Chapter 234 A Terrifyingly Meticulous Escape Plan

Humanity did not appear panicked upon learning this news; they understood that the Wallfacer must have had a deeper purpose for doing so.

Moreover, now that humans had witnessed the power of the Trisolarans, they were not so averse to the idea of escape.

Lin Sen, "Actually… the Thoughtcontrol imprint that was given to humans was… that humanity was bound to fail.

"Mr. Hines, when he had just invented Thoughtcontrol, did something similar to what Wade did. He modified a symbol of the Thoughtcontrol, and what it really imprinted on humanity was 'humanity is bound to fail'."

"At that time, the Trisolarans' level of cunning was still very low, and they also underestimated Mr. Hines. They thought that Mr. Hines's plan was harmless and paid little attention to Thoughtcontrol.

"Then, with my help, we caught Mr. Hines's Wallbreaker and sealed all five Thoughtcontrol machines."

"These sealed machines were not used until 200 years later. They were not used in between, which also made the Trisolarans neglect to check the content of the machines."

"The crew members imprinted with Thoughtcontrol were even more eager to flee; their mission was for the continuation of the entire human civilization."

Lin Sen's words once again shocked the audience, both at the Wallfacer's plan and the perplexity of such a plan.

Lin Sen continued, "We naturally know that fleeing would increase our risk of exposure, but we cannot refrain from executing the escape.

"The duty of a Wallfacer is to ensure the survival of humanity in this universe.

"Therefore, the best option is to have steadfast warriors, unafraid and clear-sighted, lead the ships in escape.

"The hardest part of the escape is not how to flee, but who goes on the escape, especially escaping in the Dark Forest!

"It must be individuals with unwavering willpower, who see through everything. Only such people have the possibility to survive in the universe.

"Such people are very rare. Even if a few ships manage to escape under this plan, our risk of exposure would be greatly reduced.

"Moreover, these steadfast warriors are also well aware of the dangers in the universe, and they will hide themselves as much as possible.

"Lastly, this also serves an important purpose: to leave a window open for the warriors of the Deep Space Fleet to return home.

"Once the Escape Fleet is beyond the range of our all-domain broadcast, we can send a message of humanity's defeat to the Deep Space Fleet.

"Then, without giving the key to deactivate the escape monitor, when the Executive Captain does not trigger the escape monitoring system, the fleet will understand humanity's intentions, and the Executive Captain is very likely to control the ships to return."

"Indeed, the Trisolarans could send false messages to the Deep Space Fleet, restricting the ships from fleeing, but they would not restrict our return.

"Also, the Trisolarans would not be able to add the key part to the original message. Firstly, the position of the Deep Space Fleet is unknown, and these two pieces of information cannot reach the fleet at the same time; secondly, there is an end symbol at the finish of the message, and even if the key part was received, it would be a second message, which the fleet could distinguish as a fake message from the Trisolarans.

"Besides, even if the Trisolarans could complete the message, they wouldn't do so. By completing it, they would essentially be allowing humanity to escape. So the Trisolarans won't interfere, nor will they interfere."

Humanity had to be amazed anew at the Wallfacers' meticulous logic; the Wallfacers had considered everything, making it the perfect escape plan.

We thought fleeing was detrimental to human unity, yet the Wallfacers used the escape to fight a decisive battle with the Trisolarans.

We thought the hardest part of fleeing was how to escape, but the Wallfacers considered how to choose the most suitable people to flee and how to hide themselves, to avoid exposure.

This plan was completed through the joint efforts and tacit cooperation of so many people; its success was nothing short of miraculous.

At the same time, the plan was also terrifying upon closer thought.

Lin Sen was the proposer of the plan, which ostensibly was just a strategy to enhance the resolve of humanity for the decisive battle, and whether it could be executed was an unknown.

The Trisolarans also always considered it a strategy to affect human psychology, much like the early years of the crisis when the Project Starship was quickly forgotten, and they didn't pay much attention to it.

Wade designed an escape surveillance system that was virtually flawless in terms of logic, which made the Trisolarans feel at ease once again.

However, Wade secretly changed a symbol in the control conditions, ensuring that the system would not execute a death command against the Executive Captain.

The Thoughtcontrol invented by Hines was soon sealed away, leading Trisolaris to overlook the inspection of the Thoughtcontrol devices.

Once activated, the Thoughtcontrol imprinted the crew with the belief that "humanity is doomed, execute escape," which the Trisolarans once again extravagantly ignored.

Feng Zi cleverly steered the war between the Moon Camp and the Earth Camp into a struggle for control over the Solar System's space.

During this period, the warships both camps constructed were almost all industrial-military-integrated ships, a design cleverly suited for the needs of the escape plan. Such warships could be rapidly transformed into escape tools if necessary, and not many among humanity, let alone the Trisolarans, could see this.

In the end, under the joint leadership of the distinguished leaders Ye Chen and Feng Zi, the rationale for retrofitting these warships for reuse allowed the entire escape plan to be smoothly implemented. No one expected that switching between escape and doomsday battle could be so seamless.

This was perhaps another purpose of the Lagrange Project.

The plan was one ring after another, each completed by different people. The key was that there seemed to be no communication between anyone, until at last, the Trisolarans realized the threat posed by this plan.

The escape plan was also the rope that tethered the Trisolarans during the doomsday battle. Without the escape plan, Lin Sen would not have achieved such significant victories.

In fact, there was much that people did not know.

For example, Wade was also afraid that this surveillance system, which lacked the ability to monitor, would fail, and that ultimately no one would want to escape. But Lin Sen told him that there would definitely be those resolute in escaping, and that you can always trust them.

This was the true meaning of the words Lin Sen had once said to Wade, "You can always trust the octopuses of Hokkaido."

At this moment, humanity gained a deeper understanding of Lin Sen's ability to strategize. His cunning and planning seemed endless, as if everything was precisely calculated by him.

Moreover, the multitude of plans could complement each other, interlocking to form a vast and intricate system that was simply astounding.

People also gradually realized that although the escape plan did indeed risk exposing human civilization, Lin Sen's plan was still the best choice under the current circumstances.

In the face of danger, all that remained was responsibility. The Wallfacer's responsibility was to ensure the survival of humanity; the Wallfacer was not wrong.

The situation for humanity was actually much better than in the original narrative, as Logic had not conducted that Dark Forest verification, which greatly delayed the time we might be discovered, or the probability of discovery.

Sending coordinates into outer space is known as being a "Star Shooter," a perilously dangerous act. Through the long river of time, Star Shooters would inevitably be found.

In fact, in the later stages of The Deterrence Era, Logic, who went from being the "savior" deity to the despised "butcher," had many reasons for not being thanked by humans.

But the most fundamental reason was that humans also recognized the consequences brought about by "Star Shooters." Logic's actions hastened humanity's discovery, akin to children complaining that adults can't provide a better life for them.

Afflicted with Dark Forest phobia, the inner unease and fear ultimately, childishly manifested as a "trial" of Logic.

In reality, after the great trough, humanity on the original timeline had been living in self-deception.

During the final battle, those with the simplest logic knew that the Trisolarans couldn't possibly have come for negotiations, yet all of humanity still desperately believed the Trisolarans came for peace talks, deluding themselves into belief.

During the Broadcast Era, it was always suggested that the Dark Forest was an erroneous notion, even after the Trisolaran star system was destroyed, they continued in self-deception.

Essentially, it still stemmed from their own lack of strength; they dared not accept such a cruel outcome.