Chapter 189 Lin Sen's State of Mind_1

Two weeks later, Lin Sen, Rey Diaz, and Hines arrived on Earth.

They first came to New Life Village No. 5.

Logic was currently living there, and the PDC had not slackened its protection of him; on the contrary, it had been greatly strengthened. The security at New Life Village No. 5 was now extremely tight, and the PDC had not, as in the original timeline, simply terminated the Wallfacer Project and abandoned the Wallfacers.

The main reason Logic was living on the surface, rather than in the safer Underground City, was that, like most Common Era People, he preferred to live under the natural sunlight and on the land.

During this time, Logic hadn't suffered any assassination attempts from the ETO. With Shi Qiang and Shi Xiaoming's company, his days were peaceful and comfortable.

Among these, Shi Xiaoming and Can Head brought a lot of joy to Logic as well.

Of course, it wasn't so joyful for Shi Qiang; knowing that Shi Xiaoming could "make money from the dead twice" and had become a celebrity of the new era only made him feel like his values were utterly destroyed.

Whenever he thought of being dubbed "Father of Thief Shi," he felt his lifetime of honor and fame was tarnished instantly, and could only lament that fate was always too unpredictable.

Lin Sen and Logic's reunion after nearly two centuries felt like it had been only a few years, yet the changes and weathering of the world, with time changing and the world transforming, always led to endless thoughts and emotions.

The four Wallfacers gathering once more in a world completely transformed, perhaps the only solace for them was the presence of fellow Wallfacers, who also needed to close off their minds.

In this era, their Wallfacing duties had all become vague and elusive; what they truly wanted to protect, perhaps, was that era 200 years ago.

They always felt an unshakable sense of alienation towards the world, as if they had become wanderers in time, separated from the world by a thick glass, untouchable.

Together, they relished the joy of reunion, not broaching the subject of Wallfacing work, only to enjoy the tranquility on the eve of a great war.

Tonight, Lin Sen too was infected by their emotions. Ever since he had come to this world, he had felt this sense of alienation; what he forever loved was the world of the past life, not this one.

In his world, he had always seen himself high above, having seen the end of humanity in this world, and even the end of the universe; how could he possibly stoop to listen to every speck of "dust" in this world?

In his plan, to teach the "eaglets" to fly, he would mercilessly throw them off the cliff. If they couldn't learn to fly, they would be extinguished.

All obstacles ahead were directly uprooted and destroyed, exploiting Logic, Tyler, and Rey Diaz, eliminating the First Emperor of Qin, Mozi, Huizi, intentionally targeting Hines, even the PDC was calculated and utilized by him. The entire process was filled with ruthlessness and indifference.

The Underground City Project, the Isolated Island Project, the Lagrange Project—his ruthlessness was carried out to the fullest, gambling with the entire human civilization at stake.

Lin Sen was more like a Trisolaran, keeping the useful, discarding the useless, step by step transforming the world according to his own will.

But was this really what Lin Sen wanted? He had asked himself countless times, was what he was doing right?

Perhaps it was because there was no other choice!

Everyone thought that Wade's choice was the correct one, and Cheng Xin was labeled a "saint," but was Wade's approach really right?

Does the universe really have no place for Cheng Xin?

Lin Sen wasn't acknowledging Cheng Xin's choice of not pushing the button, not choosing Wade's path. On some level, humanity indeed had no right to blame her.

But she lacked the courage to shoulder responsibility, and even if humanity perished, it couldn't make her grow at all; that was hopeless.

And then there was Ye Wenjie, who became disillusioned with this world, yet wishfully thought that a higher civilization should have higher morals.

However, the answer she ultimately received was the Dark Forest; the universe may not lack a 1379, but it was filled with cold and brutal cosmic laws.

All this seemed to say, only beasts that stop at nothing can survive in this universe.

"It took us hundreds of thousands of years to evolve from beasts into humans, and now do we need to become beasts once more?"

"Is this the meaning of civilization?"

Lin Sen didn't know the answer, maybe some "Liu Cixin" deity brought him to this world to see if he could change this lost world and find the answers to the questions!

Perhaps starting from today, Lin Sen's mentality had already changed quietly.

He couldn't indulge in these emotions any longer; he needed to continue to pull himself together and engage in his work of deceiving-- no, that is, in his Wallfacer duties.


That evening, Lin Sen and Logic went to a private secret room.

"Wumu, we are now in the final moments. Are you really not planning to use the Dark Forest? To be honest, when I first looked at this era, I was also confused, the strength of humanity shocked me to my core.

"But after careful observation, actually, everything of this era had already shown signs during our time.

"To give an inappropriate analogy, the essence of this era is still building castles with the sand of our era."

"I looked through various archives of the past 200 years seriously, and the modern, strongest battleships have no fundamental difference from the first space battleship you oversaw the design of 170 years ago.

"Without the enormous achievement in the application of a vast amount of resources and materials, we have not made any fundamental progress, at most, going from the era of matchlock muskets to the era of flintlock muskets.

"These two centuries, mankind also hasn't made a breakthrough in fundamental theories."

"The Trisolaran Soothsayer Imprint is getting closer, and I have a bad feeling," Logic said with some concern.

Lin Sen consoled, "Bro Logic, I understand your worries. What you're really concerned about is that they will exterminate us the moment they arrive.

"Actually, that's not something we need to worry about, we can also set up a Cradle System for ourselves. As long as we die, we'll use the large-scale communication station to transmit the Trisolaris coordinates to the sun.

"This is essentially the same as the fate safety deposit box I used 200 years ago."

Logic's concern did not diminish, "That's certainly one of my worries, but I'm more concerned that we can't see the enemy clearly.

"Trisolarans are just not good at strategizing, but they must have also surmised that we might do this, and they certainly have a way to counter it."

Lin Sen reassured again, "A war where the enemy can't be seen clearly is the most dangerous kind of war. They might have a way to counter, we can't even guess their method of doing so.

"But now, we've come this far, the arrow is on the string, we have no other choice.

"Human civilization has come to this day; perhaps we don't need to be too stubborn about it. Worrying is unnecessary; we just need to do the best we can.

"We've prepared for this war for two centuries, the outcome may already be destined.

"Every war has two stages, the preparation stage and the combat stage. The preparation stage started 200 years ago and is the phase that determines the outcome of the war, while the final combat stage is merely the ultimate manifestation and test of the prior preparations.

"Now we're just announcing our final results, determining whether we pass and examining whether human civilization can continue to exist.

"But no matter what the result is, we must face it. The war of civilizations might be simpler; we don't need to pay attention to victory or defeat, for that has no meaning any longer.

"If it is victory, our civilization continues; if it is defeat, then so be it!"