Chapter 116

In Tresta da Chuna

where Gurudev and Vinay are standing

" Well then as you have come to senses but their is someone who senses yet to come "

Gurudev to Vinay with a calm but in a clever tone

" Who is that Gurudev " Vinay asks in a polite manner

" Footage of America " Gurudev towards the android

The droid showcase a hologram through which they see Karul is very angry that he has gone red and shouting on other superheros and Isreali superheros has move off avoding the matter

" Do you have solution for this " Gurudev in clever tone

Vinay thinks for a bit and look back towards the sea

" Gurudev , I insist you open the portal "

In America the portal opens upwards and the huge water dragon comes from it and falls on Karul cooling his anger

Karul wiping his face

" who is that ? " Karul respond to the superhero's who are standing

the superhero responds

" Even we don't know " Macho responds to it

" Well so the war until evening was ended we won brought joy all over the world "

In Southen part of Bharat Ajay's huge cut out is been bathed with water and milk

and people and animals are bursting crackers

and in other parts of countries the peoples and animals are celebrating this victory in their own ways

" I was hearing and experiencing those emotion through my hearing "

Vinay narrates

but it gave sarces to enemy which is quit big " Vinay to us

In Dr Hyena headquarters

" That m****fucker has won what the hell we are going to do " Mr Cross through mobile

" Yeah and don't forget to put your money in

our NGO's the soft power will surely help us

to tone down his reputation " Mr Solmen

" Surely I will do it gentlemen we will talk about it afterwards I have some work to do "

After replying all of them he cuts off his connection in mobile and T.V

" 100 million $ dollars in vain " Dr Hyena tells it loudly

Dr Hyena angrily hits on to artifact that falls on the ground

( Sound of falling artifact )

" Well that not a big concern beacuse "

The people and animals all over the country and in some parts of the world celebrating Diwali bursting crackers

" Its Diwali

the festival which is celebrated After

Shree Ram Chandra defeted Lankapati Ravan and retured to his home place Ayodhya

for four days we enjoy the festival and holiday

and "

Gujrati E tube influencer

" ભાઈ ભાઈઓ તેની દિવાળી માણો અને સારી રીતે ખાઓ"

(brother brother

its Diwali enjoy and eat well ) influencer to us

Kannada influncer in villager wearing traditional dressand is a builder

ಪಟಾಕಿ ಸಿಡಿಸಲು ಹಿಂಜರಿಯಬೇಡಿ

( don't shy to burst of the crackers )

Punjabi influncer E tuber

ਅਤੇ ਜੋ ਪਟਾਕੇ ਨਾ ਚਲਾਉਣ ਦੀ ਪੂਰੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ ਅਤੇ ਨਵੇਂ ਸਾਲ 'ਤੇ ਪਟਾਕੇ ਚਲਾਉਣ ਦੀ ਯੋਜਨਾ ਬਣਾ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ। ਇੱਥੇ

ਇੱਥੇ ਬਕਵਾਸ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ

(And those who give complete information about not firing crackers and are planning to fire crackers on New Year. Here Don't talk nonsense here)

Bihari influncer E tuber who skin his pink and wear specks and has long hair

आ कुछ लोग ज्ञान के जबरदस्ती करे खातिर बेचैन बा जाके कैमरा के सामने पटाखा फटके... कह बुरा मत लागे एकर दिवाली

( and some some is eager to force the knowladge

go and burst cracker in front of camera and

say Don't feel bad its Diwali )

Marathi influncer Ganya a laungur

"मडळी , आपल्या नातवहीक कडे झायल्या विसरूनका बरा का "

( Fellow, don't forget to go to your relatives )

Hindi news channel a giraffe who weared a court and has a tilak in his forhead and he joint hands in front of camera

" आप सबको दिवाली दिवाली की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं"

( Fo all We wish you happy Diwali )

The news channel who is deer wearing a saree says

" May you have prosperous health and also win over evils "

The deer tells to us

The Vinay , Bhawesh and Jaya with their familes enjoying Diwali and snacks

ladoo ,chiwada ,karanji and sev

.....The End ...

After 3 days In Dr Hyena lab

Dr Hyena with Glitch

" It good that you have rescued Terror Master let him rest for now Now I am giving 300 million $ for rhe project " Dr Hyena


" Fine , I understand let me take a leave I have a business deal to do "

Glich replies and teleports himself

The phone rings up Dr Hyena while working on a tablet screen Dr Hyena through his earcode press the button and recives the call

" Who ? " Hyena asks while working

" It's me ..." Cross replies

" Mr Cross you have quiet a timing beacuse I needed you but first tell me what is your purpose for calling me ? " Dr Hyena asks

" Its been 3 days since you been silent have you not planned to avange on that superhero Ajay " Mr Cross replies

" Yes I do I have started to work on it and so I needed to ask

How many channels do you own all over the world " Dr Hyena asks Cross

" 30 channels " Cross replies

" and apart from that which may listen to you" Dr Hyena asks again

"70 channels " Cross replies

" Tell them to show case the deeds of Ajay , superhero and soldiers did wrong .

like bombarding

In a way that no one in the world should see

the coming disaster "

" Okey , So you have planned to avenge it "

Mr Cross

Dr Hyena looking towards the monster like Dragon in a giant testube

" Yes ... Ha .....Ha .....Ha ...ha ( menacing and Hyena laugh) be continued

( Next Issue

The menacing rage of Dr Hyna )