Chapter 296 Taking Over the Trisolaran Warship

This brief sentence, like a heavy bomb, was shocking and powerful, formally declaring the Trisolarans' complete defeat.

At this moment, all Trisolarans seemed to be stripped of their past glory and power, suddenly becoming incredibly fragile, like insignificant insects in the dust.

This also reflected the year when the Trisolarans haughtily arrived on Earth, scorned humanity, and proclaimed, "You are but insects!"

However, at this moment, humanity proved to them: Even the most inconsequential insects could trample proud giants underfoot.

Humanity, at this historic moment, was filled with an unprecedented strength, a belief as firm as rock, as if no difficulty could defeat it.

For Lin Sen, it was the first time in nearly 300 years he could let go of the heavy pressure the Trisolarans had exerted on humanity's head, the fear of an imminent disaster vanishing without a trace.

Fleeing might have allowed humanity to struggle on in this dark universe a while longer, but it would merely mean letting a few more people hear the universe's last transmission, and that wasn't very meaningful.

Lin Sen came here, to this Dark Forest, to fight against this dark universe for a different future.

Now, he had done it, and so had humanity, exuding strength and confidence from within and without.

Humanity, from today, would undergo a complete metamorphosis,

Humanity, from today, would truly step into the sea of stars,

Humanity, from today, would start a new era of their own.

Every faction of humanity saw this statement, and the emotions they felt—surprise, shock, joy, doubt—were utterly indescribable at this moment. It was as if they were cleansed by a massive tidal wave, washing away all superficialities.

Under the cleansing of this wave, their former ambitions and desires seemed inconsequential. They began to reassess themselves, to think about their place and mission in this new era.

They realized that humanity had entered a new era, an era forged by a common belief.


Lin Sen's voice was firm as he issued an order to the Trisolarans, "All Trisolaran warships, decelerate immediately, hold position, and wait for the Human Fleet to take over."

The words on the sphere responded swiftly and seemed exceptionally compliant:

[We have done as you say, all warships are decelerating, waiting for the arrival of the Human Fleet.

And we have ordered them not to damage the warships, to ensure all equipment functions are intact, with no abnormalities other than excessive resource consumption.]

"Good," Lin Sen continued, "Make sure the safety of the warships is ensured, any unexpected situations must be reported to us at once."

[Understood.]The words on the sphere appeared again, [These hundred warships are now the property of humanity, they no longer belong to us.]

A complex emotion surged in Lin Sen's heart, mixed with a bit of astonishment.

This group, once arrogant and powerful, was able to show such resolute determination upon deciding to surrender the warships without any hesitation or second thoughts. Their decisiveness and resolution were indeed beyond Lin Sen's expectations.

Two hours later, the Trisolaran warships had completed their deceleration and were stationed near Jupiter Orbit, while the Human Fleet, led by Rey Diaz, was rapidly approaching.

Everyone understood the significance of being the first to take over the Trisolaran warships, and such honor could only be borne by a Wallfacer.

7 hours later, Rey Diaz's fleet arrived at the location of the Trisolaran warships.

Those Trisolaran warships, once a source of terror for humanity, now awaited their new masters like tamed behemoths. Their enormous bodies stood out in space, yet there was an inexplicable loneliness about them.

A hundred Trisolaran warships, including the four destroyed by The Waterdrop, hung in the endless dark universe like a hundred pitch-black islands, their former glory and brilliance scattered with the wind, now only left with the fate of being conquered and captured by humanity.

Rey Diaz stood before the viewing window of the warship, his gaze steadfastly fixed on those massive warships.

The Trisolarans had nearly perfected the stealth capabilities of their warships, making them appear to merge with the surrounding dark universe even when observed from such close proximity, as if one were gazing into an unfathomably deep cosmic abyss.

Behind Rey Diaz, highly efficient teams were busily preparing to take over these warships, formulating detailed plans to ensure the safety and order of the nearly ten million Trisolaran prisoners.

As the order to board was given, an array of well-equipped small spacecraft, carrying elite special space forces, engineers, and expert teams, donned in advanced protective suits, and carrying cutting-edge weapons and numerous professional instruments, slowly made their way toward the docking ports of the Trisolaran warships.

Their mission was to first stabilize the situation on board the ships, ensuring the order and safety of the Trisolaran prisoners, and to prepare for a comprehensive takeover of the warships.

At that moment, the docking ports of the Trisolaran warships slowly opened, as if a door of communication between humanity and Trisolaran civilization was formally pushed open.

To everyone's surprise, the voices of the Trisolarans came directly through the human communication broadcast channels. The Trisolarans would guide the humans in taking control of the warships, making the communication between both sides unprecedentedly convenient.

The boarding personnel's primary task was to transfer command from the Trisolaran warship commanders. Meanwhile, human teams also sprung into action, checking the warships' systems one by one to ensure that they could be smoothly operated and maintained by humans.

With the assistance of human Sophons and the guidance of the Trisolarans, this task was undoubtedly a challenge like no other.

The Trisolarans' technological style was completely different from that of humans, a difference not only reflected in the exterior design but also in the internal systems and operational logic.

The design style of the Trisolaran warships epitomized the ultimate in minimalism and practicality. From their outer contours to their inner structures, they were filled with an extreme simplicity and fluidity, fully displaying the unique aesthetic and technical pursuits of the Trisolaran civilization.

However, the warships' interiors seemed particularly spartan regarding the Trisolarans' own living environment. The interior was almost filled with various functional devices, and the Trisolarans' living spaces were cleverly embedded within the gaps between these devices, resembling natural caverns.

This design required humans to stoop to enter some areas, adapting to the narrow spaces.

This was perhaps the ultimate survival mode of the Trisolarans; they pursued the maximization of warship functionality, relatively neglecting the comfort of individual living states.

Survival and development are never harmonious.

The Trisolaran Ship Control Room lacked the imagined control interfaces and various complex buttons, not even screens and indicator lights.

This wasn't surprising, as the Trisolarans primarily controlled with the brain's electrical waves. The warship control system resembled a complex neural network, with various pieces of information and commands flowing and interacting in a non-linear fashion.

The warship's control system, like a complicated neural network, allowed information and commands to flow freely and interact non-linearly. For the human engineers encountering it for the first time, this was indeed a massive challenge.

They had to resort to advanced Mind Tactility devices to try and connect with this system, learning a completely new operational logic from scratch.

In the end, with the patient guidance of the Trisolarans, the human engineers gradually mastered this system and ultimately completed the task of receiving the warships.

The power, life support, and communication systems of the Trisolaran warships utilized a technological approach vastly different from that of humans; these systems were "black boxes" to humans.

But such an experience was unforgettable for everyone involved. The shock and sense of achievement from discovering things and technologies entirely new to humanity every moment were indescribable.

In addition, there was another crucial task: accommodating these millions of Trisolaran prisoners.

It had been 40 years since humanity captured the disconnected Trisolaran warships, and humans had a good understanding of Trisolaran habits.

However, this time, the Trisolaran prisoners would not enjoy the previous treatment; they had to leave their warships and be placed in "Living Cabins" prepared for them by humans. Despite being called "Living Cabins", in truth, these were the prisoner camps where humans held them in custody.

Under the organization and arrangement of humans, batches of Trisolarans were orderly sent to these Living Cabins prepared for them. The Trisolarans also exhibited a high degree of cooperation and compliance, which undoubtedly significantly eased the difficulty of the humans' task.

It was only after three days that humans fully took over the hundred Trisolaran warships, piloting or towing them towards the Wallfacer Base near Jupiter Orbit.