Chapter 310: The Last Wallfacer Hearing

Crisis Era, Year 280.

In the past ten years, humanity's scientific and technological development has been eye-catching, even surpassing any historical period. Some researchers even claim that the progress made in these ten years is equivalent to a hundred years of development under normal circumstances.

In this brief decade, humanity's technological level has not only approached but, in some areas, even surpassed the technical prowess of the Trisolaran world during the Dust Battle.

On one hand, human technology was only half a century behind that of the Trisolarans, and without the technological blockade of the Sophons, humanity would have been fully capable of catching up quickly.

On the other hand, many of the Trisolarans' technologies weren't entirely suitable for human needs. Their technology often sought a perfect balance between resources and performance, a balance that might not be the best choice for humanity.

Humanity, with more resources at its disposal, pursued greater performance while borrowing and assimilating Trisolaran technology, making human technology superior to that of the Trisolarans in many respects.

The speed of human conventional power warships had reached thirty percent of the speed of light.

Of course, this speed could not be increased in the short term, mainly due to two factors:

First, the limitations of fuel and the effects of relativity; achieving higher speeds required more fuel, and the increased mass of the fuel would consume more energy during acceleration, which is limited.

Second, traveling at such speeds, warships faced new challenges.

As mentioned before, even a small amount of dust and interstellar medium could significantly affect high-speed warships. Particularly when the speed of a warship reached thirty percent of the speed of light, it posed a lethal threat to the safety and performance of the vessel.

Without considering the high-energy particle radiation that filled the universe, even cosmic background microwave radiation could cause damage. The strongest aerospace materials from the 21st century would turn to ash under such radiation at these speeds.

Experts predicted that it might be impossible for human warships to break through this speed barrier in the short term, as the required technological advancements were increasing geometrically.

At this point, the armor of critical parts of human warships had been almost entirely replaced with strong interaction materials, and the propulsion engine technology had seen revolutionary progress, with traditional engines replaced by more efficient and powerful antimatter engines.

Humanity had also made significant breakthroughs in Gluon Field Striker technology, and the most recent human warships were equipped with these advanced weapons. In comparison, human Gluon Field Striker weapons were more powerful than those of the Trisolarans.

Due to the emergence of Warping Point Defense Technology, existing means of attack had become almost useless, and no more effective strategies had been found yet.

It could be foreseen that future interstellar warfare may rely more on close-range combat. Such a tactical shift meant that the maneuverability of warships would become critically important, possibly becoming the key factor in deciding the outcome of a battle.

Humanity once again entered an era of grand construction of warships.

In nearly 300 majestic large space docks across the Solar System, the construction of warships was underway with great vigor.

Almost every dock could carry the construction of three to four warships at the same time, and this scale and efficiency not only highlighted human technology but also showcased humanity's ambition.

The design and construction of warships adopted a modular concept. Apart from the structure and power systems—the skeleton and heart of the warship—other parts like weapon systems, defense systems, communication systems, reconnaissance systems, etc., were designed as interchangeable modules.

Humanity's technological progress was too quick nowadays; these modules in warships had to be designed to be replaced with more advanced and efficient products at any time, thus keeping the warships at the cutting edge of combat capability.


The last Wallfacer testimony meeting in human history undoubtedly became a focal point of global attention.

Since the Battle of Doomsday, the Wallfacers had earned an extremely exalted status in human society through leading humanity to victory over the Trisolarans.

From that time on, there had been no Wallfacer testimony meetings. To some extent, the Wallfacers no longer needed oversight from the Planetary Defense Council (PDC); they had become an independent force.

After the Dust Battle, this status had been elevated to an unprecedented high. The Wallfacers had almost become a faith for humanity, not only as strategists and decision-makers but also as symbols of human will and hope.

It was as if their mere existence was a shelter, a guarantee for the continuity of human civilization.

But now, Lin Sen had requested the convening of the final Wallfacer testimony meeting, and this news quickly sparked widespread attention across humanity, with all eyes focused on this special event.

People speculated, was this another Wallfacer stratagem? A conspiracy against the Wallfacers? Or was it truly Lin Sen's preparation to step down from his role?

In their views toward the Wallfacers, humanity harbored extremely complex emotions. Whether in the past or present, the Wallfacers had not turned towards dictatorship as people had worried. But the road ahead was still long; even though the Trisolaran crisis had passed, who could ensure that nothing would change in the future?

Nevertheless, people had to admit that the Wallfacers had become a shelter for humanity, a faith, like a father protecting his children.


Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the PDC has now been dissolved.

In the early stages of the Crisis Era, the PDC was responsible for organizing and coordinating the defense forces and resources of all countries around the world. It brought together scientists, military experts, and strategists from all nations to discuss and formulate strategies and plans to combat the Trisolaran civilization. The Wallfacer project was just one of their many plans.

Before the Battle of Doomsday, the PDC's functions and influence had gradually changed, now being responsible for organizing and coordinating the defensive forces and resources of all major powers within the Solar System. Although the Wallfacers were nominally still part of the PDC, in reality, their actions and decisions had almost completely detached from the control of the PDC.

Before the Battle of Dust, the major powers within the Solar System had already formed a tight alliance to confront external threats together. The contradictions between the Long-Livers and Naturals were no longer within the scope of PDC's coordination. At this historical juncture, the PDC had completed its historical mission and formally exited the stage of history.

The joint meeting of the Solar System Alliance has become the presiding body for the Wallfacer hearings, but unlike before, the joint meeting of the Solar System Alliance is an institution directly under the jurisdiction of the Command Headquarters. It not only has a coordinating function but also holds actual power.

Over the past decade, there have also been significant changes in the pattern of the Solar System. The Long-Livers and Naturals have achieved deep integration, jointly building a new Solar System Alliance, while Commander Ye Chen still commands the alliance.

The force led by Feng Zi has once again evolved into the Wallfacer Camp, with a current population of about 500 million people, including the 100 million people who were originally under Bunker's command and the military forces directly led by Feng Zi along with their attendant population, many of whom are elite members from the original Naturals' Camp.

Solar System Alliance joint meeting, the last Wallfacer hearing.

The meeting began, and the joint chairperson once again highlighted the exceptional contributions made by the Wallfacers to human civilization, reviewed the deeds of each Wallfacer, and announced the start of the hearing.

Logic, Hines, Rey Diaz, and Lin Sen—these four legendary Wallfacers, came forward in turn. Lin Sen led them, forming an unbreakable barrier. Their presence bathed the entire venue in a sacred radiance that commanded respect.

Before this, Lin Sen had also discussed the matter of this Wallfacer hearing with the other three, and they had all expressed their approval and support for Lin Sen's plan.

To be honest, the identity of a Wallfacer now does not bring them any special privileges or honors, but rather has become an invisible shackle and burden.

The power of a Wallfacer has always been fought for by themselves, not bestowed by others.

Although human society now regards them as godlike figures, will people still recognize the existence of these gods in a few decades or even a century?

Perhaps by then, people will exclaim, "Humanity does not need Wallfacers!"

No matter how the future changes, the Wallfacers will forever be etched in the annals of human history as immortal legends.

Lin Sen walked firmly to the front of the stage, his gaze gently sweeping over the audience, and he began to speak slowly:

"An undeniable fact is that the era of Sophon's mythology has ended!

"Humanity no longer needs to worry about the Trisolarans stealing any secrets."

Lin Sen paused, then continued, "The greatest achievement of humanity is not merely that we successfully resisted the Trisolaran invasion, but even more so, that we no longer need Wallfacers.

"Wallfacers are a unique product of a special era, the greatest plan in human history, with no equals, but it should not become a dependency for the advancement of human civilization.

"The history of human civilization is an epic of continuous self-transcendence and self-innovation.

"The strongest force of humanity has always been ourselves, not anything external, and certainly not the so-called Wallfacers.

"In this new era, the human expedition to Trisolaris that is currently being prepared will also surely succeed.

"The current state of warfare has returned to the patterns we are familiar with and excel in.

"Human technology is developing rapidly, and the day when we surpass the Trisolarans and conquer the Trisolaran world will come.

"The hardships that the Trisolarans once brought us, they will pay the price for them!

"We believe that with our own strength, we will stand tall in the forest of universe civilizations!"

PS: The protagonist does indeed intend to unite with the Trisolaran civilization in the future, but at present, human civilization and the Trisolaran civilization are essentially in a life and death struggle, and human civilization will inevitably launch an expedition against Trisolaris.

It is possible to be lenient with prisoners before, and once they enter human society, they are essentially part of human society. However, conquering the Trisolaran civilization is necessary. The Trisolarans worry about the Dark Forest; humans have the same concern. The Trisolarans also pose as a threat to humanity.

Additionally, the termination of the Wallfacer project does not mean surrendering the power they hold, and the next chapter will establish Wallfacer International.
