Chapter 188: The Master of Deception Goes Online_1

In the Lagrange battle between the Earth-Moon Camp, there was actually one aspect where Lin Sen managed to deceive the Trisolarans.

Feng Zi, with the aid of Sophon surveillance, could easily discern the defensive flaws of the Earth Camp. He was always able to launch precise attacks targeting these weaknesses, putting the Earth Camp in difficult straits, to the point of suffering immensely.

Even though the Earth Camp continually perfected its defenses, reaching a state close to impregnability, they still felt defeated under Feng Zi's targeted strikes, to the extent that they developed paranoid delusions and phobias of inadequate defense.

The Earth Camp never dared to let their guard down, constantly striving to find and rectify their own vulnerabilities. Every action was taken with the strictest security measures to ensure the safety and success of their plans, as any slight oversight could become an opening for the enemy's attack.

In reality, in human warfare, this mode of thinking is not advisable, as resources are limited, necessitating a focus on either defense or offense.

However, in the battle against the Trisolarans, cultivating such an all-encompassing, flawless defense habit is crucial, and it was only by feeling this pressure that humanity could transform its approach to warfare.

Were it not for this, the current human military and political circles would not place such importance on the Trisolaran Soothsayer Imprint.

After being metaphorically 'map hacked' for so many years, facing a genuine 'map hacker', it's only prudent to be excessively cautious; even paranoia is within reason.

Even though the Trisolarans have learned and changed their combat strategies, humans, too, have honed their own during a century of Trisolaran war simulations, learning and altering their own war mentality.

As to who has gained more from these exchanges, at least the Trisolarans find it hard to discern clearly.


Feng Zi and Lin Sen came to a secret meeting room.

Despite having wielded great power for a century and a half, Feng Zi still appeared excited when meeting the "youthful" Lin Sen.

"Mr. Lin Sen, you might not feel it, but for me, it's been over half a century since I last saw you."

The passage of time had left its mark on Feng Zi's face, but Lin Sen seemed to have been forgotten by time, still maintaining a youthful appearance.

They exchanged pleasantries for a moment, discussing the vast and profound changes in human history, before eventually turning to the topic at hand for the day.

"Do you still have contact with the Trisolarans?" Lin Sen asked.

Feng Zi shook his head, "They haven't responded at all in the last forty years. I guess they might have realized that the Earth-Moon Camp is gradually moving towards peace.

"With the Lagrange battle coming to an end, they probably think that continuing cooperation is unnecessary."

Lin Sen nodded slightly, showing understanding, "Not just that.

"We are now at a critical juncture of a full-scale confrontation between human and Trisolaran civilizations. They must be plotting something in secret, perhaps fearing that during our exchanges, they might accidentally reveal their plans.

"It seems that when it comes to strategy, they still lack confidence in themselves; their strategic growth isn't as high as I had anticipated."

Feng Zi shook his head slightly, a hint of gravity in his voice, "It might be quite high already.

"I've had the longest contact with them, and my feeling is that their progress is truly staggering.

"Initially, their tactics were simple and crude, they would strike wherever there was a weakness, even jumping into traps we'd set up for them without hesitation.

"Even after they learned to analyze weaknesses, it was more akin to using more powerful mathematical models, forcefully deciphering those trap vulnerabilities.

"But later on, I felt they had made a qualitative breakthrough, even capable of using the opponent's psychology to entice them, leading the opponent to reveal flaws in their actions with the final strike hitting the mark," Feng Zi explained.

"From this perspective, their strategic cunning has indeed achieved significant breakthroughs," Lin Sen said thoughtfully.

After a brief pause, Lin Sen seemed to recall something, "I think they may have realized that in the Lagrange plan, I was tricking them."

Feng Zi raised his eyebrows, curiously asking, "What happened?"

Since Lin Sen was going to talk about it, and Feng Zi was interested, asking further posed no problem.

"In the Lagrange plan, we asked the Trisolarans for support, ostensibly to prevent the complete destruction of the Moon Camp, but in reality, we were studying the Trisolaran thought patterns.

"Mind Empathy Technology had already matured. We even established a small society with a thousand people capable of transparent thought, and combining everything you've communicated with the Trisolarans, we attempted to construct a model of Trisolaran thought."

"This model is crucial for us because it might help us deduce the real purpose behind the Trisolarans sending the Whirlwind Stomp."

"We can study how they would think and make decisions when faced with various situations."

"Two centuries ago they sent out the Whirlwind Stomp, with their decisive transparent thinking, what is the most likely plan?" Lin Sen explained earnestly.

Feng Zi seemed to be influenced by Lin Sen's emotion and solemnly said, "Mr. Lin Sen, rest assured, we will definitely study the thinking model of the Trisolarans.

"And based on this thinking model, we will deduce the possible plans of the Trisolarans and the purpose of the Whirlwind Stomp coming here."

Lin Sen knew that his awakening must have been under full surveillance by the Trisolarans, and his words, seemingly sensible, also doable, but in essence, were seriously spouting nonsense.

The Trisolarans did indeed like human thinking models to judge human choices, naturally worrying that humans would do the same.

On the eve of the war, they are estimated to waste a huge amount of computing resources to study the probability of Lin Sen being able to research the Trisolaran thinking model, as well as the probability of deducing Trisolaran plans based on it.

Thus, making the Trisolarans overlook other actions of Lin Sen, even if they would only neglect a little bit, but this would also be a powerful support for the battle of doomsday.

The swindling master Lin Sen just got online, either digging traps or on the way to mine.

Trisolaran: Life is so hard for me!

In the Trisolaran world, the Joint Council Hall.

Supreme Commander: "Lin Sen has awakened again, and you've all seen the recent conversation. Can we analyze whether our cooperation with Lin Sen is a plot of his?"

Strategy Governor (No. 7): "We had anticipated before cooperation that Lin Sen would definitely set traps for us, and this was within our expectations.

"Regrettably, we thought we had grown a lot in strategy, but this aspect did not show, and that is a dereliction of my duty."

Supreme Commander: "You can't be blamed for this, the decision to cooperate was made by all of us collectively, and once we choose, we never regret.

"The problem now is that we need to evaluate whether they have the capacity to construct our thinking model, and thus deduce our real plans."

Science Governor: "They are indeed attempting to establish our thinking model. The completeness of the Trisolaran thinking model researched by their Future Intelligence Office has already approached 60%.

"Of course, many of the key points are based on their assumptions and have not been confirmed."

After a pause, the Science Governor continued: "If we add Feng Zi's data, this model's completeness might reach 80%.

"However, whether this model can deduce our plans, we cannot be sure."

Strategy Governor (No. 7): "We have now both entered a game state, and both sides have certain chances of winning. Success or failure might just depend on who can break through the other's plans first.

"On the surface, my chances of winning are high, but any minor oversight might lead to our failure. We still cannot be sure what their plans are?

"Our plans are actually very simple, the key is whether our Whirlwind Stomp's intelligence will be deduced by them."

Trisolarans exchange information directly using thought pictograms, and it is generally unnecessary to name things. They usually use attributes, definitions, and codes. Humans are accustomed to naming because our brains can directly extract key symbols based on names and then retrieve the properties, definitions, and codes from memory; Trisolarans would skip this process directly.

The reason why the Trisolarans called the Strong Interaction Detector 'Whirlwind Stomp': first, calling it the Waterdrop lacks the associative capacity for Trisolarans, interpreting it as a real droplet; second, they are habituated to hiding their thoughts, afraid that an inadvertent slip would reveal too much, even the thought of strong interaction is too dangerous. Therefore, adopting human nomenclature is most appropriate.

Military Governor: "I think there is no need to worry excessively. Even if the humans can deduce the intelligence of the Whirlwind Stomp, with Sophons cooperating with the Whirlwind Stomp, I cannot think of any means humans would have to counter it.

"Besides, we will attack with multiple Sophons at once; even if one or two actually encounter problems, it won't affect the outcome."

Supreme Commander: "Indeed so, but we still cannot let down our guard. The intelligence of the Whirlwind Stomp remains the key to the decisive battle.

"This is the final stage of the war between Trisolaris and human civilization. We cannot be too careful; we must give it our all."

All Governors: "Yes, Supreme Commander."