13. The Taste Of The Program Begins

About a month since I was here in the headquarters and I have to say in that short period of time I've managed to learn quite a lot, I now knew what apples were and I learnt that they are fruits, I knew about the wonders of the first world by that I mean the earth before the invasion. I knew about the sun, food that our ancestors ate I even had the privilege to try some of the food from the first world and forgive me but I have to say wow! Just wow!

During my hospital time every day the nurses and doctors bought me all kinds of different food, just last week I had something called pizza and a week before I had something called pie. These are the kinds of food the Salvation had gotten rid off but now that I have tasted it... These machines needed to pay.

Like I've said before I've been here about a month now, I should have left a long time ago but I simply couldn't just go. For about everyday I kept wondering more and more about the program and also what Otto had said to me when we went out separate ways.

"I hope I do see you in the program in about a month" I thought in my memory.

So I have done all I could to get more information, I mean I have asked Lt. Jean Gable and she has taught me so much and by the way we were getting close. She was definitely happy to know that I wanted to stay and give the program a shot.

Preparations were taken care of by none other than Commander Graves, he made sure I got registered for the classes, he taught me what I needed to know about the classes and what to expect. Day after day I was in books after all that was the whole deal between me and Commander Graves I learn how to read and write other languages, and I did all of that without any hesitation.

And today was the day the classes took place, Lt. Jean came to my room and didn't say even one word she just held me. Judging from that action she was worried about me.

"Hey, don't worry I'll be okay it's not like I am going to fight a war just yet" I said wiping the tear in her eyes.

I don't know when did the Commander get in or how long he was standing by the door.

"The boy's right Lt. Gable he's not going to war just yet" he said.

A siren rang to inform the candidates that classes were about to commence. I took everything I was going to need my bag, a pen, my notebook. Just when I was about to exit the room.

"Good luck kid" said Commander Graves with a rooting smile.

"Thanks" I said back.

If I didn't know better I would say both of them wanted me to ace up my class.

Anyway there I was standing outside the classes and dang these classes were huge and tall too, I looked at the building and counted the floors and ten floors in total. Why of course I wasn't all alone, other kids too were there all partnered up and formed small groups with their friends laughing and catching with one another.

All of us waited for further instructions, I won't lie I was anxious and feeling a bit nervous I couldn't help but overthink a lot. Am I doing the right thing? Should I even be here? I don't belong here I'm just a lucky stray kid found in the ruins. Those kind of thoughts screamed in my head.

A man comes and tells his officer buddies to form us into groups and lead us to the assembly.

"Welcome to your first trial run" he said.

"This is where your first training begins, we'll mould you but also test your minds... You will be graded upon the way you use your brain, for this month course we do not care about your physical skills no we want your mental fitness" he continued.

"My name is Officer Bucky and I'm going to overlook all of your progress in the next coming month" he informed us.

Officer Bucky was quite a charming guy even the ladies were having a hard time to focus, he was tall, dark and quite charming, he was bald you could see his head shine in the back of the assembly line, he wore a black military coat decorated with a silver star. And his trait is that he was quite lazy for an outstanding officer.

After all the introduction and explanations of rules we need to follow like this one rule particular NO SLACKING DURING THE CLASS! We were finally allowed to enter the building and got assigned to our classes.