of war doesn't even need mobilization, doesn't need motivation, has no cowards, and no heroes. The only thing needed is to follow orders.

It breaks all of humanity's understanding of war and can be described in one word: indifference.

Indifference to life, indifference to morality, indifference to everything imaginable.

To destroy you, what does it matter to you!

This is what Wallfacers do!

This is the battle of Armageddon!