Chapter 297 Post-war Handling


Crisis Era year 270.

The war had just drawn its curtains, and the invisible smoke of gunpowder still lingered among the stars, silently recording the breathtaking battle. Humanity was immersed in a mood that was both joyful and somber, busily embarking on various post-war tasks.

The most urgent tasks at hand were undoubtedly the cleaning and medical treatment of the battlefield, as well as various post-war statistical works. Above the ruins, the once formidable warships and naval bases had been reduced to rubble—or rather, dust. The extent of the damage was incalculable, highlighting the brutality and severity of the war.

In this battle, humanity had sacrificed a total of over 107 million lives. Due to the extreme cruelty of the war, there were very few injured, for on this battlefield, once attacked, the chances of survival were slim.

However, in this catastrophe, humanity had also inflicted unprecedented heavy losses on the Trisolarans. Humanity had annihilated 110 million Trisolarans and captured nearly ten million.

If the battle of the doomsday had won humanity a chance to breathe, then this battle in the dust had marked the complete shift in the offensive and defensive postures between humanity and the Trisolarans.

The most difficult areas to clean up were concentrated in Bunker and Earth, the two core regions that suffered the most ferocious attacks during the war. Other targets such as the Faster-Than-Light Communication Station and interstellar broadcast facilities, although severely damaged, were relatively easier to clean up.

This cleanup work was far from being completed in the short term. Bunker and Earth could almost be declared abandoned. As arduous as the cleanup work was, it also symbolized rebirth. Each step of progress was a promise and expectation for the future.

Next came the takeover and safety inspection of the warships. Countless experts and technicians were working day and night, studying each system of the Trisolaran Warships, trying to grasp their underlying logic and principles.

Though the Trisolarans generously provided the systems' source code, technical materials, and even manufacturing technology, humans did not let their guard down.

Humans had to remain highly vigilant and cautious, rigorously testing and reviewing every system and module to ensure there were no potential safety hazards.

Humans were learning from Trisolaran knowledge and technology, aiming to integrate the two technological systems to find new breakthrough directions for the human technological tree, not to apply these alien technologies directly.

It wasn't for fear of traps in Trisolaran technology but rather that there was no need to do so. On the basis of fully understanding Trisolaran technology, the real task was to organically integrate these advanced technologies into the human technological system.

After gaining comprehensive knowledge of the basic information of the Trisolaran Warships, humanity began the disassembly of the warship submodules, especially the power modules, using the Trisolaran warship framework for exhibition purposes.

Research on the power modules of the Trisolaran Warship at the Wallfacer Base would be a major future direction, while also avoiding the premature discovery of the secrets of curvature navigation by the human world.

However, Trisolarans had briefly utilized curvature in their combat in the Solar System, and the abnormal phenomena it caused couldn't be hidden for long. Humanity was not far from discovering the secrets of curvature.

Furthermore, given the research on micro black holes, humanity's study of curvature had reached the final critical stage.

Other systems of the warships would naturally be studied together with the Solar System Alliance.

By the way, the Naturals' Camp and the Long-Livers' Camp no longer existed as they had merged to form the brand-new Solar System Alliance. This transformation not only marked an organizational advancement for humanity but also symbolized a deeper psychological and spiritual sublimation.

In Lin Sen's mind, the biggest gain from this battle wasn't the capture of a hundred Trisolaran Warships, but rather the overnight psychological evolution completed by the Long-Livers and Naturals.

The Long-Livers could abandon their families, their ties, but not their responsibilities, and the Naturals, how could they willingly give up longevity?

Their real conflict lay in the magnified state of selfish possessiveness within the Long-Livers' Camp and the clash with the limited space for existence.

This was in fact a profound social psychological phenomenon, also reflected at the individual level. For instance, a person who has long been starved, driven by an extreme desire for food, might develop an overwhelming possessiveness towards food, to the extent of trampling over the laws and moral bottom line without any regard.


Of course, this could be "cured". In the Wallfacer Camp, everyone was striving for the same goal, and they too took the Elixir of Life, yet similar social emotions did not occur.

The war served as a catalyst for the social psychological resonance produced by humanity, repressing their extreme desires. They began to pay more attention to the collective interest, even willing to sacrifice their personal gain for the shared objective.

Meanwhile, humanity dispatched a large number of reconnaissance spacecraft to the outskirts of the Kuiper Belt, closely monitoring for any signs of Trisolaran Warships that might emerge.

One thing was certain, a large number of Trisolaran Warships were quietly approaching the region not far from the Solar System.

Having experienced the earlier battles, the Trisolarans had become much more cautious; they dared not launch an attack lightly, even with a thousand warships assembled, they seemed hesitant and indecisive.

Technologically, Trisolaran Warships had not achieved an absolute advantage over humanity, especially since all human warships were now urgently installing the Curvature Propulsion Defense Mechanism. In effect, the Trisolarans had lost their capability to invade the Solar System.

In this campaign, the technological prowess and strategic wisdom of humanity were fully demonstrated.

Humanity would no longer fear the Trisolarans at any level.

In the Trisolaran world, the Governor's joint meeting.

The Military Governor's demeanor became increasingly dejected, his eyes revealing unspeakable desolation and profound defeat.

Watching humanity take over Trisolaran Warship after warship seemed like a cruel mockery of his past decisions.

If not for his own overconfidence and attempted cleverness, the Trisolaran civilization would not have fallen into such a predicament. This defeat seemed to have broken the Trisolarans' backbone.

The Military Governor, with deep fatigue and guilt, said, "I am old… I can't go on… I have once again doomed the future of the Trisolarans.

"Leader, I request to resign from the office of the Military Governor.

"I hope you can lead the Trisolaran civilization to continue on better.

"Finally, I implore the Leader, the Trisolarans need to change."

Three centuries of vicissitudes seemed to press down upon the old man's shoulders in an instant, his figure appearing so lonely and forlorn.

The Leader responded, "You don't need to leave, the failure of this war is not on you.

"We should not give up like this, we should never give up at any time.

"I will continue to lead Trisolaris forward. From the rise of humanity, I've realized something, because of responsibility, we must go on, and as long as we go on, there will always be hope.

"But this path requires your help even more."