17. The Truth About Class D

There I was in my bed facing up, by the looks of it seems like I'm going to pull an all nighter I was laying in the dark and kept on thinking about what Rocky had said to me about my class. Class D.

There I was reminiscing what he said.

"Class D, you know the class of delinquents as it says in it's letter D" he said.

"You aren't making any sense speak up now, let's not waste each other's time" I suggested.

"Your class is meant to fail, it's been decided. Do you even know why they sent a beauty like Penelope Jackson to you?" asked Rocky.

"To teach us and test our minds and prepare us for anything" I responded.

"Wouldn't you like that to be true, look apple monster Penelope Jackson is a disgraced FA officer, something happened under her watch and it's something unforgivable" he sighed.

Our conversation continued for longer and he told me things that I cannot take back or even dare to forget, Ms. Penelope Jackson lost something under her watch and now we are her punishment. I just couldn't believe it but if it was true Rocky just got into my head.

The next day during class my mind was occupied, we learnt new things and were given tasks each of us a different task... So in all I wasn't really paying attention, I just couldn't shake this thought in my head and to my surprise I pinned the blame to Commander Graves.

A week passed by so quick I didn't believe it yet this conversation with Rocky kept on replaying in my head over and over, I could have confronted Ms. Jackson but as I remember our first lesson not everything is as it seems. Class D was doing pretty well for a class set to fail, though we had our own struggling few classmates but through it all we helped each other.

Week two came to an end and our score was nineth place on the score board, we were disappointed but as expected it seemed like the high classes A,B and C were the best of us all. Those bastards got all cocky and teased us and accidently spilled the secrets I've been holding for the past two weeks.

My class darkened it got so gloomy we barely were even able to concentrate on our assignments and training, others dropped out based on their lower scores so they believed we were rigged already out of twenty candidates only fourteen remained.

This was now noticed and we began fighting amongst our own.

"What's the point of all this, huh, guys?" asked Sally.

"There is no point cause we are bound to fail either way and it's all Ms. Jackson's fault and now we are getting punished for her sins" Luke replied Sally.

"No guys it's not true, we weren't bound to fail it's impossible for the FA to have favorites" said Otto.

"I guess you last remaining candidates didn't believe the rumors spreading around about me being punished for what happened a year ago" Ms. Jackson said behind us.

All of us surprised and embarrassed that she heard us, so we just kept quiet.

"Please Ms. Jackson, please tell them that it's all not true what they say about you! Please!" Otto cried.

Ms. Jackson sat us down and she told us everything we needed to know and the truth we all deserved, and it hurts me to say but what the rugrats of the other classes said is all true. Ms. Jackson did make one mistake thou she never revealed to us what she lost, but she did tell us that our class isn't even gonna last to the fourth and final week. Other teachers bet on it.

We were so shocked we couldn't believe it, though it wasn't just about me but I felt like Commander Graves has set me up maybe he was faking it all the whole time.

The times we had learning new languages and sharing stories, and this one time we even shared stories he told me what life was like when he was growing up in the 12th district called the Wastelands. He even told me that all the districts had their own food and their food was some gooey sludge called black porridge. And their meat was unknown but he had suspicions that maybe it was their friends, families and neighbors. Because every single day people would just disappear out of thin air.

I didn't want to believe it matter of fact I refused to believe it.

"What about Commander Graves?" I asked shaking.

"No he doesn't know the high ops don't know anything about the bets we partake in, as the teachers but I'll tell you guys one thing... There's a real reason why the class D is labeled as the delinquents class" she confirmed.

I was relieved to hear that Commander Graves was not guilty, I sat down with relief. But after what Ms. Jackson just asked... All of us waited for the unknown truth.