18. Class D United

"The truth is ever since we began training the next future soldiers, our class, class D not even a single candidate has ever succeed" Ms. Jackson stated.

All of us in shock, we were unable to process the information.

"How?!" The whole class asked hesitantly.

"It is believed that every single candidate that enrolled in this class are either drops out or jumps ship to another class" Ms. Jackson said.

"Impossible!" Sally said in disbelief.

"Why do you think you guys are always the first ones to be picked if it's a test against other classes, huh? It's because all the trials weren't taught to you, so" Ms. Jackson said clenching her hands through the desk.

"So they are setting us up for failure!" said Otto with realization.

"W, w, what do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Let's say like a baby bird it's mother hasn't taught it how to fly and yet she pushes it off the nest and instead of the baby bird flapping it's wings with fear and unprepared it crashes to the ground" said Otto.

"So in other words" Chrysler said.

"We are the little birds" Chris finished the sentenced.

"And instead of flying off we are the little birds left to fend off for themselves" Luke said in a dark tone.

"What are we going to do?" Sally asked.

"What do you mean by that?" Otto asked.

"I mean already we are at the bottom of the barrel, and we've already lost most of our classmates... In their eyes we've already been voted as the failurers" Sally said in a breaking voice.

"Yeah I mean what's the point of going forward if we already failed" Chris and Chrysler said hopelessly.

"Guys I'm so sorry all this is my fault" Ms. Jackson apologized.

"This isn't your fault, it's these bastards they set us up and we have to get them back!" said Luke furiously.

While this commotion is going on, I drifted off to think back during the second week. How the other classes always set us up, stink bombs traps, beating their own and pinning it on us and then the worst one that almost got us all expelled stolen food found in our class hidden even from us.

All these bad things happening to us, and we never offended anyone. Then I remembered when Luke was caught in a fight with some kid from class B called Henry of course Luke won after all he did beat the kid into a pulp and he was the one found at fault even when he stepped in to protect one of their own being bullied a girl from class B. Charlotte, Luke was already expelled and judged by the principal of the school, Madam Virginia, a cruel deputy officer, with a mole spots all over her face and crooked teeth, big boned and always on the same soldier clothes and always wearing a hat. Her trait is that she's always criticizing candidates of lower classes.

During the appeal all of us from class D were called to witness, more likely to be shown how we the delinquents were being treated.

"How do you plead Mr. Star?" Commander Graves asked.

"There's no need to ask him Arthur, he's already guilty look at the poor boy wrapped in bandages it's a miracle he's still alive! He's a monster!" Madam Virginia protested.

The worst part was that the jury wasn't on the fair judgement page, already in their eyes Luke was guilty even when before they heard the whole story. The way I saw it they judged based on his looks, they just saw a big freaky man-kid and just saw him at fault.

"Guilty is what he is!" shouted the class B teacher.

"We shouldn't expel him, we should put him straight to jail!" the C class suggested.

From the far end where we were sitting behind us was none of than class A teacher. Sgt. Randy Hart one of the most mischievous, corrupt and merciless ranking officer in the whole FA. He was pretty short more like an elf, he had the look of Adolf Hitler from his hair style to his mustache then he has a walking stick.

There he was behind us smiling and plotting something with his assistant John Bree, a young kind but insecure eighteen year old.

"Enough Virginia!" Commander Graves commanded.

"Yes sir" she answered in shame.

The whole place just went in silent and order was restored after the bickering and the uneasiness of the room.

"Seems like both boys are at fault, so it would be unfair to expel one and leave the other so my final judgement call is since whoever his name is not guilty so is Luke" Commander Graves testified.

Of course after that we had it tough day after day our class's assignments and test became more harder and harder our grades declined we ended up on the tenth place.