Chapter 195: Lin Sen's Plan 2_1

The Linger-Fitzroy Super Large Array Telescope spent a significant amount of time focusing on the Trisolaran home planet.

The Trisolarans constructed the Sophon, and when the Sophon unfolded, it enveloped the entire planet, which humans learned through the analysis of various spectral data.

Of course, we only analyzed the spectral data. When it comes to direct imaging, that is, taking pictures, even if there were some, they'd be extremely blurry, offering no significant insights, considering the distance of 4 light-years.

Regarding the 'Great Moon' of the Trisolaran Star System, humans initially thought that Proxima Centauri (the star in the Trisolaran Star System closest to the Solar System) had two planets.

It turned out not to be the case, one was the Trisolaran home planet, and the other was indeed the 'Great Moon,' which is consistent with the introduction in the Three-Body game.

The original Trisolaran home planet, during the "Great Rip," was torn into two halves by the combined forces of the three suns. One half became the Trisolaran home planet, and the other half became the Trisolaran 'Great Moon,' which were far apart, making them appear as two separate planets.

(In reality, Proxima Centauri does indeed have two planets, one in the habitable zone, slightly larger than Earth, with one side always facing the sun, and the other at a greater distance.)

As for the Joint Chairman's speculation that the Trisolarans would wage a prolonged war with humans, that was entirely his own conjecture. The reason the Trisolarans built a large number of warships was in case they needed to flee if the war turned against them and their coordinates were exposed.

At that time, humans were not arrogant, but they indeed believed that the Trisolarans could not absolutely overwhelm humanity.

Seeing the Trisolarans building a vast number of warships naturally led humans to consider the possibility of a second and even a third wave of attacks… That is why humans constructed such an enormous Stellar Defense System.

If it were just to counter the Whirlwind Stomp, then building a large number of warships would be the optimal choice.

In the original timeline, Trisolaris didn't have such a massive shipbuilding project, and after the Deterrence Era, the Trisolarans only had four Space Fleets. That is, over more than 300 years, the Trisolarans built only three Space Fleets (the First Fleet was built before Ye Wenjie transmitted the message).

The ability to carry out the super shipbuilding project that we can now observe suggests that the Trisolarans must have achieved a significant technological breakthrough.

Even the fourth or fifth generation of controlled fusion might have been overcome (the sixth generation of controlled fusion would allow direct fusion with hydrogen, which means as long as there is water, the energy supply would be inexhaustible). No one knows how powerful the Trisolarans, free from energy constraints, could be.

It can be conjectured that the latest Trisolaran battleships, in both performance and top speed, will far surpass the First Fleet, perhaps even arriving in the Solar System earlier than the First Fleet.

If the Deterrence Era achieves a balance of deterrence, when that balance is broken, the ones who attack us will not be 10 Strong Interaction Detectors; it could very well be the formidable new Trisolaran Interstellar Fleet.

Even if humanity wins the battle for doomsday, there may be less than a hundred years left for mankind.

Facing such Trisolarans, the pressure on Lin Sen was immense.

Lin Sen, "Keeping the high-energy particle accelerator spaceships in the Kuiper Belt no longer makes sense. I propose they all be recalled to Jupiter Orbit and be transferred to my command.

"This was my mistake, a waste of a tremendous amount of human resources with no result. They should be my responsibility."

The Joint Chairman, "All the high-energy particle accelerator spaceships can be entrusted to you, but there's no need for self-blame.

"It was a gamble to begin with—if we won, we'd win everything.

"Even if we lost, we forced the Trisolarans to expend resources that are far more precious to them than to us. These resources are not much for us.

"According to the latest analysis by the Science Advisory Board, the resources needed to accelerate a proton to the point where it can unfold into two dimensions is equivalent to all the resources aboard ten of our main battleships at full capacity.

"And for planetary-level etching projects, the Trisolarans' production of a single Sophon might consume resources equivalent to only one-fortieth of what it takes us to build a high-energy particle accelerator spaceship.

"It's just that this discovery came too late. At first, we relied on the Moon Base to build the accelerator spaceships, which took too long. During the cold war between Earth and the Moon, as we crazily expanded across the Solar System, no one paid attention to this plan, until now.

"We missed the window of opportunity that could have led to victory.

"However, with humanity's current strength, even having missed it, it doesn't really matter. We are equally confident that we can confront the Trisolarans."

Lin Sen, "Thank you, Mr. Chairman. This gives me much peace of mind.

"Lastly, I propose that since the accelerators no longer serve any purpose, I hope to use them to produce antimatter in large quantities. This antimatter should be somewhat effective in combat against the Trisolarans."

Joint Chairperson: "We agree to the request, but we feel it is unnecessary. This production speed is even slower than the rate at which we collect antimatter in interstellar space.

"If you need antimatter, we can also provide some for you."

Lin Sen somewhat casually said, "Thank you, Mr. Chairperson, I would like to apply for half of the antimatter from the war reserves."

A moment later, the Joint Chairperson: "I'm sorry, the Command Headquarters can only allocate a quarter of the antimatter reserves for you, that's the maximum authority we have."

After a few simple questions and answers, Lin Sen stepped down from the platform.

Among the four Wallfacers, Lin Sen's plan seemed too ordinary, even disappointing to some extent, of course, this disappointment was in comparison to Lin Sen's previous achievements.

The resource exchange plan, although it's the most direct and effective, is too much of a gamble.

The other three Wallfacers' plans were interlinked; even if one aspect failed, they could pivot to another, all contributing significantly to the development of the human world.

Only Lin Sen's plan, if it failed, would leave behind scrap metal worth a staggering amount, not very meaningful.

As for the last proposed antimatter production accelerator, it was better than nothing.

It was sufficient to produce antimatter with a small-scale accelerator; there was no need to use a super particle accelerator, since collecting it in interstellar space would yield more.

Perhaps Lin Sen's strongest aspect was still in strategizing; the obliteration of the ETO mainly relied on strategic battles, whereas the Wallfacer project required strategic planning.


At this moment, the Trisolarans were also engaged in intense discussion.

Regent: "The Wallfacer hearing has ended, and every Wallfacer seems to have summarized their plans.

"It all seems to indicate one thing—that every Wallfacer's plan is essentially about advancing human civilization and breaking through its own limitations.

"We had anticipated this when Lin Sen first spoke to Logic about the overt stratagems of the Wallfacers, only it was not as profound as it is now.

"But I don't believe the Wallfacer plans really are just this. Are we truly engaged in a battle of wits with the air for 200 Earth years?

"Due to our way of thinking, we also find it difficult to distinguish the truth of what they say. What do you think?"

Strategy Governor (No. 7): "Whether the real Wallfacer plan exists or not, indeed, we cannot discern.

"Logically speaking, what they say is correct; the Wallfacer project is intended to break through human limitations.

"From their narrative, we have not found any logical inconsistencies, but we cannot rely solely on logic and reason for our decisions.

"We must continue to monitor the four Wallfacers closely, never relaxing our vigilance.

"The most crucial issue now is, I am also unsure whether their most recently proposed plans pose a threat to us."

Regent: "That's what I was thinking, too. How do you view their most recently proposed plans?"

PS: The strength of humanity is several tens of times stronger than in the original work, and the most crucial aspect is still the human mindset. If things continue this way, after the doomsday battle, if the Trisolarans' Waterdrop cannot directly defeat humanity, they will have to choose to flee.

So here, the technology of the Trisolarans has also been strengthened, having reached the level of the late Deterrence Era.

In the original work, there are two theories regarding the technological breakthrough of the Trisolarans:

One is the relic theory, where Sophon discovered relics of a higher civilization, which led to a technological explosion.

The other is the exchange theory, where the Trisolarans constantly learned through interaction with humans, and due to being seriously tricked by Logic's Snowfield Project, they made a breakthrough in the realm of thought, which led to a technological explosion.