Chapter 309: Humanity's Technological Outbreak at Warp Speed


Crisis Era year 272.

Humanity also launched the Sophon Blind Zone Project, beginning to deploy extensive Sophon Blind Zones throughout the Solar System and its vicinity.

At the same time, Trisolaran Sophons completely withdrew from the Solar System, marking the beginning of a new era.

However, as human Sophons delved deeper into the exploration of the areas surrounding the Solar System, a perplexing question gradually emerged: the number of Sophon Blind Zones in this vast expanse of space far exceeded expectations. The density of these blind zones forced humanity to temporarily suspend the use of Sophons for deeper space exploration.

This also explained why the Trisolarans were so cautious when exploring and colonizing neighboring star systems; they might have encountered similar predicaments.

The original text had also mentioned that when Trisolaran Sophons explored Earth, they were also exploring other regions, with the farthest exploration distance being no more than 7 light-years.

It's just unclear whether such a multitude of Sophon Blind Zones formed naturally or were artificially created. If they were artificially created, it implies that this condition does not allow the universe to become transparent.

Does this suggest that there were or are countless civilizations in our vicinity, and where are they now?


In this year, Lin Sen also made all technologies within the Bunker, except for Curvature Propulsion Technology, available to the Solar System Alliance. These technologies included Sophon Technology and all the information that human Sophons had stolen from the Trisolaran world over the past 11 years.

Even though Trisolaran technology was highly referential for humanity, it could not be directly utilized.

On one hand, the scientific and technological system of humanity was different from that of the Trisolarans. Humans had a mature technology development path. Trisolaran technological routes could open up countless new avenues for humanity but could not be directly transplanted.

On the other hand, Trisolaran technology mostly existed in the form of scattered process data, and much of the technology had not formed a complete system. Direct use of such technology data was more harmful than beneficial.

In the process of studying Trisolaran technology, humanity also discovered a problem: why the technological development of the Trisolarans was so slow.

Trisolaran technological progress often depended on breakthroughs in mathematics and practice rather than verifying theories through experiments before advancing to actual applications. In many cases, Trisolarans had "known how but not why," with practical breakthroughs often preceding theoretical construction.

For instance, in developing new materials, Trisolarans typically did not rely on theoretical guidance but directly pursued appropriate materials through extensive trials and a brute force approach.

While this method had a certain practicality, enabling the discovery of some effective materials through continuous trials, it clearly lacked a holistic approach and efficiency.

Whenever Trisolarans needed to find new materials, they had to start a new round of exhaustive trial and error, which undoubtedly increased R&D costs and time.

By contrast, when humans developed new materials, they would first summarize the patterns from experiments, propose multiple hypotheses based on these patterns, and verify these hypotheses through mathematical reasoning and experimental practice. Then, through targeted experiments, they would gradually converge to the most accurate theory.

The technology obtained this way had a stronger systematic approach and sustainability. When humans needed to develop better materials, the previous research data and theoretical foundation could provide valuable guidance and support for subsequent research.

In other words, human technology had greater potential and sustainability.

Trisolarans were not ignorant of the advantages of human research methods; however, limited by their relatively smaller brain structure and lack of imagination, they often found it difficult to propose constructive theoretical hypotheses in experiments, unless these hypotheses were closely related to mathematical rules.

For non-mathematical issues, they usually struggled with targeted experimental verification, which to some extent limited the speed of their technological development.

Human technology had to be built upon its own industrial system.



For example, if humanity wanted to produce the shell material of Trisolaran warships directly, they would need to replicate an entire set of process equipment for manufacturing this material. Yet behind each piece of equipment lies countless other machines capable of creating that equipment, and even an understanding and mastery of the techniques and principles behind their creation.

This technological hierarchy can be traced back many levels, and without closing the loop at any point, it's impossible to realize such a vast and complex engineering project.

Such technology is actually of no use to humanity, they just need to analyze the technological principles of the Trisolaran warship's shell material and, combining it with their own tech tree, redesign it step by step.

In other words, humanity used the technical data from the Trisolarans as experimental data, guiding the direction of humanity's own technological theories.

Humanity's current level of technology was not far behind the Trisolarans, thus blindly absorbing Trisolaran technology was not beneficial. Technology must be rooted in a solid foundation underground, not in building another castle in the sky.

Recklessly absorbing too much Trisolaran technology was also depleting humanity's potential for scientific progress.

Of course, Trisolaran technology still gave humanity wings to soar.

After humanity fully accessed and thoroughly researched all of the Trisolaran tech archives, technological strength saw an unprecedented surge as if a brand-new door had been opened.

A tidal wave of science and technology swept in overnight, pushing the boundaries of human technology into farther reaches of the unknown.

Human science and technology were advancing at a breakneck pace, and there was even a peculiar phenomenon where theoretical development began to lag behind technological applications.

Technicians in the laboratories were frequently achieving technological breakthroughs, yet humanity's existing scientific framework had yet to develop timely, complete theoretical underpinnings to match them.

This was precisely what humanity needed to avoid, and it also highlighted the urgent need to update and replace theoretical systems.

Humanity even began to deliberately control the speed of their own development, but the pace of its progress was still astonishing.

Lin Sen knew that this was not merely due to the technological revolution brought about by Trisolaran technology. More crucially, humanity had completely shaken off the Crisis Era and unlocked the shackles on their thoughts. What truly propelled human progress was still humanity's own intelligence and courage.

Moreover, human technological development had undergone a significant transformation. In the past, technological progress often served military needs more, with many innovations and R&D revolving around enhancing military power and strategic advantages.

However, humanity had now entered a brand-new Golden Age, with technological development showing characteristics of diversification and comprehensiveness. Technological innovation was no longer confined to the military sector but had broadly penetrated every aspect of society, bringing revolutionary progress to various fields. Whether in medical health, environmental protection, transportation, or energy utilization, the power of technology was omnipresent and increasingly demonstrating its vast potential.

This all-encompassing technological development not only greatly improved the quality of human life but also injected new vitality into the sustainable development of society.

Within the Solar System Alliance, human technological advancement had reached numerous frontier areas, yet there were clear restrictions on the research of curvature propulsion technology.

This was mainly due to two key factors:

First, Lin Sen had not disclosed any information related to curvature.

Second, Lin Sen had prevented their experimental approaches, specifically the research into micro black holes.

This meant that the Solar System Alliance lacked the necessary theoretical guidance and experimental basis for the development of curvature propulsion technology, significantly slowing the research progress.

Without a hundred years' time, the Solar System Alliance would find it very difficult to develop true curvature technology, namely, the lightspeed spacecraft.

Of course, Lin Sen had never stopped researching and manufacturing lightspeed spacecraft.
