Chapter 187 Wallfacer Awakens_1


Crisis Era, year 200.

At the Earth Hibernation Center, Logic awoke from his hibernation.

The awakening of the Wallfacer undoubtedly became the most eye-catching event of the era. This era held nothing but respect for the Wallfacers, with admiration but without superstition.

They were more willing to trust in their own strength to face the Trisolarans, but they did not deny the contributions that Wallfacers had made to human history.

Perhaps the people of the Underground City era felt some resentment towards the Moon Base and Wallfacer Lin Sen, but as times changed, and influenced by Ye Chen, people preferred to view that period of history more rationally.

The ship of human civilization had sailed alone into the vast ocean; looking around, there was only the boundless and treacherous waves. No one knew if the other shore truly existed.

Logic didn't know what he could do. Having comprehended the Dark Forest, he knew he wouldn't become a savior. Perhaps like in his youth, he needed someone to depend on.

Logic's awakening was different from how it was described in the original story; he did not wake up with the common people and did not feel the attitude of the lower-class people of this era.

But through the steadfast, respectful, full of wisdom, and understanding eyes of the nursing staff, he could feel that this era did not seem to be one of despair, nor did it seem to be an era that was filled with confidence, or even a bit arrogant.

At the Hibernation Center, Logic roughly learned about the history of the past 200 years, as well as the current state of the human world. Now the revival from hibernation was very quick. A day later, Logic was able to walk out of the Hibernation Center independently.

Upon leaving the Hibernation Center, Logic was received by the highest commander of the human world, Ye Chen.

Although Ye Chen's physiological age had reached 90, in this era of highly advanced technology, he was still in the prime of life—vigorous and sharp in thought.

He sat in his spacious office, surrounded by various advanced technological devices, with screens flickering with data and images.

"Mr. Logic, welcome back," Ye Chen said, extending both hands. It seemed like the intersection and transmission of two eras, as if to bring Logic into the new era.

"Thank you," Logic said, sounding slightly excited. "It's an honor to be in this era."

"In two weeks, we will hold an important Wallfacer hearing. At that time, Mr. Lin Sen from the Moon Base, Mr. Hines, and Mr. Rediaz will also arrive. They too have come to this era," Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Really? That's great. Why isn't Mister Taylor here? Are we all awakening because the Trisolaran Soothsayer Imprint is approaching?" Logic asked.

"Yes, we expect the Trisolaran Soothsayer Imprint to arrive within three to five years. Unfortunately, Mister Taylor passed away shortly after you went into hibernation due to an accident.

"Now, including Mr. Lin Sen, there are still four Wallfacers," Ye Chen replied.

"It's truly regrettable that Mister Taylor is gone; he didn't live to see this glorious era. Perhaps we are not as important in this era," Logic sighed, with an indescribable sadness.

Ye Chen nodded in understanding, "Mr. Logic, from the moment you were appointed as a Wallfacer, you have shouldered this mission. This era needs you just the same."

Logic chuckled bitterly, with a hint of helplessness, "I understand. I've never forgotten my responsibilities; I just miss those ordinary days."

Ye Chen gently patted Logic's shoulder, consoling him, "I understand your feelings. Your wife and daughter can also be awakened, but I suggest after the final battle, you would also want to give them a stable home, right?

"You can also start building your new Wallfacer team from now. Oh, there's an old friend of yours waiting for you in the reception room. It's quite the reunion."

Logic: "I'll wait a while longer. I'd like to delve into this era as an ordinary person."

After briefly exchanging pleasantries with Ye Chen, Logic left the office and made his way to the reception room.

He had barely opened the door when a familiar and husky voice loudly exclaimed, "Brother Luo, we meet again!"

Logic looked up and saw Shi Qiang coming towards him, his face brimming with joyful smiles.


In their joyous reunion, they exchanged their experiences.

Shi Qiang had awakened two months prior, his leukemia cured, and he shared some interesting anecdotes about this era.

As for Logic, he described Lin Sen's legendary deeds in detail to Shi Qiang. Although these exploits were documented in the data archives, hearing them from Logic, a person directly involved, carried a special poignancy.

In their perception, the time they each had spent apart did not seem too long; it felt like four or five years at most, for there is no sense of time during hibernation. Yet, meeting again in the new era two centuries later, there was an added layer of intimacy.

Moon Hibernation Center.

Lin Sen, Hines, and Rey Diaz woke up at the same time.

Greeting them was Xiang Gaofeng, the middle-aged highest official of the Moon, also known as Feng Zi.

Under current laws, the time spent in hibernation does not count towards one's age. In the perspective of this era, Hines and Rey Diaz were only about fifty years old, and Lin Sen not even forty.

It was not uncommon in this era for great-grandchildren to be older than their great-grandfathers. Though initially awkward, with time, they grew accustomed to and accepted this new family dynamic, which also reflected the inclusiveness of the era.

The meeting between Lin Sen and Feng Zi was less awkward than imagined. Lin Sen and his peers did not look down on Feng Zi because of their former status, and Feng Zi did not lack respect for the Wallfacers despite his current position.

"Mr. Lin Sen... Mr. Hines... Mr. Rediaz... Welcome back!" Feng Zi said respectfully, extending his hands to shake theirs, intertwining the two eras closely together.

"In the Hibernation Center, under the care of dedicated robots and physicians, we have already broadly grasped the two hundred years of human development."

"The achievements you've accomplished surpass anything I could have dreamt of. This is the era I have longed for," Lin Sen expressed profound relief at the technological and cultural progress of this age.

"A century ago, we never thought we could progress so much in a relatively short period. Our stellar defense system is still expanding, and humanity's space capabilities have reached a new peak.

"This is thanks to our in-depth understanding of the Solar System and the full utilization of its resources. The Kuiper Belt's resources have provided enormous support for our stellar defense system.

"At the same time, the use of high-precision detectors has allowed us to discover numerous resource-rich asteroids in the Kuiper Belt. These are the foundation of our powerful space forces," Feng Zi mused.

"The more I understand this era, the more I doubt myself. I even feel like the Wallfacer Project was unnecessary," Hines retained his unique blend of firmness and concern.

Hines might prefer to work like an ordinary scientist, but he has the cunning of a politician. Needless to say, this was already a deception.

"People nowadays do not have blind faith in Wallfacers, but they believe the Wallfacer Project can provide a strong supplement to the main battlefront. However, in social sentiment surveys, we've found that most of the public looks down on the Trisolaran Soothsayer Imprint.

"But the military does not share this view. We don't understand its purpose, and that's enough to take it seriously," Feng Zi explained.

"With humanity's current space strength, it's a mystery what the Trisolarans still hope to achieve by coming here?

"I am used to overcoming the strong with the weak, but I don't know how to approach such a lavish war. We also lack a basic understanding of the enemy," Rey Diaz, as arrogant as ever, whether it be a facade or true pride.

"Let the Earth-Moon Camp handle the main front. With such strong space capabilities, even if the Trisolarans have Sophons monitoring, it would be very difficult to break through.

"Our battleground is on the flanks, meet force with force, but win with cunning," Lin Sen concluded.

The four chatted cordially for a long time and afterwards, hastened to learn more of the historical details of the past two hundred years.

They needed to understand contemporary society more fully; no plan in history had ever spanned two hundred years. Could theirs?