Chapter 220: The Final Battle, The Third Waterdrop Destroyed_1

Second Battle Zone, edge of the Thick Fog Zone.

The Trisolarans had made up their minds to use the last Waterdrop for a fatal blow, aiming to completely destroy the Global Broadcast Station.

Now, the Global Broadcast Station had neared the edge of the fog, and as the Sophon-Blocked Zone caused by macro-atomic antimatter excitation moved forward too, Sophons could not enter the Station and were unaware of the quantity of antimatter emitters present there.

The Trisolarans were willing to risk the destruction of the Waterdrop in the attack, believing the Global Broadcast Station to be their final threat that must be eliminated, willing to suffer any losses at all costs.

At this time, the First War Zone once again lost a Waterdrop, stirring the Trisolarans' emotions further and pushing them to stake everything on this last desperate attempt.

The Trisolarans now faced two choices: one was to hit the main structure of the Global Broadcast Station, which could ensure its complete destruction;

Two was to hit other parts, requiring several attempts to destroy the station, which was also the purpose of the station's modular construction at the Universal Broadcasting Station Military Port.

The safest strategy was to strike directly at the main structure of the Broadcast Station, but antimatter reactors would definitely be placed there.

If choosing to hit other parts, although Lin Sen could not deploy antimatter everywhere, encountering antimatter without destroying the main structure would lead to mission failure, an outcome the Trisolarans certainly did not wish to see.

Or perhaps there was a third way, which was to first hit other parts, use self-destruction to destroy the entire Global Broadcast Station when the Waterdrop was damaged by antimatter, as the Waterdrop's self-explosion could cover tens of thousands of kilometers.

However, there was a disadvantage to this method; it could only cause significant damage to the main body of the Broadcast Station. The Military Port utilized modular construction, and energy transfer from one area to another was general via thermal radiation, with the efficiency of destruction decreasing exponentially.

Such power could not guarantee that the main body of the Global Broadcast Station would be destroyed beyond repair. After the Waterdrop's self-explosion, they would be without threat for a significant period.

The Trisolarans also understood that humans had spare parts for many components, and if Lin Sen could quickly modify the most crucial parts, he could restore partial capabilities of the Global Broadcast Station. Even if only unidirectional broadcast capabilities could be restored, it was something the Trisolarans could not accept.

This was also the fruit of Lin Sen's two-hundred years of research into the thinking patterns of the Trisolarans; in such a situation, they did not wish to wait, but wanted to trade sacrifice for victory now.

The decision of the Governor was also the most in line with the Trisolarans' usual way of thinking; their most likely choice was to sacrifice the Waterdrop, directly hitting the main body of the Global Broadcast Station to ensure its complete destruction.

At this moment, the Waterdrop was hurtling toward the Global Broadcast Station at an astonishing 80 times the Third Cosmic Velocity.

10 seconds later, the fierce collision began. The Waterdrop's chosen point of impact was precisely the Broadcast Station's fusion energy core, necessary for sending out Global Broadcasts, which required the energy of a stellar-class hydrogen bomb every 10 seconds.

The entire Military Port seemed to quake at that moment. At the instant of impact, the Waterdrop's sturdy shell and the Station's protective layer generated intense thermal flow and deafening roars.

Like a meteor striking Earth, the colossal energy wave radiated outwards from the center of impact, spewing incandescent steel magma and creating scorching arcs of molten metal, now liquid due to the extreme temperatures, across the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the Waterdrop pierced the main structure of the Broadcast Station with the swiftness of lightning.

Then, at the very next moment, an even more violent explosion erupted inside the Broadcast Station, creating a dazzling red fireball of immense size, with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers, engulfing the entire Broadcast Station Starport.

Lin Sen had meticulously deployed antimatter emitters at this critical location, resulting in the same fate for this Waterdrop as the previous one, both destroyed by antimatter.

This Waterdrop also had a self-destruct program in place; if its surface material was damaged, the Waterdrop would self-destruct immediately.

With the destruction of the Global Broadcast Station, humanity no longer possessed anything that could threaten the Trisolarans.


Trisolaran World.

Watching the massive fireball that had engulfed the Global Broadcast Station, many Trisolarans were overcome with grief; the Trisolarans' losses were too painful.

The Trisolarans were at the extreme limit of resource scarcity and had not anticipated that they would lose three precious Waterdrops so soon after the onset of hostilities with humans; such losses were unbearable for them.

Führer: "Don't be discouraged, although we have lost three Waterdrops, we have also accomplished our preset goal.

"Humans are obviously more clever in scheming and strategy.

"Their individual plans may seem simple, but when these plans are interconnected, they display surprising power and depth.

"Perhaps we have been focusing too much attention on the Wallfacers and overlooked other key roles among the humans. This is a severe misconception, and we need to understand our enemy more comprehensively.

"Humans are extremely adept at acting, Lin Sen is, and so is Ye Chen. Their performances made us mistakenly believe we saw the dawn of victory, yet they were concealing their schemes.

"They are not only good at disguising, but they also cunningly use our psychology to induce us to make mistakes.

"Lin Sen pretended to fail deliberately, luring our Waterdrop into the trap he had meticulously designed.

"Ye Chen was even more outrageous, initially thinking he did not understand the Waterdrop, arrogantly using the array to fight us.

"After understanding the capabilities of the Waterdrop, he kept saying that the array was the biggest mistake and even let the other two group arrays run away. We were careless, entering his well-set ambush along the optimal path, ultimately leading to the destruction of the Waterdrop.

"We must remember these lessons and stick to our original plan.

"Not to be fooled by human tricks, we cannot trust any word from humans."

All the Governors: "Yes, Führer."

After a while, the Sophon Governor reported, "Report to the Führer, Lin Sen has used the ordinary large antenna that controls the Snowfield Project to transmit a broadcast.

"The content of the broadcast is as follows..."

Broadcast content:

[To all humanity: I am Lin Sen.

Just now, in the Second Battle Zone, we used antimatter to successfully destroy two of the Trisolarans' Strong Interaction Detectors, which we have renamed the Waterdrop.

We have induced a Sophon-Blocked Zone with a diameter of up to one million kilometers by using macro-electron pairs of matter and antimatter.

At the same time, we have created a Thick Fog Zone in a much larger area using the substance of the oil film on Neptune. Visible light is almost invisible here.

In this place, neither the Trisolaran's Sophons nor Waterdrops dare to come in; it is an absolutely safe area, the last hope for humanity.

All fleets in the Third Warzone, Fourth Warzone, and Fifth Warzone, you can come here for refuge!]

No. 7 heard this broadcast and a thought arose in his mind:

Deceived again? But... exactly where was I deceived again?


Lin Sen: I have no other purpose in having all the warships from the three battle zones come over; you have to believe me.

No. 7: Do I have the words 'fool' written on my forehead?

Lin Sen: This time it's true, I really didn't deceive you, believe me!

No. 7: I believe you're a big-headed ghost.