Chapter 221: The Final Battle, This Time It's Really No Trick_1

The leader also fell into thought, "What do you think is the purpose of Lin Sen's broadcast?"

Military Governor, "The apparent meaning of this broadcast is to have the fleets of the other three major forces take refuge."

"Lin Sen understands that with the remaining fleets of the three forces, they cannot contend against our Waterdrop, so sending those warships to the Thick Fog Zone is indeed the best choice.

"I suspect they will also modify these warships next, and there must be a scheme hidden there."

Science Governor, "I don't know if you've noticed a problem, which is that the locations of the Human Fleets of the three major forces are all nearly equidistant from the Thick Fog Zone.

"And after receiving Lin Sen's broadcast, if they choose to travel at full speed, they would be able to arrive there in 26 hours.

"The key is why this is so coincidental. The biggest possibility is that this is also part of Lin Sen's strategy.

"The locations of their main bases have been carefully chosen. Lin Sen anticipated that three Waterdrops would be sent to attack these three fleets, and now is the ideal time to notify them to flee the battlefield.

"All of this is too coincidental and too deliberate, which shows that Lin Sen will surely use the warships of the three major forces to implement some strategy.

"He just used those antique warships from the last century to make us lose one Waterdrop. If not for the Strategy Governor, we would have lost two, and they would have been able to broadcast across the whole domain."

No. 7 was somewhat silent at this point, and the Science Governor was not wrong—too many things were too coincidental.

This was not the greatest of No. 7's concerns. No. 7 had a nagging worry that up to now in this war, it seemed that everything the Trisolarans did was within Lin Sen's plan!

Could it be possible that Lin Sen anticipated that I would predict his predictions? But that makes no sense!

The Waterdrop had already sealed the Sun and destroyed the domain-wide broadcast, so humans couldn't use the Sun to expose the interstellar coordinates of Trisolaris, nor could they use a domain-wide broadcast to enable a massive escape of the Deep Space Fleet.

Logically speaking, humans should have no chance left, right? Could it be that Lin Sen has some other plan?

But now the battlefield situation has become clear, so what could it be that we have not noticed? No, I must have missed something, I just can't think of it at the moment.

Additionally, I have a premonition that if I cannot penetrate this,

this war... the Trisolarans might well end up losing!

No. 7's thoughts seemed to enter a certain state, rapidly flashing through all of Lin Sen's plans in his mind, and this time, incorporating the plans of Logic, Rey Diaz, Hines, and Tyler as well.

It turned out that the Wallfacers' plans were all interrelated, each link in the chain revealing its strength only when joined with the others. All aspects within the Thick Fog Zone were laid out and linked together.

No. 7 seemed to fall into a state of epiphany, perhaps at any moment he would penetrate the intricacies of Lin Sen's strategy!

However, Lin Sen was too cunning and would not let No. 7 off so easily.

Military Governor, "The Waterdrops in the three major war zones need only 30 minutes to strike the Human Warships. Even if they receive Lin Sen's broadcast and immediately flee at full speed, we are confident we can destroy half of their fleet.

"Once all three fleets arrive in the Thick Fog Zone, it is estimated that only about a thousand vessels will remain. We are unclear what Lin Sen needs these warships for?

"If Lin Sen's broadcast were simply to have all warships on the battlefield escape, we could understand, but the fact that they are all heading to the Thick Fog Zone is puzzling.

"However, once these warships arrive, we will have five Sophons surrounding the fog."

Leader, "Indeed, however, Lin Sen actually needing these thousand warships must conceal a scheme of his, which we must decipher as soon as possible!"

Sophon Governor, "Reporting to the Leader, Lin Sen has sent us another message through Hines."

"Trisolaran world, you should have seen our resolve by now.

"Just by my hand alone, you have lost two Waterdrops. You are still far behind us in terms of strategy.

"I am not aware of the situation in the First War Zone right now, but I believe that you are no match for Ye Chen either.

"Regardless, once humans understand your attack pattern and still have time to prepare, do you really think you still have a chance of winning?"

"I had the battleships of the other three forces enter the Thick Fog with the intention of preparing for a decisive battle to the death with you here."

"Of course, there was another purpose, which was to keep your Waterdrop here. Your Waterdrop wouldn't dare to come in, and we wouldn't dare to go out, resulting in a standoff."

"That way, I also bought ample preparation time for the other human forces."

"My plan is just like that; this time I really haven't deceived you."]

Military Governor, "Damn it, Lin Sen is such a bastard, still saying he hasn't deceived us. It can't be that simple; there must be something hidden in this!"

Science Governor, "Yes, when Lin Sen says he hasn't deceived us, he is definitely deceiving us; he has said this countless times already.

"On the Wallfacer hearing, he also claimed he had no more plans, but the moment he made his move, he wiped out two of our Waterdrops.

"If not for the Strategy Governor's earlier arrangements to hide the Waterdrop beneath the sun, Lin Sen could have completely destroyed all five of our Waterdrops by now. That's what he calls 'having no plans.'"

All the Governors berated Lin Sen verbally and even the Industry Governor joined in.

Military Governor, "Leader, I have a plan that involves the two Waterdrops rushing from Earth's orbit to engage their curvature drive and head for the Thick Fog Zone at high speed. If we do that, our Waterdrops can arrive ahead of schedule and intercept the remnants of the three fleets."

No. 7 felt he was just about to realize something, but was interrupted by the Military Governor's proposal.

No. 7 opposed, "I disagree with using curvature, even at its lowest degree. Afterward, it would leave a faint trace in space. If a Hunter passes by, it could put the Solar System in jeopardy as well.

"Furthermore, intercepting them prematurely, right after they've survived the most brutal war, would leave them psychologically broken, possibly leading them to recklessly accelerate to their maximum speed of 17% the speed of light in an escape attempt, which is not what we want to see.

"It's better to leave them with a glimmer of hope, let them enter the Thick Fog; it could also prevent them from choosing the most extreme actions at the edge of collapse.

"Lin Sen directing the three fleets into the Thick Fog is bringing the chasing three Waterdrops there as well. This all plays perfectly into my hands.

"Lin Sen might think his strategy can tie down our five Waterdrops, but this is exactly the situation I desire.

"With four Waterdrops, we could arrange them in a resonance pattern, something the precise operation of the Waterdrops is capable of achieving; this would amplify the capabilities of the Waterdrops by hundreds, if not thousands, of times.

"Even if our Waterdrops could arrive at the Thick Fog ahead of time by speed, we should also proceed slowly, allowing them all to enter the Thick Fog.

"The Thick Fog Zone may be their trap, but it can also be our trap."

Leader, "A very good strategy. With your strategy, we can both destroy the human Sophon-Blocked Zone and possibly gather all the human warships together.

"At the same time, if we unleash too much of the Waterdrops' power now, it could lead humans to fall into desperation. We're not afraid of human courage; rather, it's their complete despair we dread, for that state is what truly concerns us.

"But if all their warships are gathered together, and with the five Waterdrops present, the time of death for those ships would be upon them.

"However, it feels a bit too smooth sailing; could there still be other schemes from Lin Sen?

"We must prevent what the enemy intends, and even if we cannot organize against it, we need to understand their plans.

"Lin Sen directing all the remaining warships of the three forces to the Thick Fog Zone certainly involves other schemes, even though these will become evident when we break through the Sophon-Blocked Zone. However, we still need to grasp it beforehand.

"No. 7, you only have 28 hours left; you must figure out Lin Sen's underlying strategy.

"We cannot afford to lose another Waterdrop!"

No. 7, "Yes, Leader."

Feels so frustrating! Leader, old man, can't you give me some free time!

I don't think Lin Sen's plan is just about those 1,000 warships; we can't keep obsessing over human warships just because we've been outplayed by them before, right?

Where exactly did Lin Sen deceive me?